It’s anecdotal, she handles 4 a day so a tiny fraction of the 6 month backlog of claims currently sat there waiting to be picked up, though I understand it’s the consensus amongst the case handlers that most claims (not awards) are people trying it on. Whether that’s word for word notes from a GPs supporting evidence or glaring contradictions in their claim such as the carers allowance issue.
My mum and one of my sisters are PIP claimants. Can my mum walk the length of a bus? Yes. Is her COPD otherwise and often near completely debilitating? Yes, and she’s medically retired from the NHS. Should she get PIP? Apparently not by the letter of the law, but she does because a case handler looked favourably upon her. That’s not the kind of manipulation I’m talking about, but I need people to understand where I’m coming from. I don’t think all claimants are lying scroungers and PIP is one facet in a big complex picture. Without PIP my mum would be up a creek without a paddle, my sister too.