Wayne Rooney | Having medical

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I really think he'd do better to go be Pulis's #10 at West Brom, taking Morrison's job. Don't think he's good enough to start at Everton anymore and they'd do better to get some width around Lukaku and Barkley. Not sure why they didn't just keep Deulofeu. They have good mobility and strength in midfield with Gana, Schneiderlin and Davies. They could afford to carry a tricky, productive but running hot and cold winger like a Boufal, Traore or Ben Arfa instead of an immobile, good finisher in Rooney.

Why pay him 150k or whatever he will cost them a week when you could just spend the cash on a younger player?
Why are some people surprised by this story? This was actually out there a while now. I even slapped a few bob down on Everton to be Rooney's next club. Looking forward to cashing in soon :smirk:
Im really struggling to think of another example where supporters of the current club of a player want him to go somewhere, a whole lot more than the supporters of the receiving club want to take him.

lots of everton fans would be happy to have him back, myself included.
lots of everton fans would be happy to have him back, myself included.

I don't know just how highly Everton fans rate Davies but surely it would derail his development if you took Rooney back. Having Rooney winding down in his later years, spraying Hollywood passes to Coleman and scoring the odd rebound can't be ideal for the promising midfield that Koeman seems to have finally sorted.
I know it is hip to make statements like "Rooney wouldn't get into a PL first XI" and such, but I think in terms of actual end product, Barkley is not any better.

Sure he always looks busy and about to do something useful but he is literally pointless in most games. Koeman has not been shy to state this over and over.

He is still young obviously and could get better while the only way for Rooney is down but it won't hurt him to rotate at #10. With Gueye and Schneiderlin behind him, Lukaku ahead of him, and Bolasie + 1 either side of him, there is plenty of energy and runners around Rooney. He would still be quite productive in terms of assists.

Everton fans I've talked to would take him and I personally think he would do well there. Not world class performances but industrious and productive enough to justify a starting spot in most games (probably dropped for a 3 man mid against top 6 opposition).
I know it is hip to make statements like "Rooney wouldn't get into a PL first XI" and such, but I think in terms of actual end product, Barkley is not any better.

Sure he always looks busy and about to do something useful but he is literally pointless in most games. Koeman has not been shy to state this over and over.

He is still young obviously and could get better while the only way for Rooney is down but it won't hurt him to rotate at #10. With Gueye and Schneiderlin behind him, Lukaku ahead of him, and Bolasie + 1 either side of him, there is plenty of energy and runners around Rooney. He would still be quite productive in terms of assists.

Everton fans I've talked to would take him and I personally think he would do well there. Not world class performances but industrious and productive enough to justify a starting spot in most games (probably dropped for a 3 man mid against top 6 opposition).
Wonder what his OT reception would be like
I don't know why people are saying Everton couldn't afford him. 300k a week for 24 months is 'Only' 31m. That's a huge figure if he's not free but no doubt he will be as it's the only way he can leave United. Otherwise it's a catch-22 for all parties.

- If he demands a pay-off we'll demand a fee.
- If we demand a fee the buying club wont be able to pay his wages.

I think he'd get games there too. He'd clearly suit a side that plays a lot looser. A team that goes through attack-defence transitions a lot quicker. I think he could still play for a team that's scrappier in nature.
Why would Everton think United would accept a loan?

They're hardly going to pay his wages

Probably because they (like everyone else in the Premier League, but especially them) think we're a soft-touch, and TBF based on the usual way we do business when selling players, they'd be right to think so - they probably thought we'd pay his wages for them as well. Hopefully between rejecting this loan move and not letting them have Schneiderlin for whatever change Bill Kenright had down the back of his sofa in January, it will be a sign that our business is going to be at least respectable going forward.
Trying to sign our record goalscorer on loan? :lol:

