Wayne Rooney | Having medical

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This has got to be a fake, no one could gain that amount of weight in such a small period of time.

It could be shopped, yes, but he's also someone who gains weight quickly, especially during the off-season. It's probaby also not the most flattering photo. Few weeks ago I watched a video of him from previous seasons and the difference in terms of fitness was very noticeable compared to this season.
It could be shopped, yes, but he's also someone who gains weight quickly, especially during the off-season. It's probaby also not the most flattering photo. Few weeks ago I watched a video of him from previous seasons and the difference in terms of fitness was very noticeable compared to this season.

Yeah I'm aware of his ongoing battle with the fat gene but he would have to literally eat all the pies in existence to balloon to that weight so quickly. It would almost be an impressive feat was he not a professional footballer looking to move to a new club. In this pic he just looks like fat Ronaldo minus the teeth.
Yeah I'm aware of his ongoing battle with the fat gene but he would have to literally eat all the pies in existence to balloon to that weight so quickly. It would almost be an impressive feat was he not a professional footballer looking to move to a new club. In this pic he just looks like fat Ronaldo minus the teeth.
Remember the players wear those tight undershirts. That was probably holding everything in. Take it off and everything explodes. A bit like a womans corset.

Sorry if anyone is just starting their dinner.:(
..the feck?! There are 40 year old blokes down my local drinking 10 pints a day that are in better shape than that!

Yet he would still out run everyone on them people. People saying rooney isn't fit are daft
He is the one transfer i would like to see happen... want him out asap!
This has got to be a fake, no one could gain that amount of weight in such a small period of time.

He unfortunately has that type of metabolism. If you look at pictures of his parents,you'll see what I mean.

Suppose it doesn't help that his lifestyle doesn't exactly lend itself to keeping the pounds off
Don't see what the big deal is about that picture. T-shirt photos aren't usually flattering.
Don't see what the big deal is about that picture. T-shirt photos aren't usually flattering.

State of some people, mocking United's legend in a transfer thread.
Rooney is no different there than he was during the season. He looks fine and he has definitely looked muhc worse in the summer before.
Some of you lot need to look up the dictionary of the meaning of fat, really

Some of you lot need to look up the dictionary of the meaning of professional athlete, really
Some of you lot need to look up the dictionary of the meaning of professional athlete, really

It's the off season now, mate. He can do anything he wants as far as i am concerned until he gets back for preseason. Not that i think he's gone out of shape in the picture though
It's the off season now, mate. He can do anything he wants as far as i am concerned until he gets back for preseason. Not that i think he's gone out of shape in the picture though

You think he's fallen into that shape within a week? Look at photos of him in the last month or so, he's been out of shape for a while, a fat neck and a chubby face.
That is not the body shape of a professional premier league footballer. Regardless of his salary. I dont know why people here defend that. He clearly doesnt look after himself in the right way
You think he's fallen into that shape within a week? Look at photos of him in the last month or so, he's been out of shape for a while, a fat neck and a chubby face.

Agree with this. What was the game where he came on for the last 5 mins and ran the ball into the corner. People were saying it was his best performance of the season. Cant remember the opposition, it was towards the end of the season. Anyway he was blowing up like mad after 5 mins. Gassed out.
You think he's fallen into that shape within a week? Look at photos of him in the last month or so, he's been out of shape for a while, a fat neck and a chubby face.

He's just 'stocky' and thats his genetics...forget about the thousands of other athletes that are stocky but are physical monsters :lol:

Scientists should study Rooney because he must be a unique specimen; looks after his diet and trains as hard as Ronaldo yet he has the fitness of your average gym-goer.

Get in shape Rooney!!
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I'm pretty much the same age as Rooney but I genuinely think I'm in better shape than him.
He's just 'stocky' and thats his genetics...forget about the thousands of other athletes that are stocky but are physical monsters :lol:

Scientists should study Rooney because he must be a unique specimen; looks after his diet and trains as hard as Ronaldo yet he has the fitness of your average gym-goer.
What a load of rubbish.
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