Wayne Rooney | Having medical

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Getting him and Schweiny's £500k off the wage bill will be music to Woody's ears. Can probably expect to see the back of Young this summer as well.
Hope he stays until the end of the season. Feel like its too big of a distraction and change for the dressing room for this point in the season, when everything is going well.
They're articulating their FM fantasies.

All the focus on wages and budgets for new players is proof of that. A total dismissal of his statistical output (a goal or assist every 106 in the PL and Europe) is another.

He's not world class anymore, but he contributes when called upon. If nothing else, the tempo of his passing is faster than anyone else's in the squad, bar possibly Mkhitaryan (who blows hot and cold himself).

Rooney is the last player we have that's moulded in the old Fergie ways. He plays direct, meaning he can look cumbersome when his touches don't come off. But if he'd been in the match day squad against St Etienne in the first leg, you know that he wouldn't have allowed the squad to lose focus the way that Mourinho complained about.

Nah, that's not true. Good try.
It's interesting. I backed Mourinho to get the best out of him, but it hasn't really happened. He's getting goals and assists still, but a number of those were actually down to luck rather than design. When he plays now, his vision and anticipation is still there, but physcially and technically he no longer consistenly pulls off what he intends. I'll be sad to see him go, but I don't actually think it'll make much difference to our season either way, which is the sadder point.
Knew I'd get this response and no, like I said in my post it shows a lack of ambition and direction of the club if we're willing to continue to give 200k to players that do next to nothing. My original point was that whilst we don't necessarily care about the money we care about the direction of the club, losing 12m a year on someone doing almost nothing is what the issue is, whether or not we can bring in talent whilst he's on the payroll (evident, pogba, Zlatan) we shouldn't keep doing it.

I think regardless of Rooney being here or not our squad is deep enough, even for the amount of games we're coming up against, sure it's nice to have assurances with having an extra body just in case but unfortunately it seems that all Rooney is, he's here just in case. The quicker he's off the clubs books the better, only god knows who will be willing to take those high figures of his off our hands. (Please read this post properly, often people reply without doing so, thanks).
Agree 100%.

We're paying a million quid a month to a guy who can't even get in the team. The sooner that crazy situation ends, the better.

Now we've got someone willing to take this problem away, and actually pay us for the privilege. And people think we should turn it down?

Rooney has been a great player but now offers nothing when he plays, so the idea that we need him for squad depth is bogus in my eyes. If we do end up struggling with injuries I'd sooner we rejigged the formation than picked him tbh
Getting him and Schweiny's £500k off the wage bill will be music to Woody's ears. Can probably expect to see the back of Young this summer as well.

To anyone not running the math, that's 26 MILLION a year. To two players that are not in our first team plans.
We have to take Mourinho at his word.
Its not up to him if Rooney stays or goes either now, in the summer or when he finishes his contract.
The reality is that Rooney is at best a sub or a starter against poor opposition.
Rooney will be far from happy being a bit player. That is why I think he will leave for China, if not this month, then in the summer.
A last splash for big money.

I remember when most of us said, absolutely Rooney would not move to China, due to cultural reasons.
A few weeks/months later, his agent is actually in China, discussing a possible move.
So, clearly, Rooney is not averse to living/working in China.
Be sad to see him go but he's had his testimonial, broken the scoring record and is not getting any play time. His career seems to be finished here.
The Chinese league should extend the transfer deadline by a week or so if it means they can bring in a player like Rooney. Would be a huge signing for them

It's disappointing to hear that there's quite a few clubs there that have no interest in him.
There are definitely still things he can offer, despite not being the best option in his position anymore. For that reason alone he should stay. Ignore the financial accounts given the fact we're so loaded. I'd rather support the players in the squad than the bottom line of the Balance Sheet.

What does exactly is it that he offers? I genuinely want to know.
He barely plays and when he does come on (@60 minutes), he is pretty much useless.
I will put it another way: I'd rather see a youth player get time on the pitch, than W.Rooney.

It's disappointing to hear that there's quite a few clubs there that have no interest in him.

I remember when people were talking about him going to Everton. I always asked the question, why would Everton buy him? He simply is not good enough to play for them, especially if they have to pay a transfer fee and wages. Given the lack of interest, it would appear that I may have been right.
What does exactly is it that he offers? I genuinely want to know.
He barely plays and when he does come on (@60 minutes), he is pretty much useless.
I will put it another way: I'd rather see a youth player get time on the pitch, than W.Rooney.

