Westminster Politics

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Yes indeed.
Sunak is quite a polished performer although we have yet to see how well he manages the country finances in the medium term.
But he lacks any real charisma and is a bit too clean cut.
Boris on the other hand is the polar opposite. And to some, that is his appeal; he is different and seen as a cavalier.

I think that is unique to Boris. And I think that makes him a useful idiot. People put up with his charade so long as he 'got brexit done' but that act is weary.

I don't find him funny. David Cameron had a lot of wit and humour that was actually funny even if his politics was awful. I guess the difference between the two is Cameron didn't pretend to be a common man of the people.

In general I don't think being polished is a bad thing. Too many politicians come across like they get all their advice from twitter where everything is dumbed down. On twitter everything is simultaneously an existential threat but the solutions to fix it are very simple. I don't think a Sunak government will be any good because the Tory party won't change its ideas and the bad actors will still head up the cabinet but he is clearly the only current tory of any high profile who comes across a decent guy.
The Mirror running front page with Boris HOSTING a Christmas quiz that reportedly broke Covid lockdown rules!

If he was fuming at that leaked video he’ll be positively apoplectic about this!!!

In all seriousness though he surely can’t survive this - polls already have the Cons at -7/8/9 depending on which you pick.
Yes indeed.
Sunak is quite a polished performer although we have yet to see how well he manages the country finances in the medium term.
But he lacks any real charisma and is a bit too clean cut.
Boris on the other hand is the polar opposite. And to some, that is his appeal; he is different and seen as a cavalier.
Sunak is clearly a very intelligent guy, ex-Goldman Sachs and all that. He's pretty much the only Tory with an air of competence too.

The furlough Scheme definitely endeared him to the masses and he seems to have avoided being tarnished by any of the egregious stuff, as others have said. I only really remember him towing the party line on some unsavoury stuff early on in the pandemic, rather than being embroiled in it.

I do wonder about the polished persona too, the £100 sliders is hardly man of the people and does lack an element of charisma.

Part of me hopes Truss gets it and drives the Tories into the wildnerness for four decades.
Sunak is clearly a very intelligent guy, ex-Goldman Sachs and all that. He's pretty much the only Tory with an air of competence too.

The furlough Scheme definitely endeared him to the masses and he seems to have avoided being tarnished by any of the egregious stuff, as others have said. I only really remember him towing the party line on some unsavoury stuff early on in the pandemic, rather than being embroiled in it.

I do wonder about the polished persona too, the £100 sliders is hardly man of the people and does lack an element of charisma.

Part of me hopes Truss gets it and drives the Tories into the wildnerness for four decades.

I really don't understand the attraction of Truss.
I really don't understand the attraction of Truss.
I realised I wss mistaking her for Nadine Dorries when I was saying I hope she destroys the party. I forgot Truss is the one that lied about how shite her trade deals were and got picked apart expertly by Emily Thornberry.
That quiz pic better not be the great expose we were all expecting - bloody tame if so :lol:

Was fully expecting Boris to be snapped arm in arm with his cronies, all pissed up.

Instead it's a tame, relatively distanced photo taken from inside the place he technically lives/WFHs.

Surely there'll be more to come?
I realised I wss mistaking her for Nadine Dorries when I was saying I hope she destroys the party. I forgot Truss is the one that lied about how shite her trade deals were and got picked apart expertly by Emily Thornberry.

So she is ideally suited to become leader of the Tories.
So she is ideally suited to become leader of the Tories.
Apparently, Truss is the favourite among the membership. Difficult to see why, but I guess she has the whiff of a weird zealot, much like Thatcher. I suspect, though, she might have stronger appeal among the red wall than a posh southerner like Sunak.
Let's wait and see. A lot of water to flow under the bridge yet.

Near impossible for Labour to get anywhere close to a majority with the SNP in Scotland, and it would be odd to see a party who essentially wants out of the system to be a forming part of any government in it.
That quiz pic better not be the great expose we were all expecting - bloody tame if so :lol:

Was fully expecting Boris to be snapped arm in arm with his cronies, all pissed up.

Instead it's a tame, relatively distanced photo taken from inside the place he technically lives/WFHs.

Surely there'll be more to come?
I agree that it looks tame but it’s more that it’s exposed his lies that he wasn’t aware of any, there he is front and centre
I personally think that the Lib Dems and Green Party should offer to stand down their candidates in the main Labour-Tory battleground seats, in exchange for Labour promising to push through electoral reform if they become the largest party (a Labour majority government seems like a complete pipedream).

