Westminster Politics

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Gonna be an interesting 98 days that’s for sure.

Johnson going to the right, alienating remainers in the Conservative Party, but also winning a lot of supporters back from Nigel Farage. Any GE, -which is likely, given the current parliamentary maths- would probably involve a Johnson pact with The Brexit Party, Farage only standing in safe Labour seats to try & split the Labour vote.

Meanwhile, Corbyn sits on the fence somewhere but god knows exactly where.

And the Libs remain remain.

Can see the Tories & Liberals doing well, Labour suffering by trying to be pragmatic.
I only asked because it seems just going by what you've said in the last post(You've benefit from tory tax cuts) and now your job description that you've not all been effected by the last decade of tory government.

For you a record numbers of people employed is a plus, for me it means zero hours contracts. For you aspiration, hard work(Just a slogan at this point as UK productivity grew at less 1% last year) means making something of yourself, for me it means watching people in tears having panic attacks at the DWP.

Your basically in a different class to well me and quite a lot of other people on here. Which is fine(It's really not)but makes
any sort of relatable conversation impossible.

No it isn't fine, not a nice idea and I bet not one that would be true if we ever were to cross paths!
All day I've been reminded of that bit in Harry Potter when the death eaters take over the government.

These are quite literally the worst people who could realistically be allowed to run the UK.

I want to agree with you but then I think of a Corbyn / McDonnell government and realise I can't agree with you. Ruinous comes in many forms.
Look it isn't necessarily what the government can do for me, I can only help myself.

That almost sounds like Tory thinking! Inherently it is a good way to think even if your situation is tough.

What i detest however is the lies and easily the absolute shite is eaten up by the people.

Both Daily Mail / Express and Guardian / Mirror readers. Left and right hoover up and believe whatever they want to.

Record employment since the 70's - Take away the zero hour contracts and people that are in voluntary roles and this is the worst and most obvious lie going.

Zero hour contracts aren't a good thiing at all but would you rather them people be out of work completely? Would they themselves rather be out of work completely? There are many things to hate about a job - Long hours, high pressure, low pay, zero hours contracts. Luckily there is always the option of looking for other jobs, difficult as that can be.

Increase in wages in real terms (whatever the hell that means) - The minimum wage is £8.21 an hour if you are over 25. in 2010 when the Tories first came in to power in a coalition with the student screwers it was £5.93 which on the face of it is an increase of £2.28 an hour in 9 years, or 25p (hourly) per year if you prefer. In 2010 the average pint of Lager for example cost £2.79, it is now around £3.69 which is a 90p increase over 9 years and i am only using that one item as an example but if you take in to account a weekly or monthly shop the wage increase does in no way out value the cost of living. Petrol, food, clothing all increased.

Yep, it's tough. It doesn't just apply to minimum wage earners, it is the same for low and middle earners too, there's a lot of people feeling that. And although the minimum wage hasn't increased in line with inflation it has still increased. Have they raised it enough? No, but it's not like they've done nothing to try help the lower earners while raising the starting rate of tax.

10 years of austerity whilst selling arms to Saudi Arabia and cutting police numbers, firefighting numbers, covertly privatising the NHS, cutting taxes for the rich, homelessness on the rise, foodbanks on the rise, children actually missing meals AND having their school lunches removed, racism rising, prison officer numbers cut and numbers of offenders rising, bankers still getting billions (and yes it really is billions) in bonuses and all of this is ok?

Phew, a lot there matey! But 'NO' is the answer. But there's no easy fix for any of that.

he might well be a heartless, idiotic, racist, xenophobic, middle class twat, but hey he has funny hair and he occasionally rugby tackles someone on a football pitch and parachutes in wearing union flags for some reason.

None of us really know any of that ... idiotic? Probably, but racist? Xenophobic? We don't know that for sure but hearing his Dad and Sister talk they don't appear to have been a family brought up that way. I don't know any better than you. Middle class twat though? Definitely :lol:
I sure hope Conservative voters squabble just as much in their circles about the state of their affairs because I'm sick of seeing it in Labour circles.

Still yet to see a Plan B and this magical leader waiting in the ranks to sweep us to a Labour government. So, whilst we wait for that person to make themselves known, let's continue to call our own leader useless/impotent/feeble as often as we can and hopefully it will instil some confidence amongst swing voters.
I sure hope Conservative voters squabble just as much in their circles about the state of their affairs because I'm sick of seeing it in Labour circles.

Still yet to see a Plan B and this magical leader waiting in the ranks to sweep us to a Labour government. So, whilst we wait for that person to make themselves known, let's continue to call our own leader useless/impotent/feeble as often as we can and hopefully it will instil some confidence amongst swing voters.

