Westminster Politics

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Any large organisation will have examples of wasting money. But that is not the core problem with the NHS.

Having sold into the NHS on technology frameworks, I can talk with good authority that the NHS framework is one of their biggest problems in wasted money and a lack of efficiency, it's a huge problem that's never spoken about.
Having sold into the NHS on technology frameworks, I can talk with good authority that the NHS framework is one of their biggest problems in wasted money and a lack of efficiency, it's a huge problem that's never spoken about.
Aren't all procurement frameworks monumentally shit? Or is the NHS worse than others? I'm interested because I always thought the hoops we have to jump through with APUC couldn't be worse elsewhere.
Aren't all procurement frameworks monumentally shit? Or is the NHS worse than others? I'm interested because I always thought the hoops we have to jump through with APUC couldn't be worse elsewhere.

The NHS is the worst I've experinced, the company I worked for at the time were trying to get on a framework to supply a unique service to them. It needed to go through a third party who added on a 8% charge on top simply having access to the framework. That's on one small service, multiply that by the hundreds of thousands of products and services that they procure and it becomes grossly inefficient and a money. Many won't say it, but a large part of unpreparedness of PPE during covid was due to the NHS's framework.
The NHS is the worst I've experinced, the company I worked for at the time were trying to get on a framework to supply a unique service to them. It needed to go through a third party who added on a 8% charge on top simply having access to the framework. That's on one small service, multiply that by the hundreds of thousands of products and services that they procure and it becomes grossly inefficient and a money. Many won't say it, but a large part of unpreparedness of PPE during covid was due to the NHS's framework.

Can you back that up? I read that the maintenance of PPE stocks had been passed onto a private firm who had let levels dwindle and items go out of date due to bad stock management.

And it seems odd to blame the NHS for the fees of a third party.
Can you back that up? I read that the maintenance of PPE stocks had been passed onto a private firm who had let levels dwindle and items go out of date due to bad stock management.

And it seems odd to blame the NHS for the fees of a third party.

Back what up? It's an opinion. If you have a rigid procurement framework which takes months, if not years, to open up suppliers that you don't deal with then it doesn't take a genius to work out that the same framework when a pandemic hits is not fit for purpose when agility is needed. It was that rigidity which left the door open for the Tories to manipulate the situation to their own benefit.
Having sold into the NHS on technology frameworks, I can talk with good authority that the NHS framework is one of their biggest problems in wasted money and a lack of efficiency, it's a huge problem that's never spoken about.
Same. It is terrible. I wonder who set it up? And when?

But no worse than many other procurement systems from other, private companies. E-auctions and the like.

Point is, wastage and inefficiency is a convenient excuse for the neglect of our NHS funding by this government.
Same. It is terrible. I wonder who set it up? And when?

But no worse than many other procurement systems from other, private companies. E-auctions and the like.

Point is, wastage and inefficiency is a convenient excuse for the neglect of our NHS funding by this government.

True, but they can fund themselves for their inefficiencies. Disagree on the final point, it's not so much an excuse but the two are closely linked, driving for true efficiency in simple things like product & services procurement meaning they can invest elsewhere is one part that needs addressing, and the neglect of funding by successive governments for the last decade is a separate and more pertinent one. I don't think any tax payer would want to see money chucked at anything with no accountability for improvement, I'm pretty sceptical of how much of this increase on NI (which is the wrong tax for this imo) will actually make any impact.
Back what up? It's an opinion.


If you have a rigid procurement framework which takes months, if not years, to open up suppliers that you don't deal with then it doesn't take a genius to work out that the same framework when a pandemic hits is not fit for purpose when agility is needed. It was that rigidity which left the door open for the Tories to manipulate the situation to their own benefit.

I can't say for sure, but it seems more than likely that the person who left the door open for the tories was..... the tories.