The 2011 referendum re the non-proportional Alternate Vote system was a complete sham, with a form of proportional representation not even on the ballot paper. Even numerous sitting MPs have repeated the total lie that PR was rejected in 2011.
I agree that it looks tame but it’s more that it’s exposed his lies that he wasn’t aware of any, there he is front and centre

Yeah, he's definitely on the ropes.

Interesting that this must all be coming from Cummings too you'd think. Then look around at which high profile Tories have been usefully put of the pic recently... I feel there could be a Gove shaped power grab brewing.
I personally think that the Lib Dems and Green Party should offer to stand down their candidates in the main Labour-Tory battleground seats, in exchange for Labour promising to push through electoral reform if they become the largest party (a Labour majority government seems like a complete pipedream).

By no means a given the natural home for a Lib Dem voter would be with Labour, and this would be insane and unfair to the constituencies of any candidate currently voted in.

As previously noted, I think the SNP are causing Labour as many headaches in terms of working out a way to a majority than the Tories.
By no means a given the natural home for a Lib Dem voter would be with Labour, and this would be insane and unfair to the constituencies of any candidate currently voted in.

As previously noted, I think the SNP are causing Labour as many headaches in terms of working out a way to a majority than the Tories.

But the Lib Dems desperately want electoral reform and a form of PR (it's one of the main things that they stand for alongside being very pro-EU), and the only way that can happen, is if Labour are the largest party in a minority / coalition government. No Tory led government will entertain any prospect of electoral reform, especially after they agreed to that joke of a referendum without PR on the ballot paper in 2011.

Also it goes without saying that the Lib Dems are far more closely aligned to a Labour party under Starmer, than a Labour party under Corbyn or even Ed Miliband.
Yeah, he's definitely on the ropes.

Interesting that this must all be coming from Cummings too you'd think. Then look around at which high profile Tories have been usefully put of the pic recently... I feel there could be a Gove shaped power grab brewing.
I hate that little rat, he’s always struck me as a back stabbing ladder climber
Thank goodness this poll lead isn't being wasted on a complete non-entity who has no policies.

What do you think is the correct response to "what would you do different to a government that has a tendency to lie, cover up and try to get their mates off the hook?" other than "we won't do those things"? Just curious...
Apparently, Truss is the favourite among the membership. Difficult to see why, but I guess she has the whiff of a weird zealot, much like Thatcher. I suspect, though, she might have stronger appeal among the red wall than a posh southerner like Sunak.
I agree. I'm sure the blonde hair and blue eyes help...
What do you think is the correct response to "what would you do different to a government that has a tendency to lie, cover up and try to get their mates off the hook?" other than "we won't do those things"? Just curious...

Make firm, tangible suggestions that you can be held accountable for if you get into power, rather than talking about vague ideas with none of your own voice imprinted on them in the most mundane way possible.

Oh, you say you’ll do the thing they said they would do just a year earlier. That really helps confront the idea that all politicians are the same, and really helps signals how seriously you consider the issue and how much further you’re willing to go to prevent these things from even being possible.
What do we reckon? Resigning to 'spend more time with his young family'?

Edit: actually BBC saying it's COVID-related.
What do we reckon? Resigning to 'spend more time with his young family'?

Edit: actually BBC saying it's COVID-related.
Yeah, seems like a move from tier 3 to 4. But has anything significant changed re Covid-19 numbers, or is this an attempt to look prime ministerial? Also, don't mps have a vote pending on plan B, or is moving to tier 4 still within plan B?
I'm amazed how quickly the Boris story has magically disappeared from the BBC. You'd think they'd reference it in their articles about new Covid related guidance being announced by the government but...
Yeah, seems like a move from tier 3 to 4. But has anything significant changed re Covid-19 numbers, or is this an attempt to look prime ministerial? Also, don't mps have a vote pending on plan B, or is moving to tier 4 still within plan B?

The BBC article I read said they didn't expect further announcements on restrictions but did expect 'an update on booster jabs'. So maybe it's a 'look how competent we are'-type announcement about how well they're doing getting them done and how many people they're offering them to etc.?
Prerecorded announcement, just boasting about the vaccine program.
He just said everyone over the age of 18 will have the chance of getting a booster before the new year.

How the feck is that going to happen?!
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