Wayne Rooney | Having medical

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If that happens, it's entirely on Mourinho.

Just as the situation as such is entirely United's fault. Moyes and, ultimately, Woodward gave him that bloody contract in the first place.

I'll disagree all day. Rooney is done at this level. If he wants to run down his contract, that's fine. But he also needs to understand he's not the Wayne from his prime and can't expect to be afforded the same status as he was in the past. He's a shadow of himself and it's really not up to the club or the manager at this point to protect from embarassment. They did that last year, as I mentioned and Rooney didn't take the hint.

For all I care or Jose for that matter, Rooney can come train and watch his bank account every week for that fat pay check. That clearly seems to be his priority. Because it certainly hasn't been football for the past several years now. Look at the difference in how Ronaldo has progressed his skill and career compared to Rooney. They were considered of similiar levels when they were younger.
For reference, this is going to be my last post on the matter because we've veered way off topic.

This statement in isolation does not make any sense at all. Why would counting calories work for some people and not for others?
I'm not trying to dispute the laws of thermodynamics here but in the context of "you just need to burn more calories than you consume", the word "calorie" is almost always a gross oversimplification. When eaten, the fate of a "calorie" of food hinges not only on its specific molecular composition but the composition of the foods accompanying it, how said foods were prepared and how they interact with the current metabolic and nutritional state of the person consuming them. "Burn more calories than you eat" is a good start but that advice doesn’t take all the complex intersecting factors that I mentioned into account.

So to answer your question, sure, while we all have the same basic functions, we don't respond to all stimuli in the same way. In my strictly anecdotal experience, advising people to eat more of the right kinds of foods and exercising less but at a higher intensity has always been more fruitful than saying "you need to work at a caloric deficit" because the latter ignores obvious things like how painfully imprecise most food labels tend to be.

Hint: you won't find one. It's all academic wankery. Interesting stuff for sure but calories are still king. Your patronising tone deserves a slap.
Slap yourself.
No matter how it sounds...i have a body type simmilar to Rooney's. Few years back i weighted 78kg at 185 cm, age 26. Daily calorie intake- 1500-1800. Sport routine: a 12-15km run everyday, plus gym and swim. I hardly ever consumed alcohol too. Yet i still had excees fat on me. I went to see a nutrition specialist to make a proper check. She found out that i had more than 30% body fat, but my dry body mass reveled malnutrion. She ordered me to add calories and with the same routiness i gained 5kg fat withing a month.

What i trying to say is this: as much as i want to belive that calorie intake and caloires burnt are the only factors influencing one's body shape as much i dont belive that this is that simple. Im sure sooner or later science will figure that out.

Take care

For what it's worth I compete in bodybuilding competitions. I have the same "body type" as Rooney, as in i have that some "big looking" (Endomorphic) build and I maintain sub 10% body-fat all year round by cutting and increasing calories in cycles. He's not fat because of genes, he's fat because he's not willing to do what is required to stay in shape. Yes he may have it harder than an ectomorphic body-type but you better believe he's putting away excess calories on a daily basis far and above his maintenance level (when we take into account the amount of cardio work he should be doing, he's clearly not eating "clean"). Wayne doesn't have the dicipline for staying in shape, we've seen this time and time again. He's photographed drinking, gambling and smoking, he does not care about his body full stop, and clearly has an addictive personality for these vices.

Now, to your first point. Calories in, vs calories out is King when it comes to fat loss. There can be no argument for this, every scientific study and every single body-building cutting body fat knows this to be fact. If you want to lose any significant amount of body-fat you have to be in a calorie deficit. Sure, you can eat roughly maintenance and do things like sprint training to increase your metabolic rate, but ultimately that would be a long hall for pure fat loss, without reducing calories you're going to get no where, fast.

You say you were eating 1500-1800 calories a day, and then running 12-15km a day, plus running and swimming? 1500 calories alone at your weight and height for any significant portion of time is too big of a deficit, add on running for that distance and weight training/gym and swimming it's not wonder your didn't loose weight. I'd be wiling to be you catabolised a lot of muscle tissue for fuel as well . Running for that distance you were burning an extra 1000 calories on top of an already unadvisedly large deficit, putting you on around 500 calories a day. Your body will have done everything in its power to hold on to any fat mass you had, it was in starvation mode and you destroyed your metabolism i'm afraid. It's no wonder that when you started adding calories you gained a ton of weight. That's what happens when you cut calories so drastically and then re-add them.

TLDR; Rooney is fat because he's lazy, not because of genes.
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Sentimentality aside, I hope he stays for a season more. Media are reporting that he may attend a boot camp in an attempt to recover his edge - whether this is true or not, I don't think he's finished at United if he can demonstrate his commitment to JM. With the pace eroded and the precocious talent dulled, he is still a passionate leader and capable of class. Should he start pre-season conditioning early, and be prepared to sit on the bench for a lot of the season I think his experience could be critical to the squad. He's not the main man, but could be worth 10+ goals over the course of a season. We bought Teddy from Spurs at 31 to sit in a four striker rotation. Morata, Rashford, Tony M, Wazza...
Present me with ONE single research study (well peer reviewed) that proves that any of those factors are nothing more than minutiae compared to manipulation of energy balance (calorie counting).

