Wayne Rooney | Having medical

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He's a parasite becasue he'll sit and leech off us rather than play despite his street footballer bullshit, get your head out of his arse.

My head is not his arse. I have enough brain cells to understand what a contract means and who to blame for a player being handed too big a contract.

Good day.
He's a parasite becasue he'll sit and leech off us rather than play despite his street footballer bullshit, get your head out of his arse.
Don't let hate cloud your judgement.

You know that he doesn't want to play. I think it's quite opposite. But carry on.
It's pretty obvious Mourinho has told him that he's either got to accept that he's going to be in and out of the squad and on the bench at best or find himself a new club. China is the only option until the end of the season and his agent's club finding expedition came back fruitless so he's got to but it all to bed for a few months to avoid the drama and distraction.

I'll bet you £500 he's long gone by the start of next season.

Mate, that clearly never happened. You need to stop believing what you hear/read from the papers! :lol:

And to all you punters out there - I'll pay £2 for every £1 if you bet with me that Rooney will be gone by next season. ;)
Its all gonna be alright.. its okay now.. all gonna be alright.. its all gonna be alright.. it all gonna be alright..
its okay... its okay.. okay now... its okay.. maybe we need him.. maybe we can make use of him.. maybe he will bag 20 goals a season again.. its okay.. its gonna be alright.. calm down.. its okay.. its.. okay.. its.....

What the heck?
Mate, that clearly never happened. You need to stop believing what you hear/read from the papers! :lol:

And to all you punters out there - I'll pay £2 for every £1 if you bet with me that Rooney will be gone by next season. ;)

I'll have £100 on that.
No, I'm offering the same side of the bet as you but paying £2 for every £1 placed with me. :angel:

Yeah I'm putting £100 on that.

Absolutely no idea if that's a good idea or not.
Stay silent until all viable options are ruled out, only then pledge his future to the cause for the rest of the season, nice try, but it's just aload of old fluff.

I just hope we don't end up in a situation where we have to pay him off to leave, would be embarrassing.
Don't let hate cloud your judgement.

:lol: He's scored 2 goals so far this season. It's not that far out to call him a parasite, sitting on a weekly wage of 240k! That is _9_ times less value than Zlatan who has the same wage. Nine times. And Zlatan is 4 years older.
He wants to stay and fight for his place, kudos to him.

He will probably leave in the summer nevertheless.

He is barely affecting our season so there's no problem.

Some of the comments here.. Well expected and disgusting. Just above he was called a parasite..

Parasite.. :rolleyes:

Fully agree. Nice comments about our record goal scorer.
:lol: He's scored 2 goals so far this season. It's not that far out to call him a parasite, sitting on a weekly wage of 240k! That is _9_ times less value than Zlatan who has the same wage. Nine times. And Zlatan is 4 years older.
So every player who has a contract, sits on the bench and doesn't play that much is basically a parasite. Right?
I'm glad my post amuses you btw.
You're both missing my point entirely. I said anyone who wants Rooney sold now can't really be a United supporter as he can't be replaced now, the wages we save are a drop in the ocean, he's one of few experienced squad members which we have and he's our club captain!

I'm happy for him to leave in the summer, when we get Griezmann in.

Well, you eliminated the financial benefits of getting rid of rooney from consideration by dismissing it as something that fans shouldn't care about as its something for accountants. I just highlighted how ridiculous that claim is. Anyway, your point doesn't make sense, wanting rooney gone now and being a United supporter are not mutually exclusive, regardless if he can be replaced now or not.

As previously said, the minutes wasted on him could/would go to better players.

Rooney is reportedly on £250k+ a week, that's hardly "a drop in the ocean" and could go a ways at setting up early summer deals to strengthen the team.

"Experience" is one of the most overrated intangibles ever. Rooney's footballing ability and physical prowess have abandoned him to the point he can't translate supposed "experience" into something substantial. If anything, more often than not, he's detrimental to our play.

Yeah, he's our captain, in title mostly these days, he's a squad player that's hardly on the pitch not to mention armband was handed to him by a different manager.
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So every player who has a contract, sits on the bench and doesn't play that much is basically a parasite. Right?
I'm glad my post amuses you btw.

