Wayne Rooney | Having medical

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Then only thing questionable was the best player in England part, the rest of it is Pruett much

If England and Southgate have any sense he'd be nowhere near the world cup squad.

Sad see in him diminish so quickly, was my favourite player for so long. But he's had a career that 99% of players in the world would kill for.

If he has a bit of brain in him he wouldn't want to get into world cup.

He's be crucified on and off the pitch.

The tides are turning against him, many people/fans/the media are simply letting him has his last hurrah breaking the record.

Anything beyond that i doubt the fans would still be clappy happh
I don't think it's honourable to walk away from the money that a business is contracted to pay you. What he does with the money could be another issue, but if I was him I wouldn't feel bad about being paid lots of money from a club like United..

By the same logic, it's not honourable to pay up a contract to a player because he hasn't kept himself up to the required standard and he wants to get a game elsewhere. The club has every right to demand he stays and works as hard as he can to win his place back and if he isn't good enough, tough shit he doesn't play.

Which brings us full circle, if he doesn't want to risk this situation he has every right to forfeit his "loyalty payment" and bugger off.

So the ball is thoroughly in his court, accept he has a very tough year ahead of him if he wants game time or take the hit financially and get some game time. He "just wants to play football" after all.
Any decent professional with a little bit of pride would resign when they know they can't deliver.

it happens in many professions around the World. If you find that you can't deliver, you leave.

And what the hell is this about the World Cup. The guy was out of his depth against players aged 40, a week ago. How the hell is this guy going to compete against players in their absolute prime?
If he has a bit of brain in him he wouldn't want to get into world cup.

He's be crucified on and off the pitch.

The tides are turning against him, many people/fans/the media are simply letting him has his last hurrah breaking the record.

Anything beyond that i doubt the fans would still be clappy happh

Agreed, think the turning point was the Watford game, he had been poor for so long before that, but the media began to turn after that game.

Think mourinho has handled him superbly, but don't think he saw this (if true) I thought Rooney would bow out gracefully after he broke the record, not demanding the pay out
If he has a bit of brain in him he wouldn't want to get into world cup.

He's be crucified on and off the pitch.

The tides are turning against him, many people/fans/the media are simply letting him has his last hurrah breaking the record.

Anything beyond that i doubt the fans would still be clappy happh
He'll probably end up missing the penalty that knocks England out.
I'd love to see that happen too.
He's definitely breached one of the implied terms of a contract such as this. He is expected to at least keep himself in good form. No eating crap, smoking drinking and all sorts. The problem is, his side can always point out the fact that even though he did those things, no one at United seemed to have said anything to him about this. He had total autonomy to do as he pleased it would seem. Therefore, United can't now turn around and accuse him of having a shit lifestyle when they have been aware and seemingly condoned his behaviour.

United will just have to pay up to get rid (as it is their fault), or tell him he is not going to even make the bench but of course, he's welcome to train with the lads. Someone has got to grow a set of balls for a change..
if he is here next year surely Jose will have to take the captaincy off him?
They might do something 'polite' like refer to him as 'club captain' but nominate someone else who's playing regularly to 'captain' the team or some such compromise.
It's not his money though, it's money he was contracted to earn but hasn't yet earn't. The point is that he is welcome to "earn" it kicking the ball about with our reserves but if his poor conditioning and lack of commitment over the past few years has meant that he needs to drop down to a lesser team (who will pay him less money) then he can absolutely feck right off if he thinks he's going to have us pay him for football he never played.

He earned his contract when he signed it. Doesn't really matter what your perspective is, but rich and high profile people get contracts the rest of us can only dream of. The club obviously valued him enough when he signed. They are at fault, not Rooney.
Look at a lot of managers, when they get sacked for being crap, they get paid out. It's part and parcel of the game, only way clubs get out of obligations is if there's some sackable activity outside the work place or some extreme activity within the work environment.
If he's not careful, he's going to end up wasting a large part of next season, just about scraping onto the bench by reputation, and merely getting a few mins here and there, or v minnows in the cup.

Surely this'll be sensibly resolved with some sort of payoff.
We are still enjoying the benefits of David Moyes' legacy. If only Sir Alex had stayed 1 more season Rooney would've been gone years ago.
If he's not careful, he's going to end up wasting a large part of next season, just about scraping onto the bench by reputation, and merely getting a few mins here and there, or v minnows in the cup.

Surely this'll be sensibly resolved with some sort of payoff.
But the problem is we shouldn't have someone who's making the bench on reputation when we have other hungrier and better players there who should have the opportunity instead. It's totally unfair. Likewise, I'd rather we give chances to our young players if we play minnows in the cup competitions. Rooney has already achieved everything, and I don't think the club should allow him any leeway because of his reputation, instead of trying to give a chance to another player who's more deserving imho.
Getting the best contract possible, in other words? Diabolical.

