Wayne Rooney | Having medical

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If the greedy fecker wants his contract paid off then I hope we do it. Whatever it takes to get rid of him.
So he wants his contract paid up.. well I think we should just say to him, we will pay half or you can be put in the reserves for an entire season. No more treating you like an experienced senior. Do a Bastian on him and get rid of him in January when he gets desperate.

or sue him for breach of contract , the contract he signed meant he was to play the part of a professional footballer , not some fat tart who looked out of place in a testimonial with players retired for years . legend indeed :rolleyes:
So what would you do if you were in charge, if it was true?
Personally, I'd try and negotiate with him, telling him in no uncertain terms, he won't even make the bench and won't make the CL squad.
I personally don't care if he's put in the reserves.
My point is I can't imagine the club doing it.
It would be a PR nightmare and a decision I'm sure Ed would be begging Mourinho not to make.
1. Buy a casino
2. Pay out Rooney's contract
3. Invite Wayne to the casino
4. Gain all the money back
5. Sell the casino

Five easy steps to not spending any money at all. It'll be like he was never even here.
In the telegraph article: "the Daily Telegraph understands that the deal was for 4½ years with the option of another 12 months that the club or player could trigger." What's the point of a +1 if either party can trigger it, sounds strange to me.
Probably payment/installment options regarding the cash flow.
The problem with sticking him in the reserves is we'd then have the unwanted attention from all his pals in the media. It's best for us if we cut ties altogether so we can move on.
Jose's comments now make sense, this has been a chess game from day one, hasn't it.

Only Rooney needs to appreciate that by trying to "make money" over the amount he is due (by in effect having two contracts at the same time) he is making it perfectly clear this isn't anything to do with playing, it's to do with £
He's been told to leave by the sounds of things so it's up to him if he wants to play football elsewhere or get Schweinsteiger'd.

If I was him, I'd take the big wage packet and become the face of the Chinese Super League. If he wants to stay in England, take the pay cut and return to Everton.

He's accomplished everything here and will go down as a legend.
The problem with sticking him in the reserves is we'd then have the unwanted attention from all his pals in the media. It's best for us if we cut ties altogether so we can move on.
People annoyed with the Rooney everything will top themselves when all hell breaks loose if we banish him to the reserves.
It would be front, back and center of all papers. Mourinho wouldn't know where to hide.
It's unfortunate for us. We've put ourselves in a difficult situation and have very little power.
He's been told to leave by the sounds of things so it's up to him if he wants to play football elsewhere or get Schweinsteiger'd.

If I was him, I'd take the big wage packet and become the face of the Chinese Super League. If he wants to stay in England, take the pay cut and return to Everton.

He's accomplished everything here and will go down as a legend.
I don't think he's been told to leave.
That would put us in a difficult situation because the onus would be on us to make the move happen.
It looks like we don't want to take a financial hit.
What I think has happened is that, he's been told he's not getting any football here and what he does is up to him.
Cheeky bugger. Let him sit in the stands for the season.
or sue him for breach of contract , the contract he signed meant he was to play the part of a professional footballer , not some fat tart who looked out of place in a testimonial with players retired for years . legend indeed :rolleyes:

I'd love to see that happen too.
People annoyed with the Rooney everything will top themselves when all hell breaks loose if we banish him to the reserves.
It would be front, back and center of all papers. Mourinho wouldn't know where to hide.
It's unfortunate for us. We've put ourselves in a difficult situation and have very little power.
While I do get the point and agree with it, I'd love to see us Schweinsteiger him then Mourinho just point to his performances when questioned on it. At the end of the day if he's not wanted and chooses to stay in a stand off over money then that's his choice, the club can't be held responsible for him choosing to stay where he's unwanted. Unfortunately I know it doesn't work that way.
Wanted to bring this here.
I have to disagree.
His two year contract plus bonuses are worth at least £25m. You have to be crazy to turn your face at that. Especially when that's what we owe him.
We put ourselves in this situation and it should rightly cost us.
He has every right to demand his money.

