Wayne Rooney | 2012-14 Performances

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The way we talk about Rooney on here, you'd think we would still spend hours and hours discussing his career here long after he's here.
1) Van Persie and Carrick were our two best players this season. They both played a massive amount of games because of this. You play your best players, it's not favouritism it's common sense. Is it favouritism that Ronaldo or Messi or even Evra play every week if fit?

2) Hernandez' performances were better than Rooney's this season and he didn't get a crazy amount of game time. That's the nature of being at a top club. I also don't really understand this "not in form" stance presumably regarding RVP? Is this the 3-4 games in which he didn't play great, along with 3-4 where he played well but didn't score?

It reminds me of the drivel that people said when Carrick was apparently a scape-goat when he was playing crap. He wasn't a scape-goat, he was playing crap! Now he's playing really well he's getting recognised as such.

3) What exactly makes you right? I still maintain he's nervous that his next contract is going to be substantially lower because he's older, less fit and not performing. I don't think he necessarily wants a pay rise, but I'm certain he'll want a 3 year extension if he stays. It's whether the club will give it him, as he's a different player than he was 3 years ago.

4) When RVP goes through a rough patch that lasts more than a couple of games he will be rotated. Likewise if Rooney is on fire he'll play behind RVP every single important game (or instead of RVP if he's playing poorly), even if he has 3-4 poor games. Unfortunately If he is playing poorly for half a season, he'll get shifted around to benefit the team. A thing which actually didn't happen as much as people would have you believe. As Fergie said - a Rooney in form wouldn't be on the bench.

5) I'd call him inferior because I believe since January 2011 RVP has consistently put in performances to match Rooney's best ever performances. The difference is Rooney did it sporadically in 2011, 2009 and 2007, whereas RVP has now done it for (on a whole) his last 125 games.

To me it's like comparing Robben to Ronaldo. At his best Robben's level is similar to Ronaldo's, the difference is the latter has proven that he can do it on a regular basis.

If Rooney could find that consistently he'd be (along with RVP) one of the top 5 players in the world.

6) I do. An unrelated question: would you have preferred to sign RVP or Kagawa?

1) Agree with that, RvP & Carrick were our best performers of the past season no doubt, but it's fair to say RvP wasn't in exactly scintilating form throughout the entire season, that's when Ferguson maybe shouldn't have continued playing him for 90 minutes every game.

I'm not saying RvP didn't deserve to play as a fact by itself, I'm just saying that given the circumstances (benching or shifting Rooney when he wasn't in top form, sometimes benching Hernandez during/after a good run of form, playing Kagawa and Welbeck on the wings quite often), and the sheer fact that all of those players are quality players, it wouldn't have hurt if RvP would be rested a bit and others were given the minutes. That's where I say favoritism showed, and don't even try to compare Messi and Ronaldo, those 2 are basicaly breaking every record in the book the past couple of years, and by far the most consistent performers who are just clearly a level above the rest. Adding Evra in there almost seemed like an insult, he's nowhere near them in terms of quality or importance, I have great admiration for the guy but let's be serious, he's no Messi/Ronaldo and there were a lot of times people were calling for his head and wondered why and how he's getting constantly picked, especialy last season.

2) Hernandez being better than Rooney is more than debatable, the last few pages atleast should tell you that. And RvP (while clearly enough having the better season of the two) wasn't quite as much better as some people deem him here to be, just FYI. I can acknowledge the fact that RvP was rightly the #1 choice, it's just that benching him would have been exceptable, it's not like we have Chamakh, Anichebe and the likes on the bench, the guys waiting on the bench are more than capable of leading the lines at other clubs, there wouldn't be anything wrong by playing them when RvP's not doing so well.

3) So far it's looking like I was correct, apart from speculation on this forum regarding Rooney's apparent "wage-raise demand" there's been no mention of him demanding that.
That and the fact that the only stuff that came out of Rooney's mouth lately has been that he wants to play as a striker/center forward.

4) While I agree with Fergie's statement and am not arguing that him benching Rooney at times was a good decision, you saying RvP in poor form will be rotated has simply not been the case this season, I'm sorry but I don't know where you pulled that out of.

5) Really? RvP has consistently for 2 years straight now pulled out performances that match Rooney's best performances of his carreer ever?
Do you realise how over the top that sounds? You either failed to word your thoughts correctly or you really are partialy blind to all this.
And seriously? Robben as good as Ronaldo (just not consistent enough)?....I get what your trying to say but again that's just not true. Now don't get me wrong an on form Robben is a beast, but Ronaldo is on a whole different level.

