Westminster Politics

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Im not sure that
well... he recklessly endangered peoples life's in a completely unacceptable manor therefore I can do the same quite computes
It'd be just like the Tories to think everyone lives in an unacceptable manor just because they can afford to have one. Most of us just have normal houses.
The people that voted for Boris and his cronies are reaping what they sowed.
Going to be chaos over Christmas. No way are people going to comply when they did what they fecking liked last year.
Im not sure that:
well... he recklessly endangered peoples life's in a completely unacceptable manor therefore I can do the same quite computes

It gives an already reluctant citizen a ready made excuse.
Boris should resign after he’s introduced the restrictions in the interest of public health.

It winds me up that the biggest losers to this are always the good people. I'll always wear a mask / try to limit public gatherings etc. because I want to do my bit. Won't vote Tory etc. but you end up being the most shafted.
I do find it interesting that people have the mentality of “I’m not listening or going to follow rules” because the leaders haven’t but if you follow suit you’re more likely to get Covid/risk serious illness/infect someone and potentially kill them.
slim chance we can get voting reform

Very slim!
The truth is the first past the post suits the current political party system in the UK. The two main parties take it in turn to rule, well usually, but only one party sees its self the perpetual party of power, the other accepts that it is too broad a church to really get voted in on its ideals, unless the other lot c**k it up spectacularly!
Hence this system allows one party with only a slim majority to rule, just about; or one party with a massive majority ( as now) to do as it likes, regardless, to rule almost absolutely. The other (sizeable) party out of power, theoretically has a chance to clean house, make its self presentable to the public and go again at the next GE.
There have been coalitions, or working agreements which have sustained one of the main parties, but when these end the smaller or second party usually carries the can with the electorate at the next GE.

However even the minor parties enjoy this system because the MP's in such parties can collect their £70k per year salary and snipe from the sidelines, and never have to worry about getting it wrong.

The modern political system in the UK was formed by politicians, for politicians to operate in and like our basis for law its all kept going on the basis of precedence.

The threat of a mass movement rallying behind a new party, e.g. UKIP and then BREXIT Party have shown that this can exert real pressure on both of the main two parties, without ever actually gaining power. MOMENTUM almost did the same, but only on one of the two main parties, not the other, and not enough to change the main impetus.

Even the breakup of the UK (should it occur) and which many see as a prerequisite for change, would make little difference to the political systems, which are now entrenched as 'way we do things'.

Regrettably perhaps it is only the growing existential threats which might eventually change things politically, here and in the world as a whole
Going to be chaos over Christmas. No way are people going to comply when they did what they fecking liked last year.

The profile of the pandemic has changed though, we have very large proportions of the population vaccinated. We don't need restrictions like last year, and certainly anything implemented won't carry the same effect now.
There isn't anywhere near enough public outrage about this, particularly from those who voted for them. The theme of the comments to any of this on Twitter of facebook seems to be "Oh well, who cares, we all broke the rules a bit last year"

The apathy is so great amongst their own voter base, Boris could piss on their kids and they'd probably justify it somehow. "Oh well, a bit of piss won't hurt them. Thanks Boris"
This is a disgusting and abhorrent show by Boris in PMQ's.

He needs to step down, it's like watching a wasp in a glass perishing slowly.
This is a disgusting and abhorrent show by Boris in PMQ's.

He needs to step down, it's like watching a wasp in a glass perishing slowly.
Nah I'd feel empathy for a wasp. Always amusing seeing one politician accusing another politician of "playing politics" :lol:
The profile of the pandemic has changed though, we have very large proportions of the population vaccinated. We don't need restrictions like last year, and certainly anything implemented won't carry the same effect now.

