Wayne Rooney | Having medical

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:eek: we'll have trouble getting rid of him if we don't make these holidays pictures disappear from the internet. yikes
He's just 'stocky' and thats his genetics...forget about the thousands of other athletes that are stocky but are physical monsters :lol:

Scientists should study Rooney because he must be a unique specimen; looks after his diet and trains as hard as Ronaldo yet he has the fitness of your average gym-goer.

This post is in desperate need of white text. Why is there no white text?
My microsoft paint is 10 years old :lol:

Added some white text for you

Ahhhhh now I get it. Thanks for the white text, it really helps to avoid a brain aneurysm from erupting when attempting to decipher a suspicious looking post.

Wish I knew how to white text. Microsoft paint is apparently not the way to go :(
Im new to the caf, how do i use use white text?
You don't. Just use a text color button next to the underline one. If you make a sarcastic point it's polite to include some indication of it at the end of the message in white, as it's sometimes hard to separate sarcasm and genuine stupidity on the internet. White text isn't visible (well, almost) until you quote that message.
Apparently (Express) not willing to accept any form of wage reduction to stay in England.

#ambition. #worldcup #notgreedy
I'm pretty much the same age as Rooney but I genuinely think I'm in better shape than him.

Then you're delusional. I think saying Rooney is out of shape means he is out of shape for a striker in a premier league team. He would still probably crush it any lower league side.
If a team were willimg to pay his wages do you think we would consider selling Rooney for £5?
If he stays here he's not getting in the England team. What does he really care about? If he wants to play in the World Cup next year, he'll have to leave and take a pay cut. If all he cares about is his salary, he might as well move to the USA or China.
so you bumped this thread based on a report in The Daily Express? #senseless
if it is the case that he's not willing to accept a wage cut I'd expect Mourinho to tell him in no uncertain terms he's finished with the first team squad

surely Rooney has more pride than to sit in reserves

Rooney is on holiday isn't he? I expect him to leave this month with a large golden goodbye from United to supplement his wages
if it is the case that he's not willing to accept a wage cut I'd expect Mourinho to tell him in no uncertain terms he's finished with the first team squad

surely Rooney has more pride than to sit in reserves

Rooney is on holiday isn't he? I expect him to leave this month with a large golden goodbye from United to supplement his wages

Rooney has always put the interests of club and country first. #legend
99% of things discussed at the moment are rumour, its off season.

Do you think it's inconceivable that this is true? #deluded

rumours creaated by express are ones they created out from nowhere.

Its very unlikely that it is true. Rooney has said he has lots of offers and he also said that he wants to get to England team. I doubt he would want to sit without playing for another season.
I never expected him to take a wage cut.
This is Rooney we're talking about.
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