Westminster Politics

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I wouldn't read too much into these numbers.

On the final day of voter registration in 2017, over 600,000 registered and Labour people were getting giddy over that as well.

Tbf they did get more votes on election day than polling was suggesting. Didn't they?
I wouldn't read too much into these numbers.

On the final day of voter registration in 2017, over 600,000 registered and Labour people were getting giddy over that as well.

So we’re up to 700,000 extra voters now and they will all be young too so they will all vote labour and none of them will be dead yet :drool:
So -

what happens if the EU decline a further extension - how does the bill stop no-deal - does the UK parliament ratify the WA or does it revoke A50

what happens if the EU do accept a further extension and January comes and goes - ditto

what happens if there is a GE and Mr X or Party X wins - does the UK parliament ratify the WA or does it revoke A50

what happens if there is a referendum and Remain wins - does the UK parliament revoke A50

what happens if there is a referendum and Leave wins - does the UK ratify the WA or does it revoke A50.

What happens if both the Labour Tories continue to live in a fantasy world where there would be another withdrawal agreement- another 3 years pass?

The only positive thing that I have heard came from Stephen Kinnock. He was saying that the modified WA from the joint TM and Labour discussions should be tabled to the HoC for ratification. He does accept that it may not be ideal but, and here is the problem, it is believed to be sufficiently worth parliamentary discussion providing the various factions are at last now prepared to compromise.
As we all know. The only way out of this debacle is for compromise and acceptance of a /the WA.
Like that. People need to be reminded of what a racist he as been.

It’s a reflection on his his education rather than his upbringing. I’ve watched various programmes with his dad on recently and he comes across as such a warm and accepting person. He was on the Real Marigold Hotel and he had so much natural interest and respect for the Indian people.
The only positive thing that I have heard came from Stephen Kinnock. He was saying that the modified WA from the joint TM and Labour discussions should be tabled to the HoC for ratification. He does accept that it may not be ideal but, and here is the problem, it is believed to be sufficiently worth parliamentary discussion providing the various factions are at last now prepared to compromise.
As we all know. The only way out of this debacle is for compromise and acceptance of a /the WA.

Sorry I moved my post to the Brexit thread.
Has he thought of consulting the EU because nothing is really going to change from the original one and we heard all the various unobtainable proposals early this year.
Has there ever been a PM who became a lame duck within 3 days of parliament?
It’s a reflection on his his education rather than his upbringing. I’ve watched various programmes with his dad on recently and he comes across as such a warm and accepting person. He was on the Real Marigold Hotel and he had so much natural interest and respect for the Indian people.
You maybe right . But it does not excuse what he said there and what he wrote in the Telegraph about Africa.
For those who care

Luciana Berger joins Lib Dems to fight 'catastrophic' no-deal Brexit


Is it far fetched to think Jo Johnson only accepted the role in government to do this to his brother? Boris' behavior can hardly be a surprise to him, so why accept in the first place?

I for one hope Jo had to convince him of his firm backing before pulling out the knife:)
We have no culture in this country of rich people giving to charity (unless it's a tax dodge). We have a pretty big one of poor people doing so, thankfully.

There is a handful of rich people out there who'll dip into their pockets...but the problem with that is that we only see those who do give to charity, and so then assume a lot more do than don't as a result, because we don't realise how many rich cnuts there are out there who aren't well-known celebrities and who keep themselves out of the spotlight.

Remember reading a decent article about how big a thing this is in the US. The likes of Bill Gates create a culture where we see billionaires as fairly benevolent liberal types who give back to society. But the reality is that there are a lot in the background who keep a low profile and spend their time actively lobbying for unnecessary tax breaks to further enrich themselves at the expense of the wider population. We just never hear about them because they keep away from the media.
Stat plucked out the air.
I think so too.
Some billionnaires like Hans Rausing apparently give/gave away billions. I would have thought even just a small number of them giving that much would bump the average up.
Ffs... Momentum rolling up to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
Momentum really do just need to feck off. They're not the Labour Party so they should just split and create their own party instead of creating this partisan, obstructionist, damaging bullshit.
Momentum really do just need to feck off. They're not the Labour Party so they should just split and create their own party instead of creating this partisan, obstructionist, damaging bullshit.
yeah feck those guys for wanting......er.........more democracy.
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