Westminster Politics

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Thing is, the met saying they'll investigate means nothing. They'd have known for a year about this party and did nothing. They're just as bad.
I don’t even know what to say at this point. See the by election recently, on the face of it a good swing for Labour but when you’ve got the vote split between four parties vs that lot, what hope is there.

The obvious part is to reform the voting system, but that’s not going to happen under a Tory government. It also doesn’t guarantee that your not going to have an unpopular arsehole in charge still, plenty of examples of that currently.
I don’t even know what to say at this point. See the by election recently, on the face of it a good swing for Labour but when you’ve got the vote split between four parties vs that lot, what hope is there.

The obvious part is to reform the voting system, but that’s not going to happen under a Tory government. It also doesn’t guarantee that your not going to have an unpopular arsehole in charge still, plenty of examples of that currently.
People really ought to vote tactically and the other parties should work together to oust the Tories and reform our voting system. Not a chance any of that happens though.
People really ought to vote tactically and the other parties should work together to oust the Tories and reform our voting system. Not a chance any of that happens though.
There is a chance i think
Best for Britain have been doing lot of work about parties working together for the next election nd it would look something like this

Parties standing down candidates so there is one non conservative candidate from the following

The idea would then be that all have in their manifesto that they would pursue immediate voting reform to implement PR and when this is passed they would call an election under the PR basis.

There probably is trade offs that would need to be done - notably a deal for a 2nd referendum in scotland - potentially as deal with plaid as well if they want them in the coalition.

Greens would benefit long term but would have to accept that for the year or two whist voting reform was passed probably environmental issues would have less priority
Libs would have to accept that they would probably not have many MPs this time but have the potential to be king makers moving forwards
SNP probably get their 2nd referendum but may have to wait untill the PR reforms are passed
Labour are apparently the biggest stumbling block at the moment where they would have to accept they would be unlikley to ever win a majority again (and quite possibly the party may fragment) but the trade off would probably be a default position of centre left alliance in the medium term

I do think there is a very good chance that PR makes it on to the ballot at the next conference and passes which then commits Labour to election reform.

Of course the conservatives might chuck boris under the bus... have Rishi give tax cuts in April and an election in May 22 to avoid this but there is certainly a slim chance we can get voting reform

Sadly, it'll probably work.
Sounds ridiculous but he won't resign because Starmer asks him to. Apologising admits they did it despite denying it previously. Of course it could just be labour being their current timid selves :confused:
Sounds ridiculous but he won't resign because Starmer asks him to. Apologising admits they did it despite denying it previously. Of course it could just be labour being their current timid selves :confused:
I don't think Labour want him to resign... he's a liability and a messy ending with Cummings etc all drip feeding more and more details till the inevitable moment of chucking him under the bus followed by a few nasty weeks of Rishi, Gove, Patel etc trying to out manoeuvre each is probably the best outcome for Labour
My fear is the next one will be worse but better at hiding their lies

Indeed, it's why the Labour smart move is to keep Johnson in office for as long as possible. All of the other candidates to replace him will be infinitely better than Johnson.
I really believe BoJo can score as many own goals as he likes provided he's not within 9 months of an election.

I think Trump lost mainly due to the pandemic coming in an election year, many of support base dying as well as undermining postal voting. Moreover the Dems are at least a credible opposition while Labour are weak as piss.

BoJo seems to push his luck on a bi-weekly basis. I'm amazed how much he can get away with. He'll probably shag a pig 2 days before the election and still win by a landslide.
Name rings a bell, was he involved in some other scandal?
I think of him more being tarnished by sheer idiocy and ineptitude, eg the exams fiasco during Covid, wanting the navy to fire paintballs at Spanish ships and telling Russia to 'go away' than sleaze.

Marina Hyde always takes the piss about him having been twice Scarborough fireplace salesmen of the year.
Labour: "Easy folks....we have to play this low key so they keep Johnson and boost our polls"

Conservatives: "Johnson is a disaster...we have to ditch him to keep the majority"

It’s all over Twitter so I’d imagine it’s the case. No official confirmation as of yet.

The standard approach of the government then. Leak something to gauge public reaction before announcing it.

Have we actually been surprised by any of his 'announcements' ? :lol:
COVID press conference later today. I would expect WFH orders to be implemented.

They are clearly going to announce that a return to exactly the same restrictions as last year is to be implemented which they will go through a few examples including giving guidance that means Xams parties are banned but non social distanced cheese and wine meetings can continue
They are clearly going to announce that a return to exactly the same restrictions as last year is to be implemented which they will go through a few examples including giving guidance that means Xams parties are banned but non social distanced cheese and wine meetings can continue

All restrictions to come in after December 18th this time
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