They don't, for all the accusations on here about tribal politics the left tend to be much more critical of their own politics whilst the right make excuses especially when their own party is in power.
Nice to know that your government is full of people who hate what you are at a fundamental level. Really makes you feel good.
I've realised something over the last few years and that is right wingers generally have two categories; the first is the incredibly smart people who know how to manipulate others to get what they want, and the second is the unbelievably thick as pig shit ones who don't realise they're being manipulated.

Could just as easily insert left wingers into that statement, except they are even worse.
Patel and Raab have got to be the two most incompetent people ever put into Home and Foreign office.
No it isn't fine, not a nice idea and I bet not one that would be true if we ever were to cross paths!
I'm sure we would get along, we both clearly like Manchester United. But when it comes to which way we want the country to travel in, we both have completely different visions and interests.

What's the story on him?
Very ill man was deemed fit to work which resulted in his benefits being stopped. Sadly he passed away.

A six-stone emaciated man who was deemed "fit to find work" by the DWP has died.

Stephen Smith, from Kensington , died on Monday, after struggling with a number of severe health problems.

The ECHO highlighted Mr Smith's story after a fitness for work assessment by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) saw him denied vital benefits.

However, despite his glaringly obvious poor health and worrying weight loss, Mr Smith, was forced to get a pass out from hospital to go and fight a decision by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) - which repeatedly denied him crucial benefits and insisted he was fit and capable of finding work.

He won the appeal after a tribunal judge saw he could barely walk down the street let alone hold down a job.

Mr Smith suffered with a number of serious conditions for several years, including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, excruciating Osteoarthritis, an enlarged prostate and he used a colostomy bag to go to the toilet.

Despite all of this, he failed a DWP work capability assesment in 2017 - which meant his ESA payments were stopped and he was told to sign on for a £67 a week Jobseeker's Allowance, visit the job centre once a week and prove he was looking for work.

Throughout this period, Mr Smith was living alone and didn't know where to turn as his health deteriorated.

He said: "I could only make it to the kitchen to make food once a day.

"I had no muscles in the back of my leg which meant I couldn't stand up at all - and had to lean or sit down all the time - but they were telling me I was fit for work."

After Mr Smith was denied ESA, Terry took up his case and battled with the DWP to get him the benefits he knew he deserved.

Following the successful appeal of his case a DWP spokesman said: "We are sorry for the experience Mr Smith has had and we are committed to ensuring that people with health conditions get the support they're entitled to.

Is this a real possibility?

Is this a real possibility?

more likley brexit make a pact with conservatives that manifesto will say no deal and any Mp who wont campaign for no deal will be deselected... now if that meant farrage stood for a very pro leave seat with no coonservative opponent i wouldnt be shocked as he will need a new gravy train to ride once we are out of the eu
Is this a real possibility?

Nah.The position Farage has now is the one that suits him best, being a ''outsider'' in the inside. When ever he's tried to run as a MP, he has lost.(Plus the brexit would have to put out a manifesto it's still 50/50 that the Brexit party will even run general election.)

People have really gone overboard with the OMG Boris is in power, we are doomed.
Boris strategy seems to be to shout loudly and talk bollocks quickly :rolleyes:
anybody watching the commons now... Boris is going to slaugher corbyn for half an our every week at PMQ's if this is anything to go by

Well he might actually have to answer a question at some point
Is Dominic Raab on coke? Has the stare of a coke head sitting behind Boris there.
He's pretty much adopting Trumps tactics of declaring any question that isn't of a positive nature or praising him is classed as a slight on the country or unpatriotic
He's pretty much adopting Trumps tactics of declaring any question that isn't of a positive nature or praising him is classed as a slight on the country or unpatriotic
He is.

Policies aside I'm afraid that today at least Johnson made Corbyn look old and grey in comparison, it didn't bode well if there is an early election. Mannerisms and appearance shouldn't come in to it of course, but unfortunately they do.
He is.

Policies aside I'm afraid that today at least Johnson made Corbyn look old and grey in comparison, it didn't bode well if there is an early election. Mannerisms and appearance shouldn't come in to it of course, but unfortunately they do.
its going to be a landslide if he goes no deal and has a pact with brexit - there have been a couple of questions about elections and hes talked about winning elections not saying they have no intention of an election... as i say i think he will call one in september before conference season
I get the impression that Boris will be given an extraordinarily small amount of leeway before he gets knifed by centrist Tories.
I suspect he is going to knife the tory centrists during that small period of leeway (call a snap election and have the local party deselect anybody who wont campaign for no deal)

I’m not sure he wants to be opposition leader that badly.
Is this a real possibility?

A man who has tried multiple times to win a single parliamentary seat and failed repeatedly is going to lead a party to win over 300 seats in the next two years. Yeah sounds pretty likely.
Can see why Boris won by such a big margin with tory members. His time as tory leader and prime minster will be pure performative and open tory class interest. Similar to Trump it's beyond a parody.
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