Westminster Politics

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I know it should have sunk in by now, but I still feel absolutely sick about this.

Something that is so clearly corrupt being rewarded. How many times do I have to sit and watch blatant cheaters be rewarded? Absolute scum of society be lifted up to the very pinnacle.

It just doesn’t make sense to me. Why even bother? Links with racism? Doesn’t matter. Leader who is a massive prick but the press love because he is a “lovable fool?”.

It makes me physically sick.

EDIT: FFS meant to post this in the Liverpool Champions league winning thread.

When Labour are weak and unelectable this is what Tories get to do. I wish labour would hurry and wake the feck up.
Can I butt in ??

No. Now go away.

Can I butt in ??

If you want to complain about Full Fact being founded by a Conservatibve Party donor, then we should also make it clear that IPPR was founded is still ' run ' by Clive Hollick and his wife - a Labour Supporter and Donor who was appointed to The Lords by Bliar.
I simply pointing out that FullFact.org isn't some non political body(I never claimed IPPR was)

Commercial pilot - now retired ( age barred from commercial flying ) and now I part own an Airline / Logistics Company with a T/O of €67 million in 2018, most of that generated from West and Central Africa.
Literally explains most of your political views that you've shared.

Interesting that the full fact was founded in that way. Difficult to know whether that in some way changes things...I mean facts are facts. They do appear to do a good job on the whole and it’s a site I always read.
They can't be interrupted in various ways. The website doesn't dismissed the claim about deaths under austerity, just that it should be treated with a ''little caution'' whatever that means.
I work in science. So in terms of my personal interests funding is flat (real terms cut) at the moment I think for science. With Brexit the government so far have been fairly good with the noises made about protecting funding, it doesn’t seem to be a contentious point at the moment!
I only asked because it seems just going by what you've said in the last post(You've benefit from tory tax cuts) and now your job description that you've not all been effected by the last decade of tory government.

For you a record numbers of people employed is a plus, for me it means zero hours contracts. For you aspiration, hard work(Just a slogan at this point as UK productivity grew at less 1% last year) means making something of yourself, for me it means watching people in tears having panic attacks at the DWP.

Your basically in a different class to well me and quite a lot of other people on here. Which is fine(It's really not)but makes
any sort of relatable conversation impossible.
I'm nervous about health and the fact I haven't seen Leadsom confirmed for anything yet is alarming me.
Should any of them though? This is a proper house of horrors cabinet
True, but she had to resign from an important post for inappropriate behaviour, not sure the others have.

Hate to see the damage they will all do.
Confidence motion tomorrow?

Boris sets out his vision to the commons... Labour calls confidence motion

Not sure what would happen... Vote same day? Make parliament sit tomorrow for the vote... Bring parliament back for a day in the holidays or make the vote wait till after the summer recess

If it's the latter it would be a great time to call it to somewhat undermine any plans Boris had about renegotiations with the EU.
What an absolutely horrendous cabinet. The UK is now under the control of the fecking Daily Mail below the line comments section.
The chancellor is a big corp tax avoidance apologist, the home sec was sacked for flagrant breaches of security (as was the education sec) and is very pro death penalty and the foreign sec is a wildly right wing moron who doesn't understand that ports are fairly important on an Island.
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These same fecking people just seem to rotate jobs with literally zero consequence to any of their actions.
Happy the cabinet is full of brexiteers. They will fail woefully and people will be doing mental gymnastics. The worst cabinet since I started following politics. Horrible.
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