I remember when people were talking about him going to Everton. I always asked the question, why would Everton buy him? He simply is not good enough to play for them, especially if they have to pay a transfer fee and wages. Given the lack of interest, it would appear that I may have been right.
A goal or assist every 106.75 minutes, and a quickening of the tempo that harkens back to the Fergie era.

I said all of that already. Why bother to ask me a question based on a post where you've selectively deleted the answer?
It is true. 106.75 minutes per goal/assist in the PL and Europe. You're making yourself look innumerate by trying to deny it.

That might be true - aided by some extremely fortunate bounces off of the shin pads - but factually accurate nonetheless.

What isn't true, at all, is that Rooney plays the game at a higher tempo to that of the rest of our squad, Mkhitaryan notwithstanding. It's just not. He's slow, ponderous and doesn't play anywhere near the tempo Herrera plays at in our midfield. He doesn't release the ball as quick as he, Carrick, Mkhitaryan, Lingard or any of the other attackers playing at the club. Even Pogba, at times equally (and purposely) laboured in his play, can speed things up very quickly if the game requires it. Our attack is more dynamic without Rooney and our midfield plays at a higher tempo than at any point this decade - without Rooney in there. If he was still playing anything like the Ferguson days of old then he wouldn't be on his arse out to China.
Well well.. BBC reporting about Stretford negotiating in China. The wheels have been set into motion seemingly
It'll be sad to see him go once he finally leaves. He was one of my favourite players in his prime and before Ambitiongate and Angryandconfusedgate. Still, he'll go down as a great legend of the club but as the old adage goes, better to have burnt bright then to fade away - which unfortunately for Rooney's sake is exactly what he's done.

No idea if they get 4 weeks paid holidays like regular folk. 500k x 52 weeks was the calculation.

We can call it 20 million and it's still an obscene number to pay to substitutes.

I have zero insight but it wouldn't be out of the realms of possibility that Spurs first team wont get paid 1m a week between them.
It's disappointing to hear that there's quite a few clubs there that have no interest in him.
:lol: Why would any half decent club be interested in him? He would have to be made their highest paid player, whilst bringing nothing to justify that outlay. At his age (still not very old), China seems to be the best option. If it hadn't been for the genuis that is David Moyes, I suspect he would already have been in China.
It'll be sad to see him go once he finally leaves. He was one of my favourite players in his prime and before Ambitiongate and Angryandconfusedgate. Still, he'll go down as a great legend of the club but as the old adage goes, better to have burnt bright then to fade away - which unfortunately for Rooney's sake is exactly what he's done.

I prefer Ambitioghazi and Angryandconfughazi myself.
Wonder if we can get close to a world record fee. Imagine paying for Pogba with a past it Rooney and managing to his wage off the books.
I remember when most of us said, absolutely Rooney would not move to China, due to cultural reasons.
A few weeks/months later, his agent is actually in China, discussing a possible move.
So, clearly, Rooney is not averse to living/working in China.

I don't think he'll last long if he does go. A friend of mine who works at United said it could happen a month or so ago and I didn't believe it then either.

He needs to understand in China they won't think twice about dropping him from the squad when hes not flavour of the month, regardless of his wages. It happens a lot to foreign players. They sometimes even go as far as cancelling the contract and good luck taking them to a Chinese court.
I hope Rooney go, be it China, USA or Qatar.We don't need 230,000 pound/week bench warmer.
The BBC story to me, is another clear indication that it's the club that's pushing. I don't think Stretford would be looking for a deal at this late stage, if Rooney was the one agitating to leave now.
These guys are ruthless businessmen, they don't care about sentiment. Es probably feels, he would have a tough time explaining what he's paying someone £16m a year to do next to nothing.
They're articulating their FM fantasies.

All the focus on wages and budgets for new players is proof of that. A total dismissal of his statistical output (a goal or assist every 106 in the PL and Europe) is another.

He's not world class anymore, but he contributes when called upon. If nothing else, the tempo of his passing is faster than anyone else's in the squad, bar possibly Mkhitaryan (who blows hot and cold himself).

Rooney is the last player we have that's moulded in the old Fergie ways. He plays direct, meaning he can look cumbersome when his touches don't come off. But if he'd been in the match day squad against St Etienne in the first leg, you know that he wouldn't have allowed the squad to lose focus the way that Mourinho complained about.

There are definitely still things he can offer, despite not being the best option in his position anymore. For that reason alone he should stay. Ignore the financial accounts given the fact we're so loaded. I'd rather support the players in the squad than the bottom line of the Balance Sheet.

