Westminster Politics

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Tom Harwood unfortunately moves in some of my social circles. He’s a cnut.

Priti fecking Patel negotiating with foreign powers without government knowledge is Home Secretary and don’t get me started on Dominic Raab who hasn’t realised we are an island. This is pathetic.

Must be an election brewing with this lineup. No way to get anything through parliament at the moment.
Probably the worst thing politically to happen to this country since I was born.
Now May's reign is over how does she rank? Worst of all time?
These same fecking people just seem to rotate jobs with literally zero consequence to any of their actions.
Agree, something is wrong with the system.
What an absolutely horrendous cabinet. The UK is now under the control of the fecking Daily Mail below the line comments section.
The chancellor is a big corp tax avoidance apologist, the home sec was sacked for flagrant breaches of security (as was the education sec) and is very pro death penalty and the foreign sec is a wildly right wing moron who doesn't understand that ports are fairly important on an Island.

And then there’s the Prime Minister.
I know it should have sunk in by now, but I still feel absolutely sick about this.

Something that is so clearly corrupt being rewarded. How many times do I have to sit and watch blatant cheaters be rewarded? Absolute scum of society be lifted up to the very pinnacle.

It just doesn’t make sense to me. Why even bother? Links with racism? Doesn’t matter. Leader who is a massive prick but the press love because he is a “lovable fool?”.

It makes me physically sick.

EDIT: FFS meant to post this in the Liverpool Champions league winning thread.

Have to agree with this.
I know it should have sunk in by now, but I still feel absolutely sick about this.

Something that is so clearly corrupt being rewarded. How many times do I have to sit and watch blatant cheaters be rewarded? Absolute scum of society be lifted up to the very pinnacle.

It just doesn’t make sense to me. Why even bother? Links with racism? Doesn’t matter. Leader who is a massive prick but the press love because he is a “lovable fool?”.

It makes me physically sick.

EDIT: FFS meant to post this in the Liverpool Champions league winning thread.

I would've paid for this comment.
So....It seems I have to be an unemployed, card carrying member of the Labour Party and on benefits before I'm allowed to post on here.

I'll just leave you guys to have your collective orgasm dissing anyone who isn't.

You see.....The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you grow out of it, but it isn't before you've had the reality of believing the shit and propoganda but then ended up having to eat your your pets to survive.
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Can’t work out if your 27, 3, 2 or a baby.
I’m 23. Name me one domestic political crisis this country has gone through worse than hiring the xenophobic, out of touch and frankly scary cnut that is Boris Johnson as their PM to oversee one of the most important periods in Britain’s recent history?
I’m 23. Name me one domestic political crisis this country has gone through worse than hiring the xenophobic, out of touch and frankly scary cnut that is Boris Johnson as their PM to oversee one of the most important periods in Britain’s recent history?
Is this ironic 3D chess or didn’t you get my withering sarcasm?

To rebuff your position: poll tax, austerity, Iraq.
Your basically in a different class to well me and quite a lot of other people on here. Which is fine(It's really not)but makes
any sort of relatable conversation impossible.

Who made you gatekeeper? Your position is bollocks. What is the point of forums like this if not to help different people relate?
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