I think the opposite. I think we are overly lenient on many things. It even takes many repeats of dangerous conspiracy theory whackjobbery to even get a thread ban here. You even have to be overtly racist and often it often takes doubling down to get points and to be fairly despicable to get a ban.
And people don't get bullied for their views. They get called out on them no matter what their political persuasion. The ones who claim they are bullied are usually the ones who can't reasonably justify their own views or assertions.
Ive actually seen it quite a bit lately, the bullying and targeting i mean. Im actually not sure thats what id call it, baiting maybe?
One poster was called part of the problem when he didnt agree with the posters soultion to the cop problem in America.
When you see posts like that you just dont bother posting a times.
I deleted a my reply to this post just yesterday, a tweet saying
"In 2006 Amy Klobuchar, then a district attorney, declined to bring charges against a cop who had shot and killed a Native American man.
Two days ago that cop, Derek Chauvin, murdered George Floyd.
Amy Klobuchar needs to resign."
My reply was along the lines of "lets not condemn this woman before the facts of that case come out. Just because this one is so clear cut doesnt mean that one was the same."
As it turns out she wasnt in that job at the time charges were brought against the cop and her name was thrown in the mud.
The reason i deleted the post was because the day previous when a poster accused cops of starting the fires in the riots, i said you cant make accusations like that without evidence and of course i was vilified for that comment.
One poster was the aforementioned one that called another "part of the problem" as mentioned above.
Id wager im not the only one that deletes or refrains from commenting on certain posts due to, at times, tribal nature of some, not all posters.