Wayne Rooney | Having medical

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It isn't 1999 mate, top level sports science and nutrition has largely moved beyond that archaic model. There are far more variables at play when discussing an individual's weight than caloric intake and expenditure including but not limited to deeply ingrained set points, bacterial biodiversity, individual basal metabolic rates, specific genetic markers, insulation sensitivity and to your point, quality of caloric intake. Calorie counting works for some people but it's a very limited way of looking at things.

I've been into sports science and fitness for the last 25 odd years and you have made a simple process sound ridiculously complicated.

For the record, it really is a simple formula: if calories used are greater than calories ingested, you will lose weight. There is no ifs or buts about this. Rooney can lose weight if he wants to.
PEDs will also allow you to to keep lower body fat, while maintaining more muscle (usually attained by manipulating the testosterone levels in your body).

But, I digress. Put simply, Rooney cannot play football in the EPL. Championship or lower would be his level, now.
Those quotes from Moyes :lol:

In fairness, at the time Rooney was one of our best players and Moyes needed all the help he could get when he joined. Moyes was totally out of his depth and he was desperate, extending Rooney's contract was logical.
First touch has always been dodgy but he had a yard or two more pace meaning he could get away with it with his physique/power. Pace is gone now he has nothing.

One more thing is everyone who said he could play midfield my god. That still gets banded about. Pundits are fecking idiots.

Rooney was a great forward but I always said once he lost sharpness he would be done for. It was so obvious. You need to be sharper in middle of the park to keep the tempo going.

Thanks Wayne for your best years. Best of luck. Man Utd need to move on like we have with everyone else.
We should just make him a player-coach.

Get him to train the 12y.o squad and run a course on street football within the academy. And definitely not on nutrition.
I'm not trying to dispute the laws of thermodynamics here but in the context of "you just need to burn more calories than you consume", the word "calorie" is almost always a gross oversimplification. When eaten, the fate of a "calorie" of food hinges not only on its specific molecular composition but the composition of the foods accompanying it, how said foods were prepared and how they interact with the current metabolic and nutritional state of the person consuming them.

TBH, it is silly to believe that anyone can fully understand the millions of reactions that are occurring simultaneously in our bodies at all times, which all require energy. We should all rest in the simplicity of common sense and thus, trust that if we give our body what it needs, that it will ultimately serve us well.

Of course, it is also possible to only eat shitty foods and still lose weight in a calorie deficit but it isn't likely going to be beneficial in the long run so it is best to practice everything in moderation. Hit protein/fat requirements, have a diet derived from wholesome nutritious foods that you enjoy eating, incorporate those cheat foods/meals if need be, exercise regularly (whatever that means to you and your goals), and live a healthy life.

"Burn more calories than you eat" is a good start but that advice doesn’t take all the complex intersecting factors that I mentioned into account.

Already addressed this in my previous post.

So to answer your question, sure, while we all have the same basic functions, we don't respond to all stimuli in the same way.

Never said otherwise. However, the rule for weight loss is always the same.

In my strictly anecdotal experience, advising people to eat more of the right kinds of foods and exercising less but at a higher intensity has always been more fruitful than saying "you need to work at a caloric deficit" because the latter ignores obvious things like how painfully imprecise most food labels tend to be.

One of the most important things to remember is that estimation of certain things plays a huge part in all of this. It is near impossible that everything can be measured perfectly accurately and thus, you can't get a perfectly accurate handle on how many calories are taken in but at the end of the day, you can figure out if you are you are burning more than you are taking in by keeping track of your weight and body measurements on a consistent basis. Sure, factors such as sodium intake will fluctuate such variables but over the long run if you keep counting calories, you will get a better handle on things and the progress will show as a result.

TLDR - Basically a roundabout way of saying Rooney is not disciplined enough even though he has access to world class fitness coaches and nutritionists.
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He can still come in and lead a team of boys at 75th minute away at minnows in LC and FA ties at home. That too only When we leading 5-0 and they are down to 9 men. Mind.
Presumably all these offers that he has are from fans willing to drive him to the airport. Quite the come down for Wayne and Jo Hart, as both seem to be struggling to find new clubs at this point.
So does he have 2 years left on his contract or a 1+1 with the club deciding? Looks like 2 years from that club statement back when he signed.
So does he have 2 years left on his contract or a 1+1 with the club deciding? Looks like 2 years from that club statement back when he signed.
In what way will his experience be valuable?

I don't understand this argument. In what way did it help us last season?

considering we have lost Zlatan we have no one in this team which has been to the very top of club football like Wayne a man that has won everything possible.

Don't underestimate that experience and the value it brings to the younger and more inexperienced members of our team.
It's bullshit. Experience is only valuable when it can make a meaningful contribution to the team.
An experienced player that's regularly one of the team's worst performers is just a player past his sell by date.
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His future is in China. Only Chinese clubs are stupid enough to pay him huge wages for subpar performances. The other option is to stink the place at United and ruin much of his legacy by being paid tens of millions for doing nothing.
Carrick's won everything that Wayne has. And provides far more to the team at less wages.