True, but some minimal and local restrictions could still be applicable depending on cases. It gives the unvaccinated/ the people who broke the rules consistently before more of a leg to stand on to their reasonings why they can and did while the vaccinated/people who follow the rules have less of one too. It becomes harder to deter some people from gatherings or get the vaccine when those that are imploring you to do so are liars. I assume you, like me got the vaccine because you wanted to do the best for yourself and those around you and it didn't matter what the government said, but there are some who don't think like that.
There isn't anywhere near enough public outrage about this, particularly from those who voted for them. The theme of the comments to any of this on Twitter of facebook seems to be "Oh well, who cares, we all broke the rules a bit last year"

The apathy is so great amongst their own voter base, Boris could piss on their kids and they'd probably justify it somehow. "Oh well, a bit of piss won't hurt them. Thanks Boris"

I would wait for the new polling to come out. A lot of the time whatever is the consensus on social media is the opposite of what the actual wider public thinks. For example the polling sympathised with Dominic Cummings after he broke the rules despite him being mocked endlessly online but that was in part because Cummings presentation involving his wife and child seemed relatable. A Christmas party where a senior Tory joked about them being above their own rules is a sign of arrogance of the highest order.
There isn't anywhere near enough public outrage about this, particularly from those who voted for them. The theme of the comments to any of this on Twitter of facebook seems to be "Oh well, who cares, we all broke the rules a bit last year"

The apathy is so great amongst their own voter base, Boris could piss on their kids and they'd probably justify it somehow. "Oh well, a bit of piss won't hurt them. Thanks Boris"
When the only thing the leader of the opposition is demanding is an apology, how bad can the incident be?
The profile of the pandemic has changed though, we have very large proportions of the population vaccinated. We don't need restrictions like last year, and certainly anything implemented won't carry the same effect now.
We have no idea what we need. This thing is currently doubling every two days. Unless it proves to be milder and vaccines/prior infection are as effective against severe illness as they currently are I don’t see how the crazy number of cases over the next 6 weeks that leads to doesn’t overwhelm the NHS at a time when they’re already at breaking point. A small proportion of a huge number is a big number.
Ian Blackforth saying what Keir should have.
We have no idea what we need. This thing is currently doubling every two days. Unless it proves to be milder and vaccines/prior infection are as effective against severe illness as they currently are I don’t see how the crazy number of cases over the next 6 weeks that leads to doesn’t overwhelm the NHS at a time when they’re already at breaking point. A small proportion of a huge number is a big number.

We do have a better idea and understanding of what we need, what we don't know is to what degree. We don't need a full on lockdown like last year (which is what I mean by restriction), that much is obvious as the comparison of hospitalisations compared to last year show quite clearly. However let's face it, the logic isn't there, as some think covid is only prevalent in shops and not in pubs and change their behaviour between the two settings accordingly.
I know it's for anyone to ask questions but who gives a feck about your dentist school right now ffs?
Ian Blackforth saying what Keir should have.

The longer Johnson is PM the better it is to remove him, as soon as he's replaced the Tories will have a much more competent individual. If anyone else is going to win an election, then they need Johnson in for as long as possible. Calling for him to resign is the end game and there's no where to move from that, I still think there's enough rope in Johnsons forthcoming decisions (what to do with further restrictions, Brexit impact etc) to hang himself further.
I know it's for anyone to ask questions but who gives a feck about your dentist school right now ffs?

I know. Don't watch this much but what is the point of half of these questions?

"Will the Prime Minister join me in praising the Hindu community?"
"Yeah sure"

I know. Don't watch this much but what is the point of half of these questions?

"Will the Prime Minister join me in praising the Hindu community?"
"Yeah sure"

Aren't those the questions of MP's of his on party? I think they're just trying to give him a break.
I know. Don't watch this much but what is the point of half of these questions?

"Will the Prime Minister join me in praising the Hindu community?"
"Yeah sure"


That's what this whole show is about. One side grills him and the other side give him tap ins to brag about something or attack the opposition when the leader of the opposition's time is up.
I know it's for anyone to ask questions but who gives a feck about your dentist school right now ffs?
It’s quite important at the minute with people waiting years for appointments and having to pull their own teeth out instead.
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