You are simplyfying it. Its not that he sits on the bench. It's the wage compared to how little he brings to the table. It needs to be compared to what other players in the same wage-bracket are giving you.

When you give a contract to someone, it is basically because you want something in return. Zlatan is at the exact same wage, 4 years older, and he's delivering. This is what you should expect from this wagebracket.

Be realistic.. He's 31. He's not physically great (tall) to last long as a key player for a team to count on.. Is there really that much more than what we're seeing currently, to expect from him in the future? Is it that far off to call him a parasite, when he's scored 2 goals this season?
You are simplyfying it. Its not that he sits on the bench. It's the wage compared to how little he brings to the table. It needs to be compared to what other players in the same wage-bracket are giving you.

When you give a contract to someone, it is basically because you want something in return. Zlatan is at the exact same wage, 4 years older, and he's delivering. This is what you should expect from this wagebracket.

Be realistic.. He's 31. He's not physically great (tall) to last long as a key player for a team to count on.. Is there really that much more than what we're seeing currently, to expect from him in the future? Is it that far off to call him a parasite, when he's scored 2 goals this season?
Never got the obsession with wages. He signed that contract during Moyes time, then Moyes and people at the club thought he has more to give.
Right now it's apparent he's past it, that has been evident a while. But he has that contract with that salary, he sometimes plays, sometimes doesn't.
So yeah, it's far of to call him parasite and it lacks respect. It's downright disgusting and the hate he gets and has been getting and which is evident in this thread and other threads is pathetic.
What should the club do? Maybe there were offers but it didn't come out, maybe nobody wanted him, maybe he just doesn't want to go till the summer or for now. Should the club pay him out to go? Then we would hear cries that he cost us so much money.
Well, you eliminated the financial benefits of getting rid of rooney from consideration by dismissing it as something that fans shouldn't care about as its something for accountants. I just highlighted how ridiculous that claim is. Anyway, your point doesn't make sense, wanting rooney gone now and being a United supporter are not mutually exclusive, regardless if he can be replaced now or not.

As previously said, the minutes wasted on him could/would go to better players.

Rooney is reportedly on £250k+ a week, that's hardly "a drop in the ocean" and could go a ways at setting up early summer deals to strengthen the team.

"Experience" is one of the most overrated intangibles ever. Rooney's footballing ability and physical prowess have abandoned him to the point he can't translate supposed "experience" into something substantial. If anything, more often than not, he's detrimental to our play.

Yeah, he's our captain, in title mostly these days, he's a squad player that's hardly on the pitch not to mention armband was handed to him by a different manager.

Of course I care about our financial health but Rooney's wages for 3 months are a drop in the ocean to us. Less than 1% of our yearly revenue if you want to get technical. Therefore the saving in wages is an irrelevant point to consider in the short term.

Minutes going to other players is not necessarily a benefit as Rooney has made some good contributions from the bench this season. Having him around only increases the competition and means everyone has to perform well to play games.

You're naive to think that experience doesn't play a factor - why do you think Fergie kept Giggs, Scholes and G.Nev etc around when they weren't first teamers anymore?
It's not about brining him on when we need a goal. It's about bringing him on in the 75th minute when we're 2-0 up

That doesn't make sense? We don't need a $300k a week player to see out a game. We're better off putting in another midfielder or defender then??
Disappointed to hear he is staying, was hoping the club would make some money out of it.

Oh well, no new chapter for the club
I'm ok with him staying, because of our potential & actual fixture commitments. I just hope that we don't hear rumours in the press of 'players bewildered by the manager' next time we have a poor run.
I'm ok with him staying, because of our potential & actual fixture commitments. I just hope that we don't hear rumours in the press of 'players bewildered by the manager' next time we have a poor run.

We've got a team high on confidence, bonded by the naturally upbeat and positive alpha dogs Zlatan and Pogba. The days of Rooney having a miserable grip on the dressing room and press are long gone.
We've got a team high on confidence, bonded by the naturally upbeat and positive alpha dogs Zlatan and Pogba. The days of Rooney having a miserable grip on the dressing room and press are long gone.
Maybe even he realises that, chief.
As I said, earlier, him leaving now was always a long shot. Expect him to leave in the summer.
Maybe even he realises that, chief.

