Westminster Politics

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Totally get your point, but the exposure would allow the younger generation to see this absurdity for what it is & to hopefully question the ‘logic’ behind it.

Wrong thread for this, obviously. Sorry for detailing it a tad.
I can certainly understand a zero tolerance approach, even with someone so inconsequential.
Be interesting to see how many votes he gets...
It's not a stereotype, they's all loons on them islands.
:lol:Was trying to figure if he's a loon for Shetland or it's more the Shetlanders as a whole.
The Orkney people with elongated feet to climb cliffs and catch birds always sounded odd too.
:lol:Was trying to figure if he's a loon for Shetland or it's more the Shetlanders as a whole.
The Orkney people with elongated feet to climb cliffs and catch birds always sounded odd too.
:lol: the only island that doesn't have an evolved/devolved species of humans on it is Islay, but that's they never needed to adapt to their environment. I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure they pacify the frost giants with gifts of whisky, which frees up their time to stare at their boats or throw rocks at fish all day instead.
What is ‘SNP?’
Seneschal; Nae Patter.

Which directly translates into English as "Steward of my Great Medieval House; Don't Approach Me To Converse About Mindless Drivel Such As The Quality of Today's Weather."

Or it might be Scottish National Party. I forget sometimes.
Seneschal; Nae Patter.

Which directly translates into English as "Steward of my Great Medieval House; Don't Approach Me To Converse About Mindless Drivel Such As The Quality of Today's Weather."

Or it might be Scottish National Party. I forget sometimes.
I prefer the former, sounds so romantic.
:lol: the only island that doesn't have an evolved/devolved species of humans on it is Islay, but that's they never needed to adapt to their environment. I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure they pacify the frost giants with gifts of whisky, which frees up their time to stare at their boats or throw rocks at fish all day instead.
Have you ever been out to Shetland or Orkney?
If someone is prevented from doing something or going somewhere just because their number hasn't come up on the vaccination list that is unfair and discriminatory.
For someone to be prevented from doing something or going somewhere because they have chosen not to have the vaccine when its been offered, is not unfair and not discriminatory its their own decision and hence their own fault.
If someone is prevented from doing something or going somewhere just because their number hasn't come up on the vaccination list that is unfair and discriminatory.
For someone to be prevented from doing something or going somewhere because they have chosen not to have the vaccine when its been offered, is not unfair and not discriminatory its their own decision and hence their own fault.

So you think under 18s should be free to buy alcohol and cigarettes?
I think one of the reasons people are against the vaccine passports is that it would highlight just how stupid the plan of arbitrarily vaccinating people by age group has been as the under-40s wouldn’t be able to go out.

The single, working age person who is likely to go to the pub for a few with colleagues which is the backbone of the sector wouldn’t be able to go. The 40s and 50s are likely to have families and / or dependants and those over 60 I wouldn’t believe would frequent the, often enough to turn a profit.

‘University’ cities like Newcastle, Leeds and York would be screwed!

Would be interesting to see if it was possible to work out the percentage of sector income by age group.

Pretty sure when pubs re-open again next Monday anyone of any age can go in.....(but as before you have to write down or scan in your details). Government has said it will only consider vaccine passports for mid July when whole Adult population has been offered it so really it's another 3 months of what the situation was between last July up to November when the hospitality sector effectively shut down in majority of country.
We could always prioritise people who want to go to the pub...

I frankly think we need to get over this notion, that we are all to be treated the same during the process of coming out of Covid.

If a 20 year old has to wait to go to the pub, or go on holiday, then so bloody what. The alternative being, we wait for everyone?

I’ve not been vaccinated yet. If my local opened and I couldn’t go, it would be frustrating, but at least they would be doing business. If I had to wait a couple of weeks or months, then simply I need to get a grip and get on with it.

It’s clearly not not pubs, theatres is one example where I expect the demographic is somewhat older. If younger people can’t go, but that enables them to open and carry on, what is the problem?

It’s all rather pointless anyway, as come June we can all do whatever we like... until about October when we all go into some form of lockdown again.
I agree. Let the businesses get some money coming in from the people that they can before shutting again
As I said given the vaccine rollout I believe people can make their own risk assessments now without government intervention.

Of course if Wetherspoons or United decide they want to limit their clientele to those who are vaccinated then that's up to them, although I'd be surprised if they'd restrict their own customer base.
Have we learned nothing about human behaviour? Give the people the power and they will feck it up for everyone.
Have we learned nothing about human behaviour? Give the people the power and they will feck it up for everyone.

Compared with what? Giving government the power and they will feck it up for everyone (whilst spending / wasting hundreds of billions in the process)?
You give it to the people and watch a new variant grow. This thing hasn’t gone away

Compared with the government being in control, the Kent variant occuring and spreading across the majority of Europe killing thousands every day? Whilst they spent hundreds of billions on top?
If someone is prevented from doing something or going somewhere just because their number hasn't come up on the vaccination list that is unfair and discriminatory.
For someone to be prevented from doing something or going somewhere because they have chosen not to have the vaccine when its been offered, is not unfair and not discriminatory its their own decision and hence their own fault.
Wow. Just wow.
So just open up is your solution?

I look at the shitshow in the UK and personally can't see how it would or could have been any worse, especially when looking at other countries and regions with less measures but more success (difficult to be any worse).

Hundreds of billions spent, hundreds of billions more stifled, businesses ruined, liberties stomped all over and still one of the worst death rates in the world (before even talking about the physical and mental health epidemic, the educational catastrophe and numerous other issues that we'll be dealing with for decades).