Hint: you won't find one. It's all academic wankery. Interesting stuff for sure but calories are still king. Your patronising tone deserves a slap.

Not this again, David.
Sentimentality aside, I hope he stays for a season more. Media are reporting that he may attend a boot camp in an attempt to recover his edge - whether this is true or not, I don't think he's finished at United if he can demonstrate his commitment to JM. With the pace eroded and the precocious talent dulled, he is still a passionate leader and capable of class. Should he start pre-season conditioning early, and be prepared to sit on the bench for a lot of the season I think his experience could be critical to the squad. He's not the main man, but could be worth 10+ goals over the course of a season. We bought Teddy from Spurs at 31 to sit in a four striker rotation. Morata, Rashford, Tony M, Wazza...
His experience hasn't helped us one bit .

See his Swansea perfomance.

It's purely sentiment to think otherwise.
His experience hasn't helped us one bit .

See his Swansea perfomance.

It's purely sentiment to think otherwise.
I'd agree that he hasn't coped as well as others with adapting his game/role as his body has aged. He remains emotionally immature - we know this too. His Swansea performance was pretty poor - I'll concede that. I still think he has an opportunity to show the manager that he has something to contribute. It's not sentiment (as previously stated), as I'm not sentimental about the playing squad. I don't like us shipping out experience needlessly (Evra, Vidic etc) when it can help development of younger or newer players.
I'd agree that he hasn't coped as well as others with adapting his game/role as his body has aged. He remains emotionally immature - we know this too. His Swansea performance was pretty poor - I'll concede that. I still think he has an opportunity to show the manager that he has something to contribute. It's not sentiment (as previously stated), as I'm not sentimental about the playing squad. I don't like us shipping out experience needlessly (Evra, Vidic etc) when it can help development of younger or newer players.

What though?

What does he have to contribute?
I'd agree that he hasn't coped as well as others with adapting his game/role as his body has aged. He remains emotionally immature - we know this too. His Swansea performance was pretty poor - I'll concede that. I still think he has an opportunity to show the manager that he has something to contribute. It's not sentiment (as previously stated), as I'm not sentimental about the playing squad. I don't like us shipping out experience needlessly (Evra, Vidic etc) when it can help development of younger or newer players.
Im all for experienced players.

But the Zlatan variety. Leading by example.

When the most experienced player is one of the poorest, it doesn't help any one.
Sentimentality aside, I hope he stays for a season more. Media are reporting that he may attend a boot camp in an attempt to recover his edge - whether this is true or not, I don't think he's finished at United if he can demonstrate his commitment to JM. With the pace eroded and the precocious talent dulled, he is still a passionate leader and capable of class. Should he start pre-season conditioning early, and be prepared to sit on the bench for a lot of the season I think his experience could be critical to the squad. He's not the main man, but could be worth 10+ goals over the course of a season. We bought Teddy from Spurs at 31 to sit in a four striker rotation. Morata, Rashford, Tony M, Wazza...

I was one of the last to the Rooney is done camp, and I really can't believe that anyone who saw him this season thinks he can "recover his edge".

The guy is absolutely shot away.

I reckon you should watch the early to mid Rooney days, and then compare v the last few years.
Wayne's physique is that of an endomorph, coupled with his probable lack of dedication with diet and training etc, that the Ronaldos and Zltatans of the world have, along with decrease in passion and hunger(not that kind), have lead to an overall decline. His mind/mental drive,fire, passion etc, was a big help to him in his quality years, those qualities have dipped, so his body followed and he cant go or do it how he used to.

And/or its the Propecia medication he is probably taking, caused it all, lol.
I'll disagree all day. Rooney is done at this level. If he wants to run down his contract, that's fine. But he also needs to understand he's not the Wayne from his prime and can't expect to be afforded the same status as he was in the past. He's a shadow of himself and it's really not up to the club or the manager at this point to protect from embarassment. They did that last year, as I mentioned and Rooney didn't take the hint.

For all I care or Jose for that matter, Rooney can come train and watch his bank account every week for that fat pay check. That clearly seems to be his priority. Because it certainly hasn't been football for the past several years now. Look at the difference in how Ronaldo has progressed his skill and career compared to Rooney. They were considered of similiar levels when they were younger.

Not sure what you disagree with.

If Mourinho gives him minutes at the expense of someone more deserving, that's on Mourinho. You can't disagree with that, presumably. And for the record, I don't think Mourinho will do that – so we should be fine. If Rooney's happy to hang around, Schweinsteiger style, that's his prerogative. And if he gets minutes, we have to think he deserves those minutes – or it's on Mourinho again, poor judgment on his part, etc.