I think he does now. Very much so and it's almost enough to make me feel bad for him, until I remember the stunts he's pulled over the year and the sense of entitlement.

Nothing to worry about anymore. No "captain shall always play".
Didn't believe for one second he would leave in the middle of the season. Think he'll go in the summer.

As long as he behaves himself and keeps his thoughts to himself, and not share them with his press buddies, then it's fine.

The only thing worrying me is reading somewhere that Jose is reportedly 'keen' on Rooney playing a part in the cup final. I sincerely hope he doesn't start over a more deserving player. He's so hit and miss nowadays you can't be sure what kind of performance he'll produce if he starts, and a cup final is not the time to take a chance with that when we have better players.
Never got the obsession with wages. He signed that contract during Moyes time, then Moyes and people at the club thought he has more to give.
Right now it's apparent he's past it, that has been evident a while. But he has that contract with that salary, he sometimes plays, sometimes doesn't.
So yeah, it's far of to call him parasite and it lacks respect. It's downright disgusting and the hate he gets and has been getting and which is evident in this thread and other threads is pathetic.
What should the club do? Maybe there were offers but it didn't come out, maybe nobody wanted him, maybe he just doesn't want to go till the summer or for now. Should the club pay him out to go? Then we would hear cries that he cost us so much money.

I fully understand where you're coming from in some cases. Who doesn't want to say yes to a mega-contract, even though you're massively underperforming compared to other players in the same bracket. His contract unfortunately isn't pay-as-you-play, so in hindsight it seems also a mistake on Woodward's behalf.

At the same time, he truely is sucking out money, that would be well spent in other areas. If we simply let him go for free, that is still € 30 mil+ we would not have to pay.

At least right now, he doesn't seem to be holding other players back.
I fully understand where you're coming from in some cases. Who doesn't want to say yes to a mega-contract, even though you're massively underperforming compared to other players in the same bracket. His contract unfortunately isn't pay-as-you-play, so in hindsight it seems also a mistake on Woodward's behalf.

At the same time, he truely is sucking out money, that would be well spent in other areas. If we simply let him go for free, that is still € 30 mil+ we would not have to pay.

At least right now, he doesn't seem to be holding other players back.
We can't let him go for free until his contract runs out.
I am no fan of Rooney but I really don't care if he stays or goes. I am happy that he is no longer our main man and thus no longer holds us back. Mourinho solved our Rooney problem brilliantly and bringing in a personality like Zlatan means that Rooney cannot start a mutiny. It does not matter who wears the captain band this is Zlatan's team, even Pogba defers to him.
The final year is a mutual option. Both parties have to agree to it to activate it so we can teriminate the deal at the end of next season without paying him off.

Thats interesting where did you hear about this mate?

I doubt it will get to that stage though, if he doesn't leave this summer he almost certainly will the year after.
You think he doesn't want to play? You're clearly cut up but come on, be realistic at least.

If he wants to play he should go somewhere that he would be a regular, but he just wants to stay here and pick up money for nothing.

My head is not his arse. I have enough brain cells to understand what a contract means and who to blame for a player being handed too big a contract.

Good day.

And I am saying if he was anything of the man he is suppopsed to be, that he'd actually be proactiive instead of sitting on his arse collecting a paycheck for nothing, and don't make me laugh about contracts, they are worthless in football 99% of the time.

Don't let hate cloud your judgement.

You know that he doesn't want to play. I think it's quite opposite. But carry on.

If he wants to play he should do like Fletcher did and go to a team where he would play, the club and manager were clearly happy for him to go which tells him exactly how he's viewed, yet he lingers around to keep getting money without having to do anything for it.
Thats interesting where did you hear about this mate?

I doubt it will get to that stage though, if he doesn't leave this summer he almost certainly will the year after.

Loads of sources report it. The final year in all United contracts for the past 5+ years have been for X+1 Year deals.
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