I agree that he contributed, but to say the tempo of his passing is faster than anyone else in the team seems very far fetched.
:lol: Why would any half decent club be interested in him? He would have to be made their highest paid player, whilst bringing nothing to justify that outlay. At his age (still not very old), China seems to be the best option. If it hadn't been for the genuis that is David Moyes, I suspect he would already have been in China.
I meant the stories about some clubs in China not being interested in signing him.
I pity you.

Why bro? Rooney offers us nothing, and I will never forgive him for holding the club hostage with his ridiculous contract while we were in a relatively low point.

This x 1000.

Hilarious how many people in here care about the club's financial accounts when I bet they don't even making any contributions themselves to the club in terms of tickets or official merchandise...

You must have a really sad life to spend your time in here wishing that Rooney leaves.

Sir Alex wanted to get rid of him too. The greatest manager of all time agrees with us and saying Rooney was not right for this club a long time ago. No one had the balls to get rid of this guy. Moyes and LVG gave in. LVG tried to phase him out by dropping him at Stoke but he couldn't keep him dropped.

Mourinho finally is getting rid of him.

He doesn't even play. Why is your day ruined, do you pay for his wages from your pocket?

It puts the club I love, in a better financial position, by getting rid of him. Our finances are better used elsewhere.
At the time, I was convinced it was a board decision. But after seeing how Jose managed Rooney, it was clearly just Van Gaal being a stubborn idiot and thinking a finished Rooney was good enough to bang 20+ goals a season.

He was way off the mark.

Rooney last season was one of the worst strikers I've ever seen at OT. It's not fresh in the minds of every supporter now cause it feels like such a long time ago, but it was infuriating to watch him hinder our play style and start every game despite doing feck all. It was like LVG sold RVP and Chicha just so he could play Rooney every week and say "Well, we have nobody else to play up front!"

Thankfully we have Ibra this year. And Mourinho for that matter. Imagine playing Rooney up top every week instead of Ibra? Think about how much of a difference that would make to our play.
So what you are saying is it was Van gaals fault that they left which resulted in us not getting top 4 which meant he lost his job.
Van gaal lost his job because he wasn't the right man for united not because Rooney wasn't scoring the one or two chances that came his way.
Even if we had rvp and Chico or even Zlatan we would of failed because the system wasn't creating chances
Knew I'd get this response and no, like I said in my post it shows a lack of ambition and direction of the club if we're willing to continue to give 200k to players that do next to nothing. My original point was that whilst we don't necessarily care about the money we care about the direction of the club, losing 12m a year on someone doing almost nothing is what the issue is, whether or not we can bring in talent whilst he's on the payroll (evident, pogba, Zlatan) we shouldn't keep doing it.

I think regardless of Rooney being here or not our squad is deep enough, even for the amount of games we're coming up against, sure it's nice to have assurances with having an extra body just in case but unfortunately it seems that all Rooney is, he's here just in case. The quicker he's off the clubs books the better, only god knows who will be willing to take those high figures of his off our hands. (Please read this post properly, often people reply without doing so, thanks).
One of your "issues" was we need the money to bring in world class players which is why I questioned that with the recent signings of Zlatan and Pogba.

I don't see it as a lack of ambition, he has been a first team member up until recently so the board were within their rights and there has been no offers again until recently.
But I don't think you understand the value he brings to the dressing room, I think he should move on next season but he has a part to play this season, even if it means keeping lingard out the team
Getting him and Schweiny's £500k off the wage bill will be music to Woody's ears. Can probably expect to see the back of Young this summer as well.
That's crazy when you think about it. Getring shot of those three and Fellaini would save Utd nearly £700k a week. Think of the player/s we could get in with those wages.
Story really seems to be picking up momentum, there is under a week left in the chinese window but surely it would be too awkward for him to stay after leaking these stories ( he probably did and even if he didn't its simon stone who is the best connected journalist on United)
The end :(. A real shame that he didn't have one last hurrah with us and that this will effectively spell the end of his international career.
Just reading the various conflicting stories now. Seems half the press are reporting he's off and Stretford is in China while the other half say he isn't interested in a move to China.

A bit of good cop, bad cop with the press? On the one hand it's pushing the door open to a move, on the other hand an attempt to make clear the move is not attractive to him and he will cost a lot.
BBC says agent is in China. Would probably mean there is a plan, probably in summer
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