Can't believe the amount of people who think he should walk away from 25 million to protect his 'legacy', then proceed to call him a fat cnut and other personal comments.
Some fans what it all ways.
Rooney wants his money and his agent is leaking all this crap to the media.
Personally I hope the club are strong and stick him on the bench or reserves for the remainder of his contract. I really care not what the media write and if it goes on long enough they'll lose interest and move onto something else that may well actually be interesting
Club needs to be far more savvy on contracts, Sir Alex had the situation sussed and Roo should have gone to Chelsea. I hope never to see a player who's 28 getting such a long term deal on such a massive wage. Always looked like Rooney would be struggling to play into his 30's, as his build and exposure to top level football from the age of 16.
His mates in the media didn't cause much of a storm when he was dropped (and Mourinho, basically, made his opinion on Rooney's current status known).

It was Ray Wilkins' ridiculous outburst and not much beyond that. The current Rooney angle seems to be one of pity more than anything. Nobody seems to question Mourinho, who has played this one very well. Rooney can't cut it on the pitch these days, it's getting very hard for anyone to deny this. If his infamous mates in the media are to make anything out of a possible situation in which Rooney gets Schweinsteiger'd, they'll have to invent a brand new angle. Everyone understands that a player who's simply past it can't be part of a challenging squad at a top club.
If this is true (which we have to doubt, but at the same time can't dismiss) then it doesn't really surprise me.

I didn't expect us to get any transfer fee for him at all, especially not from Everton if that were to be his destination. It seems clear Rooney isn't interested in China, which I think would've been our best bet for such a fee.

I did though think that we'd only have to pay him the difference between the reduced salary he'd get offered at Everton or whichever non-Chinese club he's end-up at, but then again I'm not at all surprised that he wants his whole United salary before moving on to his next club to begin collecting his new salary there, with his United money safely in his bank account.

I expect we'll agree to make-up the difference on his salary and then he'll get his free move, with China/MLS/wherever becoming an option for him after the upcoming season.
If this is true (which we have to doubt, but at the same time can't dismiss) then it doesn't really surprise me.

I didn't expect us to get any transfer fee for him at all, especially not from Everton if that were to be his destination. It seems clear Rooney isn't interested in China, which I think would've been our best bet for such a fee.

I did though think that we'd only have to pay him the difference between the reduced salary he'd get offered at Everton or whichever non-Chinese club he's end-up at, but then again I'm not at all surprised that he wants his whole United salary before moving on to his next club to begin collecting his new salary there, with his United money safely in his bank account.

I expect we'll agree to make-up the difference on his salary and then he'll get his free move, with China/MLS/wherever becoming an option for him after the upcoming season.
I can't imagine it not being true. No player in his right mind walks away from that much money just like that.
Can't believe the amount of people who think he should walk away from 25 million to protect his 'legacy', then proceed to call him a fat cnut and other personal comments.
Some fans what it all ways.
Rooney wants his money and his agent is leaking all this crap to the media.
Personally I hope the club are strong and stick him on the bench or reserves for the remainder of his contract. I really care not what the media write and if it goes on long enough they'll lose interest and move onto something else that may well actually be interesting
Club needs to be far more savvy on contracts, Sir Alex had the situation sussed and Roo should have gone to Chelsea. I hope never to see a player who's 28 getting such a long term deal on such a massive wage. Always looked like Rooney would be struggling to play into his 30's, as his build and exposure to top level football from the age of 16.

It's not his money though, it's money he was contracted to earn but hasn't yet earn't. The point is that he is welcome to "earn" it kicking the ball about with our reserves but if his poor conditioning and lack of commitment over the past few years has meant that he needs to drop down to a lesser team (who will pay him less money) then he can absolutely feck right off if he thinks he's going to have us pay him for football he never played.
If there's anything truth in it and obviously it's just conjecture at this stage, but if he doesn't want to leave for a pay cut then we can finally lay to rest the bullshit about how he just wants to play football. If I'd any respect left for him it would be gone if he stays.
Wanted to bring this here.
I have to disagree.
His two year contract plus bonuses are worth at least £25m. You have to be crazy to turn your face at that. Especially when that's what we owe him.
We put ourselves in this situation and it should rightly cost us.
He has every right to demand his money.

Well yeah, by the letter of the law, but ethically he's got a fecking cheek. He's literally not able to deliver his side of the contract. If he clings on and sees out his contract it will have a major impact on how he is remembered, and he may end up thinking that his legacy was actually worth more than £25 million...

Who was to know that he would fall off a cliff in terms of ability to play football so quickly.

