Wayne Rooney | Having medical

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Is this being touted as a sale or the subsidised load deal I heard something about earlier?
Just like that, he is off, yea right. Don't believe it. Where's the catch? And they are getting OG as well??? Oh, Own goal! just made myself laugh.
I'd be happy to see him go but don't think he'll have much success there. Here's my prediction for his Everton career if it goes through...

1.Signs for Everton
2. Gets the buzz works hard for the new season
3. Has a relatively good start scores 4 or 5 and people begin to believe he's back.
4. Picks up niggling injury losses momentum
5. In and out the team struggles to make an impact.
6. Sold to the MLS.
So apparently he will join them on a free as long as he does not ask us to pay up his final 2 years of the contract.

Everton will pay the full 250k per week, no contribution from United.
With no Zlatan and Rooney it is not totally out of the question we go for 2 strikers, although it seems Lukaku has already agreed to join Chelsea.
They don't strike me as a pair that would complement each other and we'd not want to buy someone for £60m+ to be a back up.
I'd be happy to see him go but don't think he'll have much success there. Here's my prediction for his Everton career if it goes through...

1.Signs for Everton
2. Gets the buzz works hard for the new season
3. Has a relatively good start scores 4 or 5 and people begin to believe he's back.
4. Picks up niggling injury losses momentum
5. In and out the team struggles to make an impact.
6. Sold to the MLS.
for 60m pounds
Think their source is one of their scouts as I saw that part about Giroud earlier on Arsenal Twitter with one of Everton's scout reportedly saying Giroud will move there for 20 million and thought nothing of it but seeing the same now has me thinking this might be the same source.
This place if he goes Everton and wins golden boot :lol::lol::lol:

He won't be winning any kind of boot, Golden or otherwise.
The guy struggled against retired footballers in their 40s.
At this point I genuinely believe that he would struggle in the Championship.
Sun have had so much dirt on rooney from gambling/drinking problems to his "affair" and flirtation with city and chelsea that i think they will be correct regarding this.
Also custis has a good recent record for us.
It's the right time.

Thanks for everything Wayne. Good luck.
If that happens I'll rage quit
from oxford dictionaries;
Angrily abandon an activity or pursuit that has become frustrating, especially the playing of a video game.

thanks, always like to learn new expression, but why would you quit a video game if Everton gets 60m?
ah, yes, white text, I'm bored
He's not good enough, even he'll admit that but I'll miss him. He's been a good player over the years, it will seem strange when we play Everton now.
You for even making that post :lol:
I posted it just in case so I can quote it next year in the Rooney transfer thread where we discuss the fee it will take to bring him back to United; I can honestly see that happening. He is going to have an amazing turn around next season and will have a point to prove mark my words.

I won't be happy unless we are selling him off for good....we need to be getting him off the wage-book, not sending him on a year loan to Everton while we pay most of his wages playing for them

One of the great players to play for this club but sadly his time is over but it's best for both parties
Anyone else feel like selling Wayne will feel like a new signing? Or just me? Exciting times.
Can't be the only one thinking....What the hell are Everton playing at if this is true?! Smacks of sentiment getting in the way of clear thought process
I posted it just in case so I can quote it next year in the Rooney transfer thread where we discuss the fee it will take to bring him back to United; I can honestly see that happening. He is going to have an amazing turn around next season and will have a point to prove mark my words.

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