My "solution" is allow people to make their own risk assessment, especially now that so many have been vaccinated. If you're a 90 year old diabetic who refuses the vaccine I very much doubt you'll be going to a night club; and if you do you're consenting to that risk. A 20 year old with no conditions is likely to make a different judgment.

We're able to make our own risk assessments in pretty much every other facet of our lives. In what jobs we do, in where or if we go abroad, in our recreational activities, in deciding whether to seek medical treatment, who are friends are, whether to smoke, whether to drink, in where and how we get around; whether to walk, drive, cycle, skateboard or E-scoot.

Especially at this point in the pandemic I can see no rational argument for government to keep abjectly failing at attempting to limit people's abilities to put themselves at risk (at significant cost).
I look at the shitshow in the UK and personally can't see how it would or could have been any worse, especially when looking at other countries and regions with less measures but more success (difficult to be any worse).

Hundreds of billions spent, hundreds of billions more stifled, businesses ruined, liberties stomped all over and still one of the worst death rates in the world (before even talking about the physical and mental health epidemic, the educational catastrophe and numerous other issues that we'll be dealing with for decades).

My "solution" is allow people to make their own risk assessment, especially now that so many have been vaccinated. If you're a 90 year old diabetic who refuses the vaccine I very much doubt you'll be going to a night club; and if you do you're consenting to that risk. A 20 year old with no conditions is likely to make a different judgment.

We're able to make our own risk assessments in pretty much every other facet of our lives. In what jobs we do, in where or if we go abroad, in our recreational activities, in deciding whether to seek medical treatment, who are friends are, whether to smoke, whether to drink, in where and how we get around; whether to walk, drive, cycle, skateboard or E-scoot.

Especially at this point in the pandemic I can see no rational argument for government to keep abjectly failing at attempting to limit people's abilities to put themselves at risk (at significant cost).
Whilst I agree that this government has been and continues to be a shambles, we are not going to agree on throwing it back into the hands of the public either. You can’t just open up everything all together and hope it’s ok. There has to be a measured staggered approach or you put the last years sacrifice at risk
Whilst I agree that this government has been and continues to be a shambles, we are not going to agree on throwing it back into the hands of the public either. You can’t just open up everything all together and hope it’s ok. There has to be a measured staggered approach or you put the last years sacrifice at risk

Given the death toll I can't see how the last year's sacrifices have been anything but history's most exorbitantly costly exercise in futility.

You're right though we're unlikely to agree.
Wow. Just wow.

Glad you approve!

Other ideas after ending of lockdown should include;

When everyone returns to work at the beginning of every shift they all assemble outside (whatever the weather) to;
*sing the company song
*sing a version of; "wash your hands, maintain your space and protect the NHS"
and then end
*with the National Anthem and/ or 'God for Boris, England and St. George'

NB Penalty for non-compliance with any of the above is repeated (enforced) visits to Barnard Castle dressed in sack clothe and ashes until restriction is lifted by Dominic Cummings intervention
I wouldn't take that Hartlepool poll seriously as it seems they've asked people from the local communist party.

Would hopefully be a kick up the backside to actually do something but you know they'll just blame Covid and Brexit. The two biggest opportunities for any opposition in modern history but oh well they're untouchable :rolleyes:

Still waiting on that magical unicorn issue where they can challenge 100% risk free.
I look at the shitshow in the UK and personally can't see how it would or could have been any worse, especially when looking at other countries and regions with less measures but more success (difficult to be any worse).

Hundreds of billions spent, hundreds of billions more stifled, businesses ruined, liberties stomped all over and still one of the worst death rates in the world (before even talking about the physical and mental health epidemic, the educational catastrophe and numerous other issues that we'll be dealing with for decades).

My "solution" is allow people to make their own risk assessment, especially now that so many have been vaccinated. If you're a 90 year old diabetic who refuses the vaccine I very much doubt you'll be going to a night club; and if you do you're consenting to that risk. A 20 year old with no conditions is likely to make a different judgment.

We're able to make our own risk assessments in pretty much every other facet of our lives. In what jobs we do, in where or if we go abroad, in our recreational activities, in deciding whether to seek medical treatment, who are friends are, whether to smoke, whether to drink, in where and how we get around; whether to walk, drive, cycle, skateboard or E-scoot.

Especially at this point in the pandemic I can see no rational argument for government to keep abjectly failing at attempting to limit people's abilities to put themselves at risk (at significant cost).
The flaw in your plan is that they arent just putting themselves at risk, they are then potentially spreading the virus after contracting it, in the supermarket, petrol station, etc places slightly more necessary than a nightclub or pub.
Our divisions are now cultural, not economic. A slippery slope from there.
Our electoral system means those cultural divisions give the right an even bigger advantage that it does in the US.
The Tories will have a sizable majority for another generation at the very least.
The flaw in your plan is that they arent just putting themselves at risk, they are then potentially spreading the virus after contracting it, in the supermarket, petrol station, etc places slightly more necessary than a nightclub or pub.

They're spreading the virus to other people who've made their own risk assessments and have acted accordingly. People who've decided to go to the supermarket rather than have produce delivered. People that have gone inside a petrol station rather than used the outdoor flap.

With the vast majority of the vulnerable vaccinated I don't see how this is any different to driving. The same argument about (non-vulnerable or vaccinated) people contracting Covid at a petrol station is true of potentially being side swiped and killed by an idiot driving out of said petrol station.

We're likely to have thousand of deaths every year for years to come (potentially forever). Likewise we're going to be at risk of a vaccine resistant strain emerging for years, potentially forever. An argument not to open up now is an argument for a lifetime of restrictions.
Totally random thought, but it must be shit to have a minister/shadow minister as your MP. Doubt they give a flying feck about constituency issues, especially if its a safe seat.
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