Look I'm in agreement with everyone else that he needs to leave and that's he's no longer anywhere near good enough.

However as it stands we don't have any other recognised striker and I'm not included Martial and Rashford as both play as forwards and not proper number 9's the only real benefit to him staying is his commercial value and experience of the field.

  • I know it's Pilip, may not be trustworthy, but that Rooney bit if true really stinks up his legacy with us. Wonder who are the 6 players who can leave: Rooney, Januzaj, Young, Smalling/Jones?

Wanted to bring this here.
I have to disagree.
His two year contract plus bonuses are worth at least £25m. You have to be crazy to turn your face at that. Especially when that's what we owe him.
We put ourselves in this situation and it should rightly cost us.
He has every right to demand his money.
So he wants his contract paid up.. well I think we should just say to him, we will pay half or you can be put in the reserves for an entire season. No more treating you like an experienced senior. Do a Bastian on him and get rid of him in January when he gets desperate.
Lets try not to go rabid until it's mentioned/confirmed by by a more credible source.
So does he have 2 years left on his contract or a 1+1 with the club deciding? Looks like 2 years from that club statement back when he signed.

I'm 99.9% certain it is 1+1.


I think we reported it as being until 2019 as both Woodward and Moyes saw nailing him down until he was 32 as a bit of a coup and a statement of intent. In reality, we structure all our contracts with the final year as an mutual option and have done since around 2010.

If he's trying to get us to buy him out of his contract he can feck off and rot in the reserves and Mourinho should make it absolutely clear what Rooney is doing by removing the captaincy from him and giving it to someone in the First XI.
tbf, he was 28 when he signed that 5 year deal, so it should have been his final contract to take him up to 33 & retirement or perhaps a 1 year extension, if he was up to it (which he theoretically should be). Who was to know that he would fall off a cliff in terms of ability to play football so quickly.

I think a 5 year contract for a 28 year old would be more or less par for the course, at worst 4 + 1. I am sure that is what we would be offering Perisic.
He'll end up going to Everton in some deal that sees us paying the difference in his wages for the season.
His future is in China. Only Chinese clubs are stupid enough to pay him huge wages for subpar performances. The other option is to stink the place at United and ruin much of his legacy by being paid tens of millions for doing nothing.
He doesn't fancy China and unfortunately (or not?) he has the right to make that choice.
I'm 99.9% certain it is 1+1.


I think we reported it as being until 2019 as both Woodward and Moyes saw nailing him down until he was 32 as a bit of a coup and a statement of intent. In reality, we structure all our contracts with the final year as an mutual option and have done since around 2010.

If he's trying to get us to buy him out of his contract he can feck off and rot in the reserves and Mourinho should make it absolutely clear what Rooney is doing by removing the captaincy from him and giving it to someone in the First XI.
Even in a worst case scenario, I can't see this club sending its highest ever goals scorer to the reserves.
Rooney has been complete crap for the past 2 years. He's on monster of wages and it's not fair to the others who actually are contributing in a meaningful way while Rooney has been at home shaking his leg and earning his wages. Yes, he's a United great because of the records he broke and so on but he's also held the club ransom to get a better contract. Knowing that he's finished and has nothing to offer when it comes to United as well as England, he should just step away and go to MLS or China to collect more of his pension. He should be stepping aside as he knows that Mourinho is taking the club as to what it used to be and he being there isn't helping the cause.
I'm 99.9% certain it is 1+1.


I think we reported it as being until 2019 as both Woodward and Moyes saw nailing him down until he was 32 as a bit of a coup and a statement of intent. In reality, we structure all our contracts with the final year as an mutual option and have done since around 2010.

If he's trying to get us to buy him out of his contract he can feck off and rot in the reserves and Mourinho should make it absolutely clear what Rooney is doing by removing the captaincy from him and giving it to someone in the First XI.

In the telegraph article: "the Daily Telegraph understands that the deal was for 4½ years with the option of another 12 months that the club or player could trigger." What's the point of a +1 if either party can trigger it, sounds strange to me.
Why is he still here? I can only assume he's become too fat and shit to even be able to feck off at this point.
Can't blame him for wanting his money paid up but he should leave and take a pay cut to continue playing.
The sad part is you could see this coming from a mile off when the contract was announced. I had no issue with the wages but the length is ridiculous for a player that was already showing signs of degradation.
Wanted to bring this here.
I have to disagree.
His two year contract plus bonuses are worth at least £25m. You have to be crazy to turn your face at that. Especially when that's what we owe him.
We put ourselves in this situation and it should rightly cost us.
He has every right to demand his money.
It is a two way street, he wants to play, we won't be giving him many minutes, if what pilib says is true he wants us to pay him so that he can go play somewhere else, i would tell him and shitty agent to go do one, if this is true i hope he gets the schweinsteiger treatment good luck with your next world cup dream then rooney.
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