Wayne Rooney | Having medical

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What I'm trying to say is that the amount of money by which you think we've overpaid, is essentially flushing money down the toilet.

For example, if we pay 100m for Griezmann and you think he's worth 80m tops, then it should follow that in your view we've flushed 20m down the toilet no matter how well he plays. You're getting top quality for the 80m, but in your mind the 20m will be considered a waste.

Sorry, it might be difficult to get what I'm saying but my point is that I don't think us paying Rooney is stopping us from conducting other transfer business, be it by wages or transfer fees.

I never said anything about it effecting any other business, it bothers me that we are paying a waste of space for nothing, its very different to overpaying but still getting a lot of bang for your buck, we are just burning money with Rooney which is irritating.
No takers - in China? Regardless of quality, he’s still a huge name. I thought their spiel was - basically - to overpay grotesquely for whatever they can get their hands on in order to boost the profile of the league. You’d think Rooney would’ve been a dream signing for a Chinese club - again, regardless of how good/bad he is.
Seems more likely that he didn’t fancy going there, no? But I guess it makes for a better story if you can combine “greedy feck” with “useless feck”.
Didn't expect him to go now. As long as he leaves in the summer that's the important thing.
Its all gonna be alright.. its okay now.. all gonna be alright.. its all gonna be alright.. it all gonna be alright..
its okay... its okay.. okay now... its okay.. maybe we need him.. maybe we can make use of him.. maybe he will bag 20 goals a season again.. its okay.. its gonna be alright.. calm down.. its okay.. its.. okay.. its.....

Glad he`s staying , we have got a lot of games to go this season and if we have any kind of injury problems we will need our squad and Jose seems to be doing ok with his rotation . His wages don`t bother me at all , when the club offered him the contract he would have been daft to turn it down so don`t blame Rooney at all . Hopefully we don`t suffer with injuries as we`ve got a good balance to the team now but if he is called on I hope he does well . It would be nice to see him win the Europa and complete the set .
There goes the chance to get a decent fee for him, which was unbelievable in itself. Well, he's a squad player for the rest of the season and then most likely off in the summer.
I've said many times that I don't want to see him play this season, especially so with that performance of his at the start. He was so poor, in particular at holding the ball that I would argue he was a big culprit in us dropping all those points. But even then I didn't want him to leave now. We can afford to pay his wage until the end of the season, then the club and him can decide what to do next. There's no reason to be hasty about these kind of things.
FFS the optimistic side of me really thought we were finally going to get rid of him
Seeing as your fellow Rooney-haters have failed, please do explain the benefit of losing him now without mentioning wages as we are supposed to be supporters not accountants.

Mate - calm down. It's an Internet forum. Tagging everyone who disagrees with you. Chill out.
As much as I have enjoyed watching Rooney during his time here, I'm sure even he would admit the last few years have been below standard.
The guy won't sit around for the next 18 months if he is not getting played and I just can't see him getting enough time on the pitch for him to stay.
Those who are crying because he is still here need to hold it together because he will be gone in the summer.
Those who think he is some kind of demigod need to watch his some reruns of his performances over the 3 years, it's hard going.
Thanks for the goals Wayne but all good things come to an end and I think yours is coming soon.
Why would he go now when he can milk the club until the summer before making his mind up.

Well I want him to leave but milking the club for what exactly? He could have come close to adding 3x as much to his bank per week had he gone.
Seeing as your fellow Rooney-haters have failed, please do explain the benefit of losing him now without mentioning wages as we are supposed to be supporters not accountants.

whatever minutes that would be wasted on him can/could go to better players?

and you do know that many of us are paying supporters right? the team does not exist in a vacuum. telling fans not to care/worry about how the club spends its money is ridiculous considering many of us are partially why the club has said money. If the money can be better invested into strengthening the team rather than paying an over the hill player then it's only right fans voice that opinion.

by your reasoning clubs would never sell players despite them not being able to perform up to a standard. They would just keep adding players because apparently "there is no benefit to getting rid of flabby squad members other than finances, and fans are not supposed to care about that, only accountants"
At what point do the majority that want Rooney to leave, return to logical cynicism when regarding this situation?

This is probably the fourth time in the last two season this has happened. The coach tells everyone to "drop the subject and leave it alone we want him to stay", the tabloid media run a vague campaign saying Rooney will be leaving. These particular fans in their blind desperation get all giddy and start spreading it around that it is happening, the story pops and fizzles for a couple of days until somebody comes out and says that "it is a load of rubbish, he's not leaving".

They play you like a fiddle and write what you want to hear.

It's pretty obvious Mourinho has told him that he's either got to accept that he's going to be in and out of the squad and on the bench at best or find himself a new club. China is the only option until the end of the season and his agent's club finding expedition came back fruitless so he's got to but it all to bed for a few months to avoid the drama and distraction.

I'll bet you £500 he's long gone by the start of next season.
Still think he'll go in the Summer, but I think staying is the right thing to do. He possibly won't start that many between now and the end of the season, but he will still make a contribution.
How long does he have left on his contract after this season? So starting 17/18?
How long does he have left on his contract after this season? So starting 17/18?

He signed a 5.5 year contract 3 years ago so that should leave him with 2 years to run on his contract after this season.
Good news. You're not really a United supporter if you wanted him gone now for nothing in return that will help us til the end of the season.