This is exactly the kind of setup they like. Take a large pot of public money which they can't touch, open it up for private tender, with the winner being assured of a closed setup to guarantee future income. Applications gladly received from absolutely any significant tory party donor.
wastage and inefficiency is a convenient excuse for the neglect of our NHS funding by this government.


The Tories have realised that talk about privatising the NHS is obviously hugely unpopular, so instead they've pivoted into framing policies around "saving the NHS" in order to capture working class votes. Everything they say they're doing, is in order to help "fund" the NHS and implement tax increases to everyone but the wealthy, while siphoning money to their buddies in the form of Government contracts.

Then the media wont challenge them on it, so those on lower incomes will support the policies because they're being led to believe that their tax money is the only way to "save" the NHS/Social Care/the economy etc.
Would recommend watching this (long) session analysing the new social care and NI policy. Probably only worth it if you're a policy nerd.

True, but they can fund themselves for their inefficiencies. Disagree on the final point, it's not so much an excuse but the two are closely linked, driving for true efficiency in simple things like product & services procurement meaning they can invest elsewhere is one part that needs addressing, and the neglect of funding by successive governments for the last decade is a separate and more pertinent one. I don't think any tax payer would want to see money chucked at anything with no accountability for improvement, I'm pretty sceptical of how much of this increase on NI (which is the wrong tax for this imo) will actually make any impact.
Absolutely. The NHS is being engineered to fail by the Tories.

When you've got health secretaries co authoring books on how to replace the NHS you know something is seriously wrong from the top down.

Jeremy Hunt co-authored book calling for NHS to be replaced with private insurance

'Direct Democracy: An Agenda For A New Model Party' called for the 'denationalisation' of the NHS

Bet those constituencies are proper racist
If you're talking about the 3 tory seats - I could be wrong on this but I think one of the seats is Kensington which would have mostly gone labour in 2019 if the Lib Dem didn't run a former tory(Sam Gyimah) as their candidate to spilt the vote.

So the vast majority of all constituencies have more than 50% home ownership - and the Government designs policies that appeals to more than 50% of people in the vast majority of constituencies?

hard to be exact but what is it about 90% of constituencies have home ownership above 50% in that graph so yeah if you devise a campaign where you demonise that huge amount of voters you probably end up getting pasted in the election...
Doesn’t Bristol switch quite a bit between Tory/Labour?

Depends on the area. Mine (Bristol East) has been Labour forever and not going to change soon and it's fully labour at the moment in terms of Westminster seats. A couple can flip occasionally though.

Councillors are an even split between Labour and Greens with the Tories trailing behind.
the three constituencies are:

Cities of London and Westminister 31%
Kensington 39%
Chelsea and Fulham 40%

is that what you were expecting?

Boom what a rag taggle selection of massive racists
So I'll pay about £250 more per year? Fine, whatever. But it doesn't get away from the reality that;

1) there's absolutely no fecking way that all of the money earned is going to the NHS, no matter what these lying cnuts say.
2) they'll look to find more ways to divide and rule/take more money in 6-12 months time for another reason that is a "difficult decision", presumably with some elite rich feck of a minister talking condescendingly to the public.
3) the cost of living is already mental and is only going to get worse, while we have pay freezes for (I'm betting) at least three years.
4) lower-wage earners are going to get fecked hard by this and nobody will care.
but the boat people...theyre invading...look
I can’t find a story - what’s the context?

we all know he’s a plonker but why is he a flying plonker?
Isn't he on damage control after pissing off Welsh speakers for calling it a foreign language? And, suddenly, he started talking about how his grandad spoke Welsh and therefore he's one of them etc.

"Ladies, do not be scared. I'm here to take care of you."
Good evening chaps. Long time newbie but have now received promotion to full member status.

Looking forward to partaking in some politics chat and making Tory snowflakes cry.
Good evening chaps. Long time newbie but have now received promotion to full member status.

Looking forward to partaking in some politics chat and making Tory snowflakes cry.
Congratulations on the promotion and welcome up, but spare us the use of the word snowflake.
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