Just wow :rolleyes: Everton can get fecked.
Barkley is better than the current Rooney. I don't think Rooney will eventually end up as rotational player for them if he does move.
Im really struggling to think of another example where supporters of the current club of a player want him to go somewhere, a whole lot more than the supporters of the receiving club want to take him.
Do you mean United fans wanting him to go to Everton or anywhere? I don't think most of us are fussed where he ends up but the scenario of the supporters of club wanting a player to leave and receiving club supporters not wanting him is incredibly common (ie. us wanting to get rid of fellaini and receiving club fans not wanting fellaini)
Apparently we are going to pay him off in the summer so he would leave....why would we do that?
Apparently we are going to pay him off in the summer so he would leave....why would we do that?
Because selling him to China is the only way we make money out of his sale. It's why I wanted him to leave last week. No one else would pay us and take on his wages.
I don't know why people are saying Everton couldn't afford him. 300k a week for 24 months is 'Only' 31m. That's a huge figure if he's not free but no doubt he will be as it's the only way he can leave United. Otherwise it's a catch-22 for all parties.

- If he demands a pay-off we'll demand a fee.
- If we demand a fee the buying club wont be able to pay his wages.

I think he'd get games there too. He'd clearly suit a side that plays a lot looser. A team that goes through attack-defence transitions a lot quicker. I think he could still play for a team that's scrappier in nature.

How? That would be a completely unrealistic move for them. 15.5 million per year is almost 13% of their entire yearly turnover. 13%! On one player who, all due respect to him, is not what he is and is 100% no longer a 300k/ week player. Not to mention the overall impact it could have on their wage structure when Barkley, Lukaku, Coleman etc etc next go up for contract renewals and see 300k as this significantly higher ceiling that Everton would be willing to go to.

I thought Everton fans disliked Rooney?
Koeman talks the talk but Everton won't break their wage structure to sign a rapidly declining player who is barely good enough to play for them as it is. I'm sure any deal would be contingent on us foregoing a fee and/or heavily subsidising Rooney's wages.
Because selling him to China is the only way we make money out of his sale. It's why I wanted him to leave last week. No one else would pay us and take on his wages.
Didn't we all, as with Fellaini too? Only to find out that China didn't want either of them. It's impossible to be a United fan and a transfer muppet at the same time. Hard times.
Seeing Rooney's fall from grace makes me really sad. United's record goal-scorer who has been with the club for 11 years and now he's being ousted out. :(
China was our best bet.
Let's be honest, it's highly unlikely any club in our league will be willing to take Rooney on without a huge wage-cut as they've seen first hand how much he has declined. In China, they still think he's Wayne Rooney, 'Roy of the Rovers', one of the best players in the world or at least can sell him as such to the fans.
Seeing Rooney's fall from grace makes me really sad. United's record goal-scorer who has been with the club for 11 years and now he's being ousted out. :(
We've lost better players than him and we'll lose better players in the future. Also he'll be the only "legend" we've had who threatened to join our local rivals until he got the big fat contract he wanted, so good riddance to him.
Not sure why people think Rooney will remain on the same wages as he is with us if he goes to Everton. Don't get me wrong, obviously he'd be their highest earner, but if he leaves here it's because he wants gametime rather than just sitting on the bench and he'll be willing to drop wages a little. I'm guessing closer to 180k a week rather than the 300k he's getting now.
China was our best bet.
Let's be honest, it's highly unlikely any club in our league will be willing to take Rooney on without a huge wage-cut as they've seen first hand how much he has declined. In China, they still think he's Wayne Rooney, 'Roy of the Rovers', one of the best players in the world or at least can sell him as such to the fans.

The Chinese are not stupid either. The only reason they would take Rooney would be for marketing and merchandising. But they will also try to drive a bargain, as they know Rooney is a spent force on the pitch.
Some of the posts on the Everton forum :lol:

The majority dont want him, Everton the business, no doubt want him (sponsors etc), but the fans, no.

Ref wages, for it to "make sense" i really believe he will have to go to 125k per week, with us paying 50k of that :-(

In my view this move will show how sincere Rooney's love for Everton is, and is that love for Everton greater than that love for £
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Even if he does go to Everton for a couple of years, am sure he can then still move to China or USA
for a final pay-cheque before retirement.
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