Wayne Rooney | 2012-14 Performances

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it's a good thing other club's executives aren't reading this thread or we might not even get 5 million for him if he were to move judging by some of the comments on here...I know he made a dick move but it's like you're not even trying to look at it objectively...you forget every good thing he's done this season and only ramble on about all the negatives, comparing him to Torres, etc...you don't have to like him but atleast admit you're biased against him and therefore aren't objective...
how come the majority of players, managers, people outside the club, former United players, etc all rate him very highly, while so many people on here aren't capable of acknowledging that?

I mean c'mon....I hate the 2 cnuts named Suarez and Tevez, but judging them purely on their footballing ability and what they bring to the team they are magnificent players...and I can say that about those 2, who by the way I've seen play a lot of times (neither are as good as Rooney, although the former has had the better season) and both of them are playing for 2 of our biggest rivals...you on the other hand can't complement a guy who's been here for nearly a decade and won many titles and contributed as much as anybody over the 9 years here. Oh and should he stay he'd be well on course of becoming our all-time leader in goals scored...but hey, don't let all of that "cloud" your judgment, he's a shit player right?

(and before you have a go at me, nowhere did I say Rooney's been fantastic lately, or that he deserves a pay rise (not that he's looking for one), or that we can't handle his departure, I'm just being realistic)

Good post OG
Option 2 primarily but option 1 isn't horrible tbh
Option 2. Without question.

P.S Where has your tagline gone, Kouroux?
Option 2, obviously.
Depending on his attitude come August, either option 1 or 2. If he's continually determined to leave, then option 2. If not, then I'm happy either way. Just not the 3rd option though.

A few of you seem to be missing the operating word in option 2: "Try". The likelihood is we'd only end up with Fellaini and at a ridiculous price because Everton will know we've got money. Keeping Rooney is the best option and having so many first team players coming into the team at once is likely to cause a little instability. Also Fellaini is a ridiculously limited player that does not suit United.

If Rooney hasn't been sold by July, we won't be selling him at all.
I am biased I agree, but in this case it's my interpretation of the quotes released. I could of course be absolutely wrong, but, and I'm honestly trying to be neutral here, does Wayne strike you as a player that would react in a positive manner to being dropped, ie, busting his ass to get his place back or the kind of person to have a strop?

No, he doesn't. And I wouldn't put it past him to react in a positively negative/foolish manner either. I think Rooney had a meeting with Fergie where he told the old man that he was unhappy with his status at the club - being dropped, not having Fergie's unconditional support, perhaps hinting that he wanted to lead the line, etc. Fergie told him that whether he gets dropped or not depends more than anything on himself - his own form and performance. Then Rooney threw a little tantrum, threatening to leave. That's what happened, I believe. Foolish, childish - yes. Not really cnutish, though. And I do not think Rooney has ever disrespected his team mates, hinting they are not up to scratch, etc. His "ambitions" play was just that: A move designed to improve his personal terms - business, not personal, if you will. That's what O'Shea says in his book. Rooney doesn't strike me as a nasty person - faulty in many ways, certainly, but not nasty.

What Keano had to say about his own team mates in the infamous MUTV interview is far worse, in terms of being an outright cnut in the dressing room, than anything Rooney has pulled.
A few of you seem to be missing the operating word in option 2: "Try". The likelihood is we'd only end up with Fellaini and at a ridiculous price because Everton will know we've got money. Keeping Rooney is the best option and having so many first team players coming into the team at once is likely to cause a little instability. Also Fellaini is a ridiculously limited player that does not suit United.

If Rooney hasn't been sold by July, we won't be selling him at all.