Speak for yourself! I was on a different United forum at the time (so can't speak for this one), and lots of us felt that a rapid decline was definitely on the cards. Fergie had spotted himself imho - he'd have been out of the door if Fergie hadn't retired.
Well yeah, by the letter of the law, but ethically he's got a fecking cheek. He's literally not able to deliver his side of the contract. If he clings on and sees out his contract it will have a major impact on how he is remembered, and he may end up thinking that his legacy was actually worth more than £25 million...

Speak for yourself! I was on a different United forum at the time (so can't speak for this one), and lots of us felt that a rapid decline was definitely on the cards. Fergie had spotted himself imho - he'd have been out of the door if Fergie hadn't retired.
He will argue that's because we don't want him to.
Can't blame him for wanting his money paid up but he should leave and take a pay cut to continue playing.

Ignore that, I got mixed up, the only way he collects the rest of his contracted wages is to stay and hardly play but if he wants to prolong his career he should leave us which results in him NOT getting said wages but earning whatever at his next club, as others have said, he basically wants two contracts at the same time greedy fecker.

But remember, he absolutely loves the club.

And "Just wants to play":rolleyes:

While I do get the point and agree with it, I'd love to see us Schweinsteiger him then Mourinho just point to his performances when questioned on it. At the end of the day if he's not wanted and chooses to stay in a stand off over money then that's his choice, the club can't be held responsible for him choosing to stay where he's unwanted. Unfortunately I know it doesn't work that way.

Also if Jose is questioned why he's not playing such a magnificent player he'd just have to say, " if he was that good, he would have got offers and left wouldn't he but nobody would touch him" :lol:
He will argue that's because we don't want him to.

He might argue that, but you can see in his eyes he knows he's finished. I would not begrudge him seeing out his contract if I thought he genuinely believed that he can still be a first team player for us and was simply delusional...but I think even he knows the game is up for him. I mean, he couldn't even make an impression against retired defenders in Carricks testimonial - he was bright red in the face and blowing like feck after about 5 mins. Therefore if he knows in his heart of hearts he can't contribute for us then he has no ethical right to ask for his contract to be paid up in full. It's absolutely not his fault that he was given such a ridiculous contract but he's done very well out of this club and it's time he walked with what little dignity he still has left. Surely a compromise payment is the fairest option, and is what I expect will happen ultimately.
He might argue that, but you can see in his eyes he knows he's finished. I would not begrudge him seeing out his contract if I thought he genuinely believed that he can still be a first team player for us and was simply delusional...but I think even he knows the game is up for him. I mean, he couldn't even make an impression against retired defenders in Carricks testimonial - he was bright red in the face and blowing like feck after about 5 mins. Therefore if he knows in his heart of hearts he can't contribute for us then he has no ethical right to ask for his contract to be paid up in full. It's absolutely not his fault that he was given such a ridiculous contract but he's done very well out of this club and it's time he walked with what little dignity he still has left. Surely a compromise payment is the fairest option, and is what I expect will happen ultimately.

So you think we just offered his ridiculous contract straight off the bat and he just said ah cheers that sounds good or we offered him a very good contract and he kicked and screamed like a kid until he leeched as much as possible out of us, I know which I believe.
So you think we just offered his ridiculous contract straight off the bat and he just said ah cheers that sounds good or we offered him a very good contract and he kicked and screamed like a kid until he leeched as much as possible out of us, I know which I believe.

Are you deliberately trying to misunderstand me? Of course his agent will have extracted the absolute best deal he could for his client - but we bloody agreed to it!

What I'm saying is he can't be held responsible for the contract he's on, but he certainly can be held responsible for hanging around taking the cash (or leaving and demanding the cash) when it's quite clear to him and the watching world that he is incapable of delivering his side of the bargain.
If there's anything truth in it and obviously it's just conjecture at this stage, but if he doesn't want to leave for a pay cut then we can finally lay to rest the bullshit about how he just wants to play football. If I'd any respect left for him it would be gone if he stays.

Totally agree.

Content to spend a year in the stands just to collect his money doesn't like the actions of a "street footballer" to me. They sound like a mercenary.
Seems a reasonable opening position for him to take in negotiating his exit from the club. But with the World Cup just a year away, he must know that he has to leave if he has any chance at all of going to Russia.