There's this tendency to portray it as if Rooney has had some mysterious, nefarious hold on Manchester United for years. We agreed to the terms. Nobody held a gun to Woody's head. Fergie, who is smarter than Moyes, Woody and yours truly, saw the writing on the wall. It is not Rooney's fault that the people who followed Fergie did not.

The question is how many players in his position would do the honourable thing, as it were. It's a lot of money.

Not sure if you are familiar with contract law but a contract is a binding agreement by two or more parties in which certain conditions must be met by both. Mr Rooney is clearly in breach of his part in providing to his employer a fit or semi fit individual capable of playing football to a reasonably decent level . As for honorable , Mr Rooney has a similar level of honor as the average whiplash claimant , both are taking the other side for a ride .
The Gaffer knew before all of us that Wayne was on his decline.
Rooney's decline after EURO 2012 was there for everyone to see. The problem was that both the media and supporters were all in denial. He came back after that summer having somehow lost both his pace and technical ability.
If it's 2 years wages we owe him then we'd be talking 25 million +, so I'd rather keep him to with what we want if he won't go elsewhere, or take a reduced offer, He'll certainly know what to expect if he does stay.
They might do something 'polite' like refer to him as 'club captain' but nominate someone else who's playing regularly to 'captain' the team or some such compromise.

Thats basically what happens every time anyway in this situation. Happened to Robson and Neville.
If it's 2 years wages we owe him then we'd be talking 25 million +, so I'd rather keep him to with what we want if he won't go elsewhere, or take a reduced offer, He'll certainly know what to expect if he does stay.

Supposedly it's only one year left on his deal. The last year was optional.

We are still enjoying the benefits of David Moyes' legacy. If only Sir Alex had stayed 1 more season Rooney would've been gone years ago.

Ferguson would have kept him i reckon.
Thats basically what happens every time anyway in this situation. Happened to Robson and Neville.
Yeah. I can't imagine if he stays that we would do something drastic like take the armband off him completely. It would also attract a lot of unwanted headlines and distraction.
Supposedly it's only one year left on his deal. The last year was optional.

Ferguson would have kept him i reckon.
Sir Alex practically confirmed Rooney wanted to leave after his last game in charge. It was very clear Sir Alex was trying to force him out during his last season at the club, mostly during the 2nd part of the season.


He even confirmed the only reason Wayne never submitted a written transfer request was only money. He would've lost his bonuses had he done so.

edit:inserted video of Rooney confirming Sir Alex almost forced him out.

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Gotta chime in with another statement that Jose has handled this whole thing insanely well. Almost as a side issue. Really impressed.

Alongside his apparent intention to monetize our academy it's among his best work this year.

Jose seems to be happy to tell the world 'If Wayne wants to stay, he stays. But he must work hard to get into the team'. Rooneys only option is to go full Bogarde, or leave and earn less elsewhere. He's never getting game time next year. Doesn't seem likely that we'll pay out his contract. Rightly so.
Are you deliberately trying to misunderstand me? Of course his agent will have extracted the absolute best deal he could for his client - but we bloody agreed to it!

What I'm saying is he can't be held responsible for the contract he's on, but he certainly can be held responsible for hanging around taking the cash (or leaving and demanding the cash) when it's quite clear to him and the watching world that he is incapable of delivering his side of the bargain.

No obviously, but you said he's absolutely not to blame but he knew he had us over a barrel and leeched as much as he could and flirted with leaving so he forced us in a way.

I agree it was us that gave him the contract but we were in a bad position and he took full, even excessive advantage of us so he is to blame to some extent.

As I've said many times if he truly "Just wants to play " instead of sitting in the stands collecting his cash then he needs to leave and he shouldn't get anything from the remainder of his contract because he'll be getting paid elsewhere , we will know pretty soon which one it is.

Hopefully he goes instead of hanging around like a bad smell, and as someone else mentioned I'd worry about his possible negative influence over the youngsters with his off pitch activities .
Sir Alex practically confirmed Rooney wanted to leave after his last game in charge. It was very clear Sir Alex was trying to force him out during his last season at the club, mostly during the 2nd part of the season.

I personally don't buy this theory that Ferguson wanted him out in 2013, if he did want him out he could have did a lot more to facilitate it. Instead he went on national TV and said that he and the club were not going to let Rooney leave. Which would be a strange thing to say if he did want him to leave.