When options were mentioned I assumed it was just giving certain examples of players, and in general meant that if we sold Rooney we'd use the money on someone. That someone doesn't have to be Fellaini and I agree with you on him; he's a very good player but fairly limited and not what we need. I'd rather spend the money on someone else; whether that be an upcoming talent like Thiago, or on a central midfielder at his peak who would offer more to us than Fellaini.
No, he doesn't. And I wouldn't put it past him to react in a positively negative/foolish manner either. I think Rooney had a meeting with Fergie where he told the old man that he was unhappy with his status at the club - being dropped, not having Fergie's unconditional support, perhaps hinting that he wanted to lead the line, etc. Fergie told him that whether he gets dropped or not depends more than anything on himself - his own form and performance. Then Rooney threw a little tantrum, threatening to leave. That's what happened, I believe. Foolish, childish - yes. Not really cnutish, though. And I do not think Rooney has ever disrespected his team mates, hinting they are not up to scratch, etc. His "ambitions" play was just that: A move designed to improve his personal terms - business, not personal, if you will. That's what O'Shea says in his book. Rooney doesn't strike me as a nasty person - faulty in many ways, certainly, but not nasty.

What Keano had to say about his own team mates in the infamous MUTV interview is far worse, in terms of being an outright cnut in the dressing room, than anything Rooney has pulled.
Oh absolutely keane was a bigger cnut than Rooney, and I also agree that Rooney is childish, in fact I do t really disagree with any of your post.
Oh absolutely keane was a bigger cnut than Rooney, and I also agree that Rooney is childish, in fact I do t really disagree with any of your post.

Hehe, good. Then we are in agreement: He's childish and a bit of a cnut, but not the biggest in the business.
Option 3 makes no sense. Why should giving Rooney a new contract mean we can't get in someone like Thiago. We make enough money to be able to afford Thiago's wages without having to sell off Rooney to make it possible.
The part that made no sense to me was giving Rooney a new and improved contract. What has he possibly done to earn improved terms?
What are we thinking?

With Rooney:

Kagawa Rooney Valencia

Without Rooney:

Welbeck Kagawa Valencia
It's pretty tough to name our strongest starting XI as you can make a case for four or five different wide players, who all have various issues, and may or may not be with us next season and may or may not be replaced by a new signing.
What are we thinking?

With Rooney:

Kagawa Rooney Valencia

Without Rooney:

Welbeck Kagawa Valencia

Why Wellz as a winger? If we sell Nani there is a chance we end up with Di Marìa or some other quality winger. If we don't both Young and Nani can be quite good on song. Maybe a new signing like Thiago can give you some rest if we lose Roo. I think Moyes know how to handle this. If Rooney goes we will have founds for other good solutions.
Why Wellz as a winger? If we sell Nani there is a chance we end up with Di Marìa or some other quality winger. If we don't both Young and Nani can be quite good on song. Maybe a new signing like Thiago can give you some rest if we lose Roo. I think Moyes know how to handle this. If Rooney goes we will have founds for other good solutions.

Well, Wellybecky's main position last season was as a winger. I forgot about Fergie retiring though. I don't know where Moyes will play him.
The part that made no sense to me was giving Rooney a new and improved contract. What has he possibly done to earn improved terms?
:lol: You can argue he did not use the right method to get a better contract but dont talk shit like he hasnt performed well since he signed the contract three years ago.
Just out of curiosity. What do you prefer Moyes to do?

1. Keep Rooney on current contract and see if he takes the challenge.
2. Cash in on Rooney and try to buy Thiago and Strootman/Fellaini.
3. Give Rooney a new improved contract with the possibility that this restrict the club to buy other high profile players. (for ex Thiago)
Why does his contract have to be improved and why can a club of our stature not spend £15m on Thiago without selling one of our best players..
:lol: You can argue he did not use the right method to get a better contract but dont talk shit like he hasnt performed well since he signed the contract three years ago.
Well since he signed that contract in 2010, I'd say he has been below par in 2 out of 3 seasons. Sure, he had a good stretch towards the end of 2010-11, but on the whole that was a pretty underwhelming season. The following season was very good (although not on the level of 2009-10, IMO,) while this past season was a disappointment. So tell me again how he earned an improved contract (especially when you take age and recurring fitness issues into account?)
it's a good thing other club's executives aren't reading this thread or we might not even get 5 million for him if he were to move judging by some of the comments on here...I know he made a dick move but it's like you're not even trying to look at it objectively...you forget every good thing he's done this season and only ramble on about all the negatives, comparing him to Torres, etc...you don't have to like him but atleast admit you're biased against him and therefore aren't objective...
how come the majority of players, managers, people outside the club, former United players, etc all rate him very highly, while so many people on here aren't capable of acknowledging that?

