Westminster Politics

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May's deal is the key I reckon. Somehow he has to get it through. Not sure how but some more 'clarification' from the EU maybe, or something concrete in the future arrangement that he can hang on to to say that the context has changed.
If he can pull it off and the UK leaves, with a deal on the 31st Oct then everything becomes possible for Johnson. The Brexit party, although pissed off, will cease to have a raison d'etre so the chance of losing votes to them disappears. With the Labour party as it is at present he could call GE and probably win by a decent margin. May's deal, even though the numbers last time out don't stack up, is still the path of least resistance IMO. Johnson's test is whether he can sell it better than May. Remember the deficit went from -230 to -149 to -58 which means he needs to get another 30 odd MP's to go for it.

For me that is the best outcome in all this.

Yes. I fully agree with you on that. It really is the best option.
They don't oppose the Welfare state. Conservatives certainly view welfare as a last resort - and that is how it should be! Sitting on welfare should never be a lifestyle choice, and it certainly was a viable option in the past.

Winston Churchill led the attack on Bevan. In one debate in the House of Commons he argued that unless Bevan "changes his policy and methods and moves without the slightest delay, he will be as great a curse to his country in time of peace as he was a squalid nuisance in time of war." The Conservative Party voted against the measure. The Tory ammendment stated that it "declines to give a Third Reading to a Bill which discourages voluntary effort and association; mutilates the structure of local government; dangerously increases minisaterial power and patronage; approppriates trust funds and benefactions in contempt of the wishes of donors and subscribers; and undermines the freedom and independence of the medical profession to the detriment of the nation." (2) However, on 2th July, 1946, the Third Reading was carried by 261 votes to 113. Michael Foot commented that the Conservatives had voted against the "most exciting and popular of the Government's measures a bare four months before it was to be introduced". (3)

They don't oppose the Welfare state. Conservatives certainly view welfare as a last resort - and that is how it should be! Sitting on welfare should never be a lifestyle choice, and it certainly was a viable option in the past.
They really, really do.
Even if, at best and implausible case scenario, it is an opposition to perceived indolence, the impact on the vulnerable in society of the ideologically driven attack on the support structures is not an acceptable cost.
They don't oppose the Welfare state. Conservatives certainly view welfare as a last resort - and that is how it should be! Sitting on welfare should never be a lifestyle choice, and it certainly was a viable option in the past.
No dole scum on your watch.
What, passing the WA or a 2nd ref?

A 2nd referendum since nobody could claim that they didn't know what they are voting for. My view is that Britain needs to leave and that it needs to hurt massively so that when Britain returns, there is no argument from Brexit supporters. It's the only way to reunite everybody.
Having racist idiots running our countries is the new special relationship.

The Tories have always been racist idiots. At least Boris doesn't hide it. Malcolm X once said something about having more respect for a man who lets him know where he stands rather than one who pretends to be his friend.
A 2nd referendum since nobody could claim that they didn't know what they are voting for. My view is that Britain needs to leave and that it needs to hurt massively so that when Britain returns, there is no argument from Brexit supporters. It's the only way to reunite everybody.

Well....That's the first time I've heard that as a solution.

Problem with it is probably if the UK ever did want to rejoin, then the UK would just be the EU's bitch forever and a day and for € gazillions.
The Tories have always been racist idiots. At least Boris doesn't hide it. Malcolm X once said something about having more respect for a man who lets him know where he stands rather than one who pretends to be his friend.

Not sure an ex journalist who once wrote a “why we should leave” and a “why we should remain” column on the same day for a Brexit opinion piece would strike you as a bloke who is open and honest about where he stands on anything.

Quoting from an era nearly 80 years ago and drawing conclusions about the current state of the Conservative part is borderline insane.

They really, really do.
Even if, at best and implausible case scenario, it is an opposition to perceived indolence, the impact on the vulnerable in society of the ideologically driven attack on the support structures is not an acceptable cost.

They really, really don't. Their shrinking of the welfare state however does impact on some of the most vulnerable.

No dole scum on your watch.

No, and why should there be any dole scum on any sensible persons watch?
Whitehall keeps warning the Tories about civil unrest in case of a no deal...

Wouldn't it be smarter to start the civil unrest before the no deal? It might avert the worst.
It's nice to see the UK has their own version of the welfare queen myth. "dole scum"
The Tories have always been racist idiots. At least Boris doesn't hide it. Malcolm X once said something about having more respect for a man who lets him know where he stands rather than one who pretends to be his friend.
I left liars out of my comparisons between the two leaders. Just because he's a racist idiot doesn't mean you can believe what he tells you.
It's like 'Yes, Minister' came to life, isn't it?
Yes Minister had intellectual insight within it's humor. This is more Beavis and Butt-Head than Yes Minister.

Tories now saying the only way to avoid a "socialist prime minister" is to support the new leader and prime minister. I'm pretty sure they aren't even noticing the irony :lol:.
Whatever happened to that recording of Johnson's argument with his lover of the week?
Paul was saying that about may since the beginning of her stint. Boris the savior is here to stay.

Don't think that was me.
She was the worst PM, now about to be surpassed in that role.
Predict Boris will last until about 12 months after the UK have left the EU.
Good luck to his successor.
Quick question.

Corbyn had more votes for him to become leader of the labour parties than BoJo got to become leader of the Tory party(about 5 times as many). Does this mean that if we go with democracy Corbyn should lead the country?
Quoting from an era nearly 80 years ago and drawing conclusions about the current state of the Conservative part is borderline insane.
The last decade mean nothing to you as well ? Historically the tory party is against the welfare state. Why did you vote tory ?
Didn't Cameron already do that?
Doubt he even thought all this would happen. Nobody in their right mind thought people would vote Brexit, then it just rolled on from there. Everybody with their own agenda, that is both sides of the house. They have all been a disgrace. All looking out for themselves and their careers and profiles rather than what is good for the country.
They really, really don't. Their shrinking of the welfare state however does impact on some of the most vulnerable.
Their policies would suggest otherwise.
Yes, it does impact on the most vulnerable doesn't it? Which was my point.
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