Wayne Rooney | Having medical

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Similar theme which makes me think someone in his entourage has spoken. Feels some of his injuries have been minor that he could still have made the squad on a number of occasions. Like Mourinho is looking for every excuse not to play him. Both articles talk about him leaving as a certainty.

Nothing new in those articles apart from more whiffing of their own farts, offering up their own brand of speculation about him eventually leaving.

Somehow an article about his expected return from injury bringing about a (shock horror!) bid to make the away trip to Brussells turned into "he's leaving" without any new information.
Slow news week?
He's leaving. All the best Rooney - you've been an amazing player. Perfect time to leave after lifting a European trophy.
The omission from the England squad would have made his mind up. He won't won't to go down like that.
The lots of offers part basically confirms it in my opinion. He's leaving.
Lots of offers.....

Wigan, Barnsley, Blackburn et al. Would be shocked if any PL Club wanted him.

Him leaving is the best thing he can do for us and himself. Thankfully he doesn't seem to want to leech of us.
Kind of sad looking back on the slideshow of his career in the report, so many memories of the guy, it's strange to think we're all sat here now, so thankful he's likely off.
Meh, he deserves a nice relaxed couple of years in China or America, given that he's basically been full throttle since he was 16. No small wonder he peaked earlier than most other players. At least he's leaving us on sort of a high.
think I have to make a decision in terms of a football decision, and that’s what I’ll do
Not rocket science is it?
He's saying off to where he can play.
Great servant for the club but for me he could have gone to greater heights had he put the same amount of care and time in maintaining his body like Ronaldo did.

A big chunk of money off the club's payroll if he leaves.
Kind of sad looking back on the slideshow of his career in the report, so many memories of the guy, it's strange to think we're all sat here now, so thankful he's likely off.
It's a bit sad but it happens. In 5 years time he'll be remembered extremely positively. Look at what he's achieved in his career -- gone out as the all time top scorer for Manchester United and England.
He's off for sure.

Great servant for the club and an absolute legend. As I've said earlier, history will be much kinder to him. Great that he leaves on a high.
He'll stay in England for one more season since he's so close to England's all time appearance record
A terrific player, the deserved recordsman, the legend. Gave his all during his prime years. I thought that he would be willing to see his contract out, but it looks like Wayne still wants to play and is ready to leave the club. Hats off.
Last couple of years he was a pain to watch but I am sure, I will be very very sad to see him go. It will also make me realize even more that an era was closed. He has been an amazing servant and he always gave his best. He could and should have been an a lot better player obviously, but again, he is a legend.

What a player he was between 2004 and 2010. Passion, pace, hustle, goals. What a player.
I wouldn't call him getting paid what is owed him (as per contract specifications) leeching us.

Owed is an interesting term. When he offers feck all and can't fulfil expectations it would be leeching for anyone with pride. I'm sure he'd feel that way too in some sense.
Thanks for the memory's Wayne. He's won everything, what a career he's had.
I bet one of the options for him is Valencia. Nani will somehow fool them that his uncle Wayne has still got it.
Those are good comments. Mourinho has handled this perfectly and Wayne can depart without acrimony.
Thank feck this is getting sorted early, no need for it to drag on with Rooney having second thoughts about leaving.
Last night was the perfect finale for him. Not many players get to lift a trophy as their final act for the club.

He's got the goal scoring record, he's had his testimonial, he's won everything there is to win. He has nothing left to achieve at Utd.

It's time to go.
Thanks for the memories Fat boy.Hope he goes to china or Mls, i dont think everton will have any interest in him.
Barkley & Lukaku leaving Everton paves the way for Wayne on a cut price deal. I'm pretty sure he will have the same role on the bench there though given what we have seen of him recently.
If he stayed and won the super cup he would have won every title that is possible for a United player to win.
Might be some sentiment which says what's the harm in having him for another season (not from me, but in general). But the harm is 300k a week on wages which could improve us drastically if spent on a player like Griezmann or whoever. It's time to leave.
I'd retire if i were him

Going to everton is a bad move, he'll be humiliated to no end now that he's not the club captain and icon no more.

I dont think the guys at Everton would respect him if he doesn't contribute to their cause (which i doubt he can contribute much).

Besides i dont think rooney moving to everton would sell alot of shirts as he used to, i dont even think the everton fans liked him that much to get his name on their jerseys, and overseas fans would be hard pressed finding an everton jersey let alone the one with rooney on the back.

Don't do it wayne.
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