I mean c'mon....I hate the 2 cnuts named Suarez and Tevez, but judging them purely on their footballing ability and what they bring to the team they are magnificent players...and I can say that about those 2, who by the way I've seen play a lot of times (neither are as good as Rooney, although the former has had the better season) and both of them are playing for 2 of our biggest rivals...you on the other hand can't complement a guy who's been here for nearly a decade and won many titles and contributed as much as anybody over the 9 years here. Oh and should he stay he'd be well on course of becoming our all-time leader in goals scored...but hey, don't let all of that "cloud" your judgment, he's a shit player right?

(and before you have a go at me, nowhere did I say Rooney's been fantastic lately, or that he deserves a pay rise (not that he's looking for one), or that we can't handle his departure, I'm just being realistic)

Great post.
Well since he signed that contract in 2010, I'd say he has been below par in 2 out of 3 seasons. Sure, he had a good stretch towards the end of 2010-11, but on the whole that was a pretty underwhelming season. The following season was very good (although not on the level of 2009-10, IMO,) while this past season was a disappointment. So tell me again how he earned an improved contract (especially when you take age and recurring fitness issues into account?)

I think he's been great since he got over the contract saga, a few injuries this year gone meant perhaps this last season can count as disappointing but not the others, he was brilliant.
I think he's been great since he got over the contract saga, a few injuries this year gone meant perhaps this last season can count as disappointing but not the others, he was brilliant.
Great and Brilliant are definitely pushing it a touch.....adequate acceptable and efficient would be nearer the mark. But is that honestly good enough for someone who fancies himself the main man at the biggest club in the world? He is supposedly at his peak, he should be tearing teams to bits on a regular basis, not being almost anonymous for 60 minutes before scoring/setting up a goal and then being anonymous again for the rest of the game.
I agree since he signed that new contract the performances have not matched up he has been good but I wouldn't say world class. Always going to be a question of fitness, application, consistency etc with him. I'm just not sure where his head is at. Will we ever really now what happened with him and Fergie? In terms of complaining about playing time he doesn't have a leg to stand on he has not been as good as previous years and his all round game has become hit and miss. Still the lowest bottom level I have seen of any top player. I think Moyes will keep him if they can agree to be on the same page. All he has to do is let him know he won't be given favourable treatment and hopefully he can accept that and put his head down. But that does not strike me as the person he is I may be wrong. He may see it as Moyes trying to be a big shot. This whole situation can go a few ways it may be a long summer lads.

I just want what is best for the club moving forward i'm not sure that is Rooney. Losing him and Nani would mean a drop in quality and creativity that would need to be addressed but if that is happening it should sooner rather than later.
He is never anonymous in games. Even if he's terrible he's always involved in our play and trying things. I'd rather that than somebody like Stewart Downing. He's a bit like Giggs in that manner, who can be infuriating himself.

When Rooney is bad he is awful. I have seen performances like his in the first leg against Madrid a few times.
When Rooney is bad he is awful. I have seen performances like his in the first leg against Madrid a few times.

And yet, he got an assist and almost got another if RVP had scored.

A lot of players when playing poorly go completely missing and you'd barely notice them on the field. That's not the case with Rooney
And yet, he got an assist and almost got another if RVP had scored.

A lot of players when playing poorly go completely missing and you'd barely notice them on the field. That's not the case with Rooney

He crossed the ball in he was poor don't sugercoat it.
Great and Brilliant are definitely pushing it a touch.....adequate acceptable and efficient would be nearer the mark. But is that honestly good enough for someone who fancies himself the main man at the biggest club in the world? He is supposedly at his peak, he should be tearing teams to bits on a regular basis, not being almost anonymous for 60 minutes before scoring/setting up a goal and then being anonymous again for the rest of the game.

I think he was great, or fantastic in the latter half of 10/11 and throughout 11/12.

