Westminster Politics 2024-2029

Cracking misogyny, lovely to have you back

You really do seem to have this weird reaction to my posts. I can only assume you are butthurt by some long ago modding decision or something. I've noticed that you tend to take things very seriously in this forum and like to lash out. It's very childish really. If you can't handle interactions with people that you disagree with then I suggest it's you that needs a break.

I recommend you just scroll by my posts instead of always trying to spark a fight. I wish you good luck with your anger.
That's interesting, I've always been told champagne doesn't keep well. A quick google says some still think that.

I don't like wine or champagne so I'm not qualified to take sides. Beer or malt whisky personally.

https://grapeescapes.net/how-to-store-and-serve-champagne-the-dos-and-donts/#:~:text=As a rule, non-vintage,loose some of their effervescence.
  1. Don’t store Champagne forever
Champagnes are already aged properly before being sold and therefore do not necessarily benefit from additional ageing. As a rule, non-vintage Champagnes can be kept unopened for three to four years, and vintage cuvées for five to ten years. Champagnes will change as they age – most will become a deeper, golden colour and loose some of their effervescence. The taste and aromas of the wine will also change as the flavours mature over time.
I would normally drink beer and whiskey but, do drink champagne when I have something to celebrate.
You really do seem to have this weird reaction to my posts. I can only assume you are butthurt by some long ago modding decision or something. I've noticed that you tend to take things very seriously in this forum and like to lash out. It's very childish really. If you can't handle interactions with people that you disagree with then I suggest it's you that needs a break.

I recommend you just scroll by my posts instead of always trying to spark a fight. I wish you good luck with your anger.
I’d love to put you on ignore but you’re inexplicably still a mod. I’m well aware of the drama around your modding a few years ago and how many people were absolutely sick of your shit, both mods and posters alike. You’ve come back and continued where you left off, peak arrogance and ignorance, talking down to people and generally acting like an arse.

I guess I’ll just wait it out because it’s clear as day you’ve got a trash personality and drama follows you around and it’s only a matter of time before you feck off again and the dark cloud lifts and discussions open up again without you trying to dominate them with your single points of view others apparently need to adhere to in order not to be plebs.
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You really do seem to have this weird reaction to my posts. I can only assume you are butthurt by some long ago modding decision or something. I've noticed that you tend to take things very seriously in this forum and like to lash out. It's very childish really. If you can't handle interactions with people that you disagree with then I suggest it's you that needs a break.

I recommend you just scroll by my posts instead of always trying to spark a fight. I wish you good luck with your anger.

Is it as childish as saying Angela Rayner would bang you after a few babychams though?
Is it as childish as saying Angela Rayner would bang you after a few babychams though?

It may be an off colour comment but it seems like a lot of this conflict doesn't need to be played out in thread.
You are right on the number of Michelin stars but you can drink 25 year old champagne. I do enjoy a nice bottle of champagne when I want to celebrate something, and I'm as working class as you get.
Are you sure?

Don't think 250 quid bottles of Champer's is compatible withe being working class :confused:
Cracking misogyny, lovely to have you back

Tory bitch has got quite a line up tomorrow, I’ll grant her that.
If Rwanda is going to be sold as an election winner why did they sack the nasty bitch that was overseeing it?
Fair enough. Fiona Bruce is still a Tory bitch though
Just seen the Tory bitch gave the entirely irrelevant Braveman a feature slot on her show this morning. Why?
I think you’re mistaking our beef with the Tory bitch as us giving a shit about Starmer and the Labour Party. It’s a long held grudge against her personally for the damage her client journalism has done over the past decade.

Misogyny is awful, isn't it?
I really hope Labour knock it out of the park these next five years because there is zero margin for error. The mood of the country still feels very right wing to me.

Everything has to go right or the Tories will be back in no time at all.
I’d love to put you on ignore but you’re inexplicably still a mod. I’m well aware of the drama around your modding a few years ago and how many people were absolutely sick of your shit, both mods and posters alike. You’ve come back and continued where you left off, peak arrogance and ignorance, talking down to people and generally acting like an arse.