Still hoping that he and Utd will agree a suitable compromise that sees him leave, with the club picking up a proportion of his wages.
If I say the name Winston Bogarde, what's everyone's immediate thought? Exactly. He's a laughing stock in football, basically synonymous with the greed and lack of desire that players get accused of having nowadays.

Rooney will go from being one of the best English players in history to being a Bogarde over the course of his career if he chooses to stay here to collect his money. He has something to lose either way. It's probably an easy choice to just stay at the moment, but over time I'm sure he'll regret it. Money doesn't last forever. His reputation will.
So you think we just offered his ridiculous contract straight off the bat and he just said ah cheers that sounds good or we offered him a very good contract and he kicked and screamed like a kid until he leeched as much as possible out of us, I know which I believe.

Getting the best contract possible, in other words? Diabolical.

There's this tendency to portray it as if Rooney has had some mysterious, nefarious hold on Manchester United for years. We agreed to the terms. Nobody held a gun to Woody's head. Fergie, who is smarter than Moyes, Woody and yours truly, saw the writing on the wall. It is not Rooney's fault that the people who followed Fergie did not.

What I'm saying is he can't be held responsible for the contract he's on, but he certainly can be held responsible for hanging around taking the cash (or leaving and demanding the cash) when it's quite clear to him and the watching world that he is incapable of delivering his side of the bargain.

The question is how many players in his position would do the honourable thing, as it were. It's a lot of money.
Seems a reasonable opening position for him to take in n
egotiating his exit from the club. But with the World Cup just a year away, he must know that he has to leave if he has any chance at all of going to Russia.

Still hoping that he and Utd will agree a suitable compromise that sees him leave, with the club picking up a proportion of his wages.

Do you honestly believe he can play in a world cup? He can barely play against retired player. If he plays in this world cup it'll be a humiliation for him with the world's eye seeing how bad he performs.

That's just the usual soundbites to prolong his lifeline, to save a little bit face.
I don't think it's honourable to walk away from the money that a business is contracted to pay you. What he does with the money could be another issue, but if I was him I wouldn't feel bad about being paid lots of money from a club like United..
The question is how many players in his position would do the honourable thing, as it were. It's a lot of money.

It depends whether he values his legacy and reputation over cold hard cash I guess. As I pointed out earlier in the thread if he leaves this summer he'll be able to get a decent contract somewhere else (albeit not like the one he has with us) so that offsets some of the money.

This guys says it well:

If I say the name Winston Bogarde, what's everyone's immediate thought? Exactly. He's a laughing stock in football, basically synonymous with the greed and lack of desire that players get accused of having nowadays.

Rooney will go from being one of the best English players in history to being a Bogarde over the course of his career if he chooses to stay here to collect his money. He has something to lose either way. It's probably an easy choice to just stay at the moment, but over time I'm sure he'll regret it. Money doesn't last forever. His reputation will.
I don't think it's honourable to walk away from the money that a business is contracted to pay you. What he does with the money could be another issue, but if I was him I wouldn't feel bad about being paid lots of money from a club like United..

Any decent professional with a little bit of pride would resign when they know they can't deliver.

Neville, cantona, they know their time is up and they don't stay around like a turd that won't flush
I don't think it's honourable to walk away from the money that a business is contracted to pay you. What he does with the money could be another issue, but if I was him I wouldn't feel bad about being paid lots of money from a club like United..

But he can't deliver his side of the contract! Contracts should cut both ways. I realise that this is oversimplifying things, but if we couldn't pay him his wages for a couple of months I'm sure he'd walk - we're faced with 2 years of him being physically unable to make a meaningful contribution and we just have to suck it up and pay him the remainder of his contract? It's not just us deciding to get rid of him on a whim...he literally cannot play anymore. That alone should mean that he is at least open to some sort of compromise amount.
Do you honestly believe he can play in a world cup? He can barely play against retired player. If he plays in this world cup it'll be a humiliation for him with the world's eye seeing how bad he performs.

That's just the usual soundbites to prolong his lifeline, to save a little bit face.

If England and Southgate have any sense he'd be nowhere near the world cup squad.

Sad see in him diminish so quickly, was my favourite player for so long. But he's had a career that 99% of players in the world would kill for.
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