34 goals without playing furthest forward, not to be scoffed at, many great players haven't come close to matching that.
I think he was great, or fantastic in the latter half of 10/11 and throughout 11/12.

34 goals without playing furthest forward, not to be scoffed at, many great players haven't come close to matching that.

Don't misunderstand me, Im certainly not saying hes been bad all that time, but I still think someone who is regularly touted as being one of the best in the world should still have more to give.
Don't misunderstand me, Im certainly not saying hes been bad all that time, but I still think someone who is regularly touted as being one of the best in the world should still have more to give.

Yeah, your views are clear. Personally I hold him to standards of other top players in the world, and I think he atleast matches them in terms of productivity. I'v never had a huge problem with how Rooney plays usually, it's his attitude towards the club that I dislike.
I don't think he will stay. First time its forgivable, he just wants a better contract. Second time? Nah rather pointless to convince him to stay here again.
What are we thinking?

With Rooney:

Kagawa Rooney Valencia

Without Rooney:

Welbeck Kagawa Valencia

I don't think either quite come up to snuff if our ambitions extend beyond these shores.

We lose more from Kagawa when shunting him out wide than we do with Rooney, if they are both in an XI it should be the other way around.

Of course if Rooney wants to be first choice for the No 9 role over the next two seasons or so he'll have to look for pastures new.
My point he was awful against Madrid that does not change it.

He wasn't great. But he didn't play in a role which allowed him to shine freely either. For significant parts of the match he had a purely tactical function (out wide, at that). Whether he performed his given task brilliantly is certainly up for debate, but he did perform it. I find it interesting that you use this particular match as an example: Rooney did a job, an anything but glamorous one, as he has done for us on many occasions under Fergie. After Ronaldo buggered off he has played a part for us off the ball which many have never given him any credit for. They've seen him as our big star, number ten on his back, and expected him to produce fireworks on a regular basis - like Messi and Ronnie.

You couldn't ask either of those players to do the job he's often done for us - as a midfielder of sorts on many occasions. Rooney isn't a glitz player, he hasn't been that for a long time.

I'm not using this to excuse his hot-and-cold form. He is inconsistent as far as his touch and the rest of it goes - there's no denying that. But he is also an extremely versatile player - a player who has put in a number of sheer "shifts" in various roles that you wouldn't dream of asking certain other players to take on. In a fair assessment of his contribution to our success over the years this should be mentioned too.
He wasn't great. But he didn't play in a role which allowed him to shine freely either. For significant parts of the match he had a purely tactical function (out wide, at that). Whether he performed his given task brilliantly is certainly up for debate, but he did perform it. I find it interesting that you use this particular match as an example: Rooney did a job, an anything but glamorous one, as he has done for us on many occasions under Fergie. After Ronaldo buggered off he has played a part for us off the ball which many have never given him any credit for. They've seen him as our big star, number ten on his back, and expected him to produce fireworks on a regular basis - like Messi and Ronnie.

You couldn't ask either of those players to do the job he's often done for us - as a midfielder of sorts on many occasions. Rooney isn't a glitz player, he hasn't been that for a long time.

I'm not using this to excuse his hot-and-cold form. He is inconsistent as far as his touch and the rest of it goes - there's no denying that. But he is also an extremely versatile player - a player who has put in a number of sheer "shifts" in various roles that you wouldn't dream of asking certain other players to take on. In a fair assessment of his contribution to our success over the years this should be mentioned too.

It is an example i'm not talking about how he affected the match going forward or defending. I'm talking about the basics. Passing and controlling the ball that is the most recent but he did against Norwich also for about 60 minutes. If you made Ronaldo and Messi play like that they would be able to do the bare basics that is my point. I've seen him play the role many times over the years it is not new to him, he may not shine there but he is mostly solid. The kind of performance we saw against Madrid is not an anomaly they happen here and there for him. I like him as a player though just voicing my opinion on him. Not quite world class but very good 'when on form' he is what he is now so you take the good with the bad.

That is fair and he should be commended for that but it also doesn't give him a pass. If he was as good as Ronaldo or Messi going forward he would not be asked to do those things, that is benefit if being the best. Players are put around you to help you shine.
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