Surely being a United fan means wanting what's best for the club, not what's best for Rooney? Rooney going would be a huge burden off the wage bill, and potentially opens a spot for a young player or someone else who can offer more.

I'm indifferent personally but there's arguments to be made either way. Certainly it has nothing to do with how good a 'fan' you are... Though there's no denying there are Rooney haters who can't wait to see the back of him on a personal level.
Meh. Short of an injury crisis, I just don't see Rooney making a difference to our season one way or another. But I see no point in letting him go mid-season unless we had a crazy offer, that injury crisis might just happen.
He signed a 5.5 year contract 3 years ago so that should leave him with 2 years to run on his contract after this season.

2019. So another 2 seasons

Ah ok, cheers guys. I would expect he will gradually get less and less importance in the team, especially if we sign the likes of Griezmann etc. So it'll be interesting to see what happens in the Summer.
It is not Rooney's fault for having a massive salary whilst being a fringe player. That is entirely on the club and fans who are trying to place the blame on him for this situation are either completely devoid of logic or agenda driven.

Rooney has two choices to make. He is either goes somewhere where he can get more playing time, or stays and rightfully gets paid the money his contract that the club willingly gave him entitles him for.

I have no issues with him choosing either. I'm not desperate for him to leave because he is for now content with the role he is playing at the club and I'm not desperate for him to stay because he is not vital for the team anymore.
He signed a 5.5 year contract 3 years ago so that should leave him with 2 years to run on his contract after this season.

The final year is a mutual option. Both parties have to agree to it to activate it so we can teriminate the deal at the end of next season without paying him off.
Some of the comments in here that were desperate for Rooney to leave are pathetic. He wants to be around the squad and have the chance to contribute if necessary.

He's a Manchester United player, have some fecking respect.
You guys do realise that if we're chasing a game, having Rooney on the bench and coming on isn't exactly appealing? In all likelihood, it won't change the outcome of the game too. Very rarely does he change the course of games these days (yes he had that freekick a few weeks back). Might as well play lingard in the strikers role.

This transfer, is seriously the biggest transfer for the summer guys, this year it's not about griezmann coming in.. it's about rooney finally getting out!
It's not about brining him on when we need a goal. It's about bringing him on in the 75th minute when we're 2-0 up
Martial, then Fellaini if necessary. Yeah, I know, but you asked and that's the answer.
Not really a promising answer as Fellaini is just shit. Martial is much better than Rooney but when it comes to give a player a rest for 20 mins or so, then he's good enough.
I mixed pessimism with calculations: If Wayne keeps up his rate of 2 goals half a season, then cost pr goal would be:

Weeks remaining: 120 weeks
Wage pr week: £260,000
Total wages: £31.2 million
Goals: 10

= £ 3.12 million pr goal

Right now Zlatan gets the same wage, and if he keeps his goalrate (0,72 pr game - 53 games, 38 goals) that amounts to: £ 0.35 million pr goal.

Zlatan is 9 times more value than Rooney to put it all in perspective.
Mate - calm down. It's an Internet forum. Tagging everyone who disagrees with you. Chill out.

Haha I am chilled and yes, it's a forum so I'm engaging with posters. No points from you either then.

whatever minutes that would be wasted on him can/could go to better players?

and you do know that many of us are paying supporters right? the team does not exist in a vacuum. telling fans not to care/worry about how the club spends its money is ridiculous considering many of us are partially why the club has said money. If the money can be better invested into strengthening the team rather than paying an over the hill player then it's only right fans voice that opinion.

by your reasoning clubs would never sell players despite them not being able to perform up to a standard. They would just keep adding players because apparently "there is no benefit to getting rid of flabby squad members other than finances, and fans are not supposed to care about that, only accountants"
Surely being a United fan means wanting what's best for the club, not what's best for Rooney? Rooney going would be a huge burden off the wage bill, and potentially opens a spot for a young player or someone else who can offer more.

I'm indifferent personally but there's arguments to be made either way. Certainly it has nothing to do with how good a 'fan' you are... Though there's no denying there are Rooney haters who can't wait to see the back of him on a personal level.

You're both missing my point entirely. I said anyone who wants Rooney sold now can't really be a United supporter as he can't be replaced now, the wages we save are a drop in the ocean, he's one of few experienced squad members which we have and he's our club captain!

I'm happy for him to leave in the summer, when we get Griezmann in.
He's a parasite because he is at the club that gave him a contract which is yet to expire?

Your anger is misguided and your post is laughable.

He's a parasite becasue he'll sit and leech off us rather than play despite his street footballer bullshit, get your head out of his arse.
Wouldn't be surprised to see him here next season TBH. He's not the sort who'll want to move countries and there are no clubs in England who'll offer him what he makes here.
He's a parasite becasue he'll sit and leech off us rather than play despite his street footballer bullshit, get your head out of his arse.
So anyone who wants someone to honour their part of the contract is a parasite. Understood. Contracts are worthless then.
He wants to stay and fight for his place, kudos to him.

He will probably leave in the summer nevertheless.

He is barely affecting our season so there's no problem.

Some of the comments here.. Well expected and disgusting. Just above he was called a parasite..

Parasite.. :rolleyes:
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