And besides i have absolutely no idea why Ferguson would have even wanted Rooney out in 2013 when he was retiring, at that point the decision would have had little to do with him.

edit:inserted video of Rooney confirming Sir Alex almost forced him out.

Doesn't confirm anything for me other than one of the possible reasons why Rooney wanted to leave.

But if you believe it all mate don't let me stop you, you are of course entitled to your own opinion.
Getting the best contract possible, in other words? Diabolical.

There's this tendency to portray it as if Rooney has had some mysterious, nefarious hold on Manchester United for years. We agreed to the terms. Nobody held a gun to Woody's head. Fergie, who is smarter than Moyes, Woody and yours truly, saw the writing on the wall. It is not Rooney's fault that the people who followed Fergie did not.

The question is how many players in his position would do the honourable thing, as it were. It's a lot of money.
It's definitely not his fault our management gave him the contract and he has every right to stay and collect his money. He wouldn't have the right to hold on to this myth that he just loves playing football and sacrificed himself for years.
I think that, for whatever reason, Rooney knows he's not going to the World Cup and knows his international career is over.

All that's left for him is to sit and collect as much money as possible. This appears to be his current thinking.
It's definitely not his fault our management gave him the contract and he has every right to stay and collect his money. He wouldn't have the right to hold on to this myth that he just loves playing football and sacrificed himself for years.

Would your employer retain you in his employment if you performed at 25% (been generous here) of what he contracted you in to do ?
Would your employer retain you in his employment if you performed at 25% (been generous here) of what he contracted you in to do ?
Are you of an age where you don't understand the difference between a football contract and a contract of employment for your average employee? Aside from that an expected standard is written into my contract. It's unlikely to be in Rooney's.
It's already tarnished. Look at the vast majority of fans feelings towards him this season.

I've been one of his biggest critics on here for years but I honestly think if he left this Summer the last 2 or 3 years of shite performances would eventually be forgotten and he'd be more fondly remembered. He'd be remembered as the Wayne Rooney of 2004 to 2012ish.

However him sticking around to sit in the stands and occasionally make the bench in league cup games just so he can get as much money as he can would ruin that. Even his biggest fanboys would struggle to defend that.
Not sure if this is true.

Yeah it's true, it's two separate cover photos and there was a totally unrelated cover photo relating to the EL final.

Worth noting though that:

1. They didn't just cut him out and replace the picture.
2. The Rooney one is still in the Cover Photos album
3. It could just be chosen from a stock album and they didn't realise the significance.

If it is anything sinister, it's more likely a mischievous marketing employee than the club distancing themselves from Rooney.
Yeah it's true, it's two separate cover photos and there was a totally unrelated cover photo relating to the EL final.

Worth noting though that:

1. They didn't just cut him out and replace the picture.
2. The Rooney one is still in the Cover Photos album
3. It could just be chosen from a stock album and they didn't realise the significance.

If it is anything sinister, it's more likely a mischievous marketing employee than the club distancing themselves from Rooney.

Cheers for the explanation.
Are you of an age where you don't understand the difference between a football contract and a contract of employment for your average employee? Aside from that an expected standard is written into my contract. It's unlikely to be in Rooney's.

I would be doubtful that there is not some clause in that contract that states, if your lifestyle inhibits your ability to perform as a professional footballer to the level expected of you by the enormous salary we are paying you then you are in breach of contract . Rooney is in breach of contract .
I would be doubtful that there is not some clause in that contract that states, if your lifestyle inhibits your ability to perform as a professional footballer to the level expected of you by the enormous salary we are paying you then you are in breach of contract . Rooney is in breach of contract .

This would be too subjective, in his opinion he is fully capable of playing as a professional footballer, and there is no legally binding neutral authority who could be invoked. Only way he would be in breach of contract would be if there were anything specific in the contract such as weight, no smoking/drinking etc.
I would be doubtful that there is not some clause in that contract that states, if your lifestyle inhibits your ability to perform as a professional footballer to the level expected of you by the enormous salary we are paying you then you are in breach of contract . Rooney is in breach of contract .
Then why would United even consider paying his contract? Can you give a single example of a footballer being sacked under similar circumstances? Why didn't we just sack Schweinsteiger?
Fair , in footballer terms isn't what we would refer to as fair.

With that in mind, 60% of his contract paid up would seem about right. I'm pretty sure he can make up the difference money wise AND get to play football(as long as he picks a level low enough that he won't be left wanting)

But, knowing Rooney/Stretford he will want to end up better off from this rather than just "squits".
There are ways management forced out shits that won't flush binded by contract.

In crueler company they still pay your salary, but took away your job, and put you in some corner with nothing to do (and plugged out the internet). Nobody last more than 1 mth, normally took a week or so until they resign themselves.
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