Westminster Politics

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That video is just depressing. It's literally the Tory mantra regurgitated.
Labour 2024 are further right than Cameron’s 2010 Tories. Show me a shred of evidence otherwise.
Yeah but they're not called the Conservative Party and that's really all that matters.
Tories without the cronyism seems to be the campaign message and they will change if they get into power. I absolutely believe they will too. I’ve seen the donations that they’ve be accepting from big oil and the gambling industry and the water companies so what’s different about Labour that means they will resist the cronyism?

Her answer to everything is cut benefits and force the disabled back to into work.

If she's as small minded as you are surely that's the case. Of course, in the UK we could work towards improving working conditions and working and career opportunities for the disabled both in and out of the workplace, but hey politicians are a microcopy of the population, so she's probably talking about what you're talking about.
10% lobbyist is a fairly low number I would have thought.

Indeed, I thought all MP's were supposed to be lobbyists, ....on behalf of their constituents.
I suppose if some constituents in any particular area are very wealthy and want to support their local MP, they might offer donations, especially if the donation is offered by the wealthy Chair of a registered not for profit Charity, based in the said constituency.

Well, it has a veneer of truth!! ;)
That was the Lib Dem influence, and it was/is where the UK is at socially so amending the legislation to reflect that is an easy thing to do.
Cameron was personally in favour of it, despite many Tories still being opposed. That’s the point I’m making - Starmer/Reeves, on the current evidence, would never be so bold, as they won’t appear to stand for anything other than getting into power.

Cutting first and then maybe some funding if the cutting works(Which it never does).

Speaking to BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Ms Reeves signalled Labour now plans to fund their plans through savings to future government spending, rather than an alternative tax rise.
"We will go through every pound spent, every tax raised, and make that sure we can continue to fund those commitments," she said.
"We will identify the savings we can make to fund this," she said, underlining the party's election manifesto would be "fully costed and fully funded". But she did not offer further details, adding the party would first need to go through the government's plans in an "orderly way" before it would be in a position to do so.

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This current version of Labour are the greatest thing to happen to anyone with Tory values who can look beyond the colour of the rosette.
This current version of Labour are the greatest thing to happen to anyone with Tory values who can look beyond the colour of the rosette.
Shy Tories. They can now openly vote for Tory policies and try to claim the moral high ground as well.
I'm glad National Insurance will be scrapped. It probably does nothing anyway and can be paid for by getting scroungers back to work.
Hope you aren't expecting a pension from the government when you retire then

We haven't had to live through the war, miners strikes or the cold war, innit? Not done anything to deserve one.

As a millennial, I'm not expecting to receive a state pension. And if I do, I'm not expecting to be able to receive it at a meaningful age where it would make a difference. Probably die before I'm eligible to claim one.
We haven't had to live through the war, miners strikes or the cold war, innit? Not done anything to deserve one.

As a millennial, I'm not expecting to receive a state pension. And if I do, I'm not expecting to be able to receive it at a meaningful age where it would make a difference. Probably die before I'm eligible to claim one.
You missed out Thatcher, but I would argue that anyone who had to live thru Boris/Truss/Rishi deserves one!
The country is going to be too broke by then. I am a millennial.

It'll certainly be means tested with the majority not able to access it, which makes sense given there will be a huge transfer of wealth from baby boomers to millennials over the next 25 years. It'll effectively become an extension of universal credit.

Add in auto-enrolment which has vastly increased the rate of people saving for retirement over the last decade (which in truth should've probably nudged upwards with each NI cut; for example each 2% cut in NI having a 0.75% uptick in auto-enrolment contributions).

My guess is it'll have to be changed via some form of royal commission as no party will want to take ownership of the policy despite knowing it's inevitability.

Because despite general ignorance, "I've paid in all my life" national insurance and income tax isn't going into a savings account and has already been spent. State pension is being paid out of tax receipts. If their isn't enough tax coming in to cover pensions then no more pensions. Considering the ratio between people of working age and pensioners is going the wrong way, the the concept of state provided pensions is unsustainable without a radical change to our tax system i.e. wealth taxes etc.

A large percentage of people under 40 will never be able to retire. No final salry pensions, low % of annual salary paid into a private pension, tiny state pension (if it still exists) and no speculative property wealth to cash in on. Good times ahead!
Because despite general ignorance, "I've paid in all my life" national insurance and income tax isn't going into a savings account and has already been spent. State pension is being paid out of tax receipts. If their isn't enough tax coming in to cover pensions then no more pensions. Considering the ratio between people of working age and pensioners is going the wrong way, the the concept of state provided pensions is unsustainable without a radical change to our tax system i.e. wealth taxes etc.

A large percentage of people under 40 will never be able to retire. No final salry pensions, low % of annual salary paid into a private pension, tiny state pension (if it still exists) and no speculative property wealth to cash in on. Good times ahead!
No argument there, the system was set up when people retired at 65 and died within 5-10 years, now a large % of people can realistically live 20-25 years - that's why the pension age keeps rising.

Something along the lines of they goverment gives every new born kid 10K in a retirement account that cannot be touched until retirement age is the way firward, individuals would be allowed to add more money over time if they choose but that's it, no pension
No argument there, the system was set up when people retired at 65 and died within 5-10 years, now a large % of people can realistically live 20-25 years - that's why the pension age keeps rising.

Something along the lines of they goverment gives every new born kid 10K in a retirement account that cannot be touched until retirement age is the way firward, individuals would be allowed to add more money over time if they choose but that's it, no pension
Ok. So what would you then do with the vast swathes of impoverished geriatrics who didn't top that up for whatever reason?
Ok. So what would you then do with the vast swathes of impoverished geriatrics who didn't top that up for whatever reason?
Starting with 10K from birth in a retirement fund invested in the usual ways for 60 years would be worth the best part of 2 million without any top ups
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