6) In hindsight it's RvP who stole the show this season, however before the past season I would've hands down chosen Kagawa over RvP.
First of all we were linked with him for a good while and Ferguson made his intentions known and the shape of our roster could've really used a center forward at the time, everything along with his scintilating form at Dortmund made perfect sense.
RvP on the other hand, while being a world-class player in his own right and always being a "good choice" wasn't exactly what we were looking for in all honesty. At the time of his transfer we had already had enough players vying for their places in that particular area, and that along with the fact that he was still deemed injury prone, "old-ish", costing over 20 million while Ferguson again overlooked the need to fill a gaping hole in our midfield didn't make me quite as happy as the Kagawa signing.

Again, hindsight's a wonderful thing, but one could say we would've also done very well without him if we had used that money for a midfielder perhaps. We can't know anything of the sort but one could argue Rooney would've been 1st choice, playing more in his preffered role, playing more minutes all together (no sulking, etc), Hernandez getting significantly more minutes, Kagawa playing behind the striker more often and the likes of Welbeck and Nani getting more minutes in general, i.e. having better seasons with more opportunities all the while accompanied by a more solid midfield. It's all speculation, and RvP more than proved his worth, but you never what might've been, it's fair to say with RvP coming in other forwards have suffered in the sense of personal growth and as great as he has been perhaps his contribution could've been mostly replaced by others while an improvement in our midfield could've really made a difference. I'm not at all bothered by the fact that he's a United player, infact I love it...he's class and his attitude is also a good feature, but you never know.
Linked with Arsenal again. Would anyone be bothered if he went there? I wouldn't be fussed.. Would improve them but they still won't win any silverware.
Have I missed something? Isn't Arsenal on a tight wage budget?

Gazidis has been talking a lot and mentioned Rooney saying they can pay the fee and wages. It still strikes me as odd as to why people would think we'd sell Rooney to Arsenal for the same price we got RVP. He was 2 years older, had one year left on his deal, less marketable than Rooney and Arsenal had no other offers except from us and City after they priced Juve out.

Here's the Gazidis interview:

Gazidis has been talking a lot and mentioned Rooney saying they can pay the fee and wages. It still strikes me as odd as to why people would think we'd sell Rooney to Arsenal for the same price we got RVP. He was 2 years older, had one year left on his deal, less marketable than Rooney and Arsenal had no other offers except from us and City after they priced Juve out.

Here's the Gazidis interview:


Because maybe those inside the club are as sick and tired of his tantrums and unwarranted ego as some of us here.
Because maybe those inside the club are as sick and tired of his tantrums and unwarranted ego as some of us here.

That doesn't matter. He is worth more than 25 million in today's market so no way should we sell him to another PL club for that value when PSG or someone would pay the same if not more. I am more than happy to sell him but just not to another English club unless they pay through the nose for him.
Right that's almost double what Arsenal pay they're top stars? I understand they may be in a better financial position but are they really going to pay Rooney that? No.
well how much is he on then? Any how many players have Arsenal payed over 100k a week?

Not many, Podolski is the only player on £100K but Gazidis is saying that they are ready to spend money, maybe the suits at Arsenal have finally realised that you need to spend money in order to win trophies.
Gazidis has been talking a lot and mentioned Rooney saying they can pay the fee and wages. It still strikes me as odd as to why people would think we'd sell Rooney to Arsenal for the same price we got RVP. He was 2 years older, had one year left on his deal, less marketable than Rooney and Arsenal had no other offers except from us and City after they priced Juve out.

Here's the Gazidis interview:


On the other hand van Persie was moving to United on the back of an excellent season with Arsenal where he was league's top scorer and comfortably the best player in the league while Rooney will be moving after a rather underwhelming season. I can't really see us getting much more than £25m for Rooney given his contract situation and willingness to move on, perhaps we could squeeze £30m - £35m out of someone but he won't be going for more.
On the other hand van Persie was moving to United on the back of an excellent season with Arsenal where he was league's top scorer and comfortably the best player in the league while Rooney will be moving after a rather underwhelming season. I can't really see us getting much more than £25m for Rooney given his contract situation and willingness to move on, perhaps we could squeeze £30m - £35m out of someone but he won't be going for more.

I think we should be able to get at least 30 million for him. Also while Rooney wasn't the most impressive player we had this season, it should also be remembered he didn't play as our main front man like the previous years where his record was very good. Arsenal would play him in that role and he probably will be scoring a lot more again.

If we got a £30 million off from Arsenal and £25 million from PSG, I'd rather we took the PSG one. Don't want to take the chance of Rooney playing well at a domestic rival.
Can't see that Wenger would want to spend that much on Rooney IMO...

I don't think he will be going anywhere lads, he will be United come 1st August
Can't see that Wenger would want to spend that much on Rooney IMO...