As for the situation itself, it's the club's fault. We gave him the contract. If he decides he'd rather collect his salary for two more seasons than go elsewhere and play regular football – well, it's his right, like it or not.

I hope he leaves, since I have no desire to see him become some kind of bizarre mascot (an unpopular one at that). But we made that bed, not him. Moyes and Woody could have done what Fergie probably wanted – but they didn't.
What i trying to say is this: as much as i want to belive that calorie intake and caloires burnt are the only factors influencing one's body shape as much i dont belive that this is that simple. Im sure sooner or later science will figure that out.

Take care

You're right. Not across the board for all, but you're right. Everyone is an experiment of one.
Wayne's physique is that of an endomorph, coupled with his probable lack of dedication with diet and training etc, that the Ronaldos and Zltatans of the world have, along with decrease in passion and hunger(not that kind), have lead to an overall decline. His mind/mental drive,fire, passion etc, was a big help to him in his quality years, those qualities have dipped, so his body followed and he cant go or do it how he used to.

And/or its the Propecia medication he is probably taking, caused it all, lol.

Wayne's physique is that of a potato.
I'll never be a Rooney hater as he's been a very big part of the success we've had since his arrival in 2004 but after 13 (yes 13 years) of playing at the very highest level and in the Premier League from such a young age (16) his legs are gone, his brain can still tell him what it wants to do but his legs don't allow what the brain is saying.

There's long been rumours and stories about Rooney boozing and smoking and his dietary habits and all of this things along with how long he's been playing at the highest level have attributed to his rapid decline, Zlatan and Ronaldo are perfect examples of how to extend or prolong your career and Giggs is an example that it's not just foreign players being able to do it too.

If Rooney does stay then there's nothing anyone can do about it as it's his right seeing as he has a legally binding contract for another year but if he does then he'll play even less than he did the season just finished and be practically a reserve team player, Jose did the exact perfect thing with Rooney as he didn't just sell him and await backlash if we won nothing and played him so everyone saw for themselves he's finished at our level so it's easy to let him go.
I'll never be a Rooney hater as he's been a very big part of the success we've had since his arrival in 2004 but after 13 (yes 13 years) of playing at the very highest level and in the Premier League from such a young age (16) his legs are gone, his brain can still tell him what it wants to do but his legs don't allow what the brain is saying.

There's long been rumours and stories about Rooney boozing and smoking and his dietary habits and all of this things along with how long he's been playing at the highest level have attributed to his rapid decline, Zlatan and Ronaldo are perfect examples of how to extend or prolong your career and Giggs is an example that it's not just foreign players being able to do it too.

If Rooney does stay then there's nothing anyone can do about it as it's his right seeing as he has a legally binding contract for another year but if he does then he'll play even less than he did the season just finished and be practically a reserve team player, Jose did the exact perfect thing with Rooney as he didn't just sell him and await backlash if we won nothing and played him so everyone saw for themselves he's finished at our level so it's easy to let him go.

Good post - spot on.
I'd expect Rooney to have some degree of professional pride. I also imagine there's no hiding place at Man United training. Rooney looks like he's trying to get a head-start in order to keep up. If he's struggling early he might elect to leave before the transfer window closes.
Why hasn't this guy signed for a Chinese, American or Arab team yet. He's completely finished at the top level because he's not respected his body as the body of an athlete should.

I just hope the Griezmann deal not happening hasn't scuppered this fat shit leaving the club.
People going on about Rooneys body fat, non healthy lifestyle, not staying in shape. There may be truth in this.....but cast your mind back 5 or 6 years and this would never have been even discussed. People forget the Rooney of old was one of the hardest working players in the side, chasing back and getting stuck in, powerful runs.
He no longer has any of that and age is part of the reason. Just as importantly though, his touch and balance went a good 2/3 years ago. His first and second touch is actually bordering on dreadful now, just watch how often he loses the ball under any pressure.
Rooney has for a period been a great players for us, year in year out until his mid twenties one of our best and hard working players....but for me he never quite became the player he promised as a precocious teenager. For me he could have been up there with Messi and Ronaldo but I remember just one season where he consitently performed to that level virtually week in week out.
He deserves his place within the history of the club, sadly for me now he barely deserves a spot on the bench and certainly wouldnt with a couple of additions this summer.
If he's still knocking around in late August, I think we'll put the feelers out for a club to take him on loan for a season and try to cover as much of his wages as possible.
TLDR; Rooney is fat because he's lazy, not because of genes.

Hear fecking hear. Am fed up of reading its his body type blah blah blah.
He probably has the most expensively assembled nutritionists and physios etc in the world and still he can't get into shape? Horseshit.
Can get away with it in your 20's but eventually that will catch up with you.
Similar story with Ricky Hatton. Ballooned up and down in between fights and retired early as his body couldn't hack it any more...
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