I guess I’ll just wait it out because it’s clear as day you’ve got a trash personality and drama follows you around and it’s only a matter of time before you feck off again and the dark cloud lifts and discussions open up again without you trying to dominate them with your single points of view others apparently need to adhere to in order not to be plebs.
You could cut the sexual tension with a knife.
Just listened to Starmer's press conference. Thought it was decent. Speaks in platitudes and I'm not filled with trust for the guy but at least the bastard seems competent. I like the Timpson and Vallance appointments, nervous about the Streeting one.

I doubt ruthless centrism is the answer, hopefully I'm wrong.
I really hope Labour knock it out of the park these next five years because there is zero margin for error. The mood of the country still feels very right wing to me.

Everything has to go right or the Tories will be back in no time at all.
That's why I'm a little deflated the tactical voting for Lib Dems didn't work.

They will now spend 5 years in opposition spinning Labour not being able to immediately fix their mess as a positive on their side and I've got zero faith in the average Brit not to fall for it.
Just listened to Starmer's press conference. Thought it was decent. Speaks in platitudes and I'm not filled with trust for the guy but at least the bastard seems competent. I like the Timpson and Vallance appointments, nervous about the Streeting one.

I doubt ruthless centrism is the answer, hopefully I'm wrong.
I think we're going to have an unusually competent prime minister who won't be well-liked even so. I'll settle for that, the alternatives from right and left seem much worse.
I think we're going to have an unusually competent prime minister who won't be well-liked even so. I'll settle for that, the alternatives from right and left seem much worse.
Zero charisma but competent, he’s the anti-Johnson.
Are you sure?

Don't think 250 quid bottles of Champer's is compatible withe being working class :confused:
I've also been at the same spa resort as The Ferrari, and McLaren teams during preseason testing. Had the room next door to Arrivabene. Still Blue Collar all my life.
Does any other people care as much about talking about what the working class should or shouldn't be doing as the British?

It's ridiculous.
Are you sure?

Don't think 250 quid bottles of Champer's is compatible withe being working class :confused:

I grew up on free school meals. No degree. But earn enough to enjoy Champagne routinely. And know that some champagne is old and expensive.
I’d love to put you on ignore but you’re inexplicably still a mod. I’m well aware of the drama around your modding a few years ago and how many people were absolutely sick of your shit, both mods and posters alike. You’ve come back and continued where you left off, peak arrogance and ignorance, talking down to people and generally acting like an arse.

I guess I’ll just wait it out because it’s clear as day you’ve got a trash personality and drama follows you around and it’s only a matter of time before you feck off again and the dark cloud lifts and discussions open up again without you trying to dominate them with your single points of view others apparently need to adhere to in order not to be plebs.
It is a bit mad we can't do this. You'd want the ignore tool to allow us to filter any obnoxious content, whoever it comes from.
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Promising ministerial appointments. Refreshing to see expertise in the cabinet. Cautiously optimistic about this.
I really hope Labour knock it out of the park these next five years because there is zero margin for error. The mood of the country still feels very right wing to me.

Everything has to go right or the Tories will be back in no time at all.

Yes indeed.
Promising ministerial appointments. Refreshing to see expertise in the cabinet. Cautiously optimistic about this.
Dropping Rwanda and appointing professionals into good positions is a good start!

They’re going to get so ridiculously scrutinised mind, hope they smash it.
India v Pakistan were playing at Edgbaston (ok - admittedly not Westminster) yesterday, but meanwhile on the concourse the video screens were showing England v Switzerland and there's a remarkable unity.

Only a Labour government can do this :lol:
Meanwhile India v Pakistan at Edgbaston (admittedly not Westminster) yesterday, but meanwhile on the concourse the video screens were showing England v Switzerland and there's a remarkable unity.

Only a Labour government can do this :lol:

Southgate has brought peace between Indians and Pakistanis, surely he is the GOAT.
India v Pakistan were playing at Edgbaston (ok - admittedly not Westminster) yesterday, but meanwhile on the concourse the video screens were showing England v Switzerland and there's a remarkable unity.

Rwanda policy scrapped on day 1 and hardly a peep from either side (considering how much attention it took up). Seems like everyone is happy it's gone.
Rwanda policy scrapped on day 1 and hardly a peep from either side (considering how much attention it took up). Seems like everyone is happy it's gone.

What I would like to know is what happens to all the millions of pounds the Tory government gave to Rwanda?
Enjoyed his first press conference, just came across like an experienced pro who is diligent as hell. Talked about his plans going forward etc, is this what an actual professional in office looks like?!