I don't think he will be going anywhere lads, he will be United come 1st August

See where he is a month after that. I'd rather sell if he doesn't sign a new contract by the start of the season
He might not be on £250k a week here, but he'd want at least that amount to go anywhere else.
Not if he is telling the truth and his issues are about being subbed and position........You pays your money and makes your choices :)
I was reading yesterday how Arsenal coped with the wage demands of past star players like Thierry Henry; they overcame those problems & paid stars much more (as a 'package') than their current team gets...so there's a precedent at least. And besides, a large signing-on fee for Rooney could ease the way. Added to that, Gazidis' admitted yesterday that the club's wage-restrictions are under review...
See where he is a month after that. I'd rather sell if he doesn't sign a new contract by the start of the season

Oh yea, I didn't say that was my wish, more my thoughts... my preference is that if a player isn't sure if he wants to be here, get rid. Should be an honour not a chore, I don't want him.
See where he is a month after that. I'd rather sell if he doesn't sign a new contract by the start of the season

What's the point of getting him to sign an extension to his contract. He has two seasons left - do you really think he will be any good in two years' time?

If we don't get sell him now, his value will fall significantly in one year's time. And, he hasn't been performing the way that a 200k+ player should be performing. Damn it, forget the salary, he still hasn't been performing. All these stats "showing" how good or consistent he was last season are mere distractions from Rooney's disappointing performance.
What's the point of getting him to sign an extension to his contract. He has two seasons left - do you really think he will be any good in two years' time?

If we don't get sell him now, his value will fall significantly in one year's time. And, he hasn't been performing the way that a 200k+ player should be performing. Damn it, forget the salary, he still hasn't been performing. All these stats "showing" how good or consistent he was last season are mere distractions from Rooney's disappointing performance.

Don't get me wrong. I want to see him sold this summer ideally abroad for a reasonable fee. But if he stays then we will be screwed the next season (should he have a good season and everyone wants him again). Something has to be done this summer, we sell him or he signs a new deal like a one year extension.
What's the point of getting him to sign an extension to his contract. He has two seasons left - do you really think he will be any good in two years' time?

If we don't get sell him now, his value will fall significantly in one year's time. And, he hasn't been performing the way that a 200k+ player should be performing. Damn it, forget the salary, he still hasn't been performing. All these stats "showing" how good or consistent he was last season are mere distractions from Rooney's disappointing performance.
It will stop him from running down his contract and it would also increase his value. I can't imagine anyone paying £30m for Rooney next summer if he only has a year left on his contract.
What's the point of getting him to sign an extension to his contract. He has two seasons left - do you really think he will be any good in two years' time?

If we don't get sell him now, his value will fall significantly in one year's time. And, he hasn't been performing the way that a 200k+ player should be performing. Damn it, forget the salary, he still hasn't been performing. All these stats "showing" how good or consistent he was last season are mere distractions from Rooney's disappointing performance.
Almost definitely...

We're a huge club, we'll get over a decade out of a player who's on is way to becoming our all time top goalscorer, we don't need to be worrying about cashing in on one of our best players when there's the option of keeping them longer term, we'd have sold the likes of Vidic, Ferdinand long ago and we'd be looking to sell RVP as well if we had that kind of small time attitude.

Yes, all those goals and assists are distracting aren't they, distracting away from the petty vendetta many on here have against one of our best players, and 4th top goalscorer of all time. To think it's now it's more or less accepted on here he's now a shit player and will only get worse :lol: he'll end up making a fool out of such posts in the future whether he's here or elsewhere.
he'll end up making a fool out of such posts in the future whether he's here or elsewhere.

I believe this will happen. I don't particular love or hate Rooney. He's currently a United player so I support him of course, and when he's plowing all his energy into playing well, then I'm right behind him. But there's just no doubting whether or not he's a top player. He just is. I'd love for him to stay so we can continue to build on RvP, Rooney Kagawa + more, but I think no matter where he goes, he will be a hit. His end product will be plentiful for at least another 4 or 5 years, in my opinion.
Those of us saying he was upset about being played out of position were right, in which case I cant blame him. He has admitted his frustration over being played in a supporting striker role under Sir Alex Ferguson last season.

“In the years to come, that [a midfield role] might be somewhere I could play, but, right now, I’m definitely a centre-forward. I’m after more goals.” Wayne Rooney
I'd say pay the money if we could actually publically flog him in four years. That would be incredible, but also probably change football for the worse.
Those of us saying he was upset about being played out of position were wright, in which case I cant blame him. He has admitted his frustration over being played in a supporting striker role under Sir Alex Ferguson last season.

“In the years to come, that [a midfield role] might be somewhere I could play, but, right now, I’m definitely a centre-forward. I’m after more goals.” Wayne Rooney
And last time it was "the squad isnt good enough, we need better players" blah blah blah, the bloke couldnt lie straight in bed yet we are supposed to just accept this time he's telling the truth?
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