Wayne Rooney | 2012-14 Performances

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To be honest, it's not just hero worship that makes me defend Rooney. I was pretty furious and disappointed when he pulled off his stunt back in 2010 but that's when I realized that the modern footballer really cares about himself only and not the club. Once you can accept that and know that every player isn't going to be a Giggs or Scholes, it's easier to accept the rubbish that players do nowadays. Maybe some of my Rooney defense seems fanboyism but this season I've been defending him because the criticism of him really has been a bit overboard, unnecessary and very unfair. There is no way he would be criticized the way he is if 2010 hadn't happened. He's judged more on that than on his performances imo because there is no way he's had as terrible a season as many believe.
Sorry for sounding patronizing but right now we are discussing two separate things. Some keep banging on his value as a player, others take a general veiw when they judge the situation. WR is not the only player who have ambitions.

Can you accept that a manager and the club have to look at other aspects then just his performance on the pitch and his goal/ass stats?

If so can you also understand that disloyalty is one part in a negotiation that have a huge importance. The third part is that a serial offender don't have the same credit as others.

Maybe he stays because of different reasons but if you care about our club then you should think twice about what the price for this could be in the long run. Players come and go but healthy fundamentals and principles stays if we want to be successful beyond his time at the club.
Good goal tonight, he was decent in the second half in general. I still can't believe that it merited the kind of insanity that has resulted in this thread, he was neither good enough or poor enough to warrant anything and that performance and goal will have zero to do with whether he is sold or not.

Well this thread needs it to balance out the crazy and unnecessary hate and negative stuff being said.

There's lots of rational posts being made in here about the fact he's an agents puppet and has fitness and professionalism issues, many here are apathetic to whether he stays or goes, you are acting like his defense lawyer.

It's a bit annoying that anyone who has anything negative to say or would prefer him to be sold is always made out to be some "hater" or some irrational moron that isn't talking sense.

Agreed, it's funny Maradona was mentioned a few pages back as you'd think we'd be losing someone of his caliber the way some are ranting and raving.
Thought he played well today. We will be better off with him playing for us than if he left. I hope he stays, all the gnashing and wailing over the perceived slights against Utd are just an over wrought over hyped sideshow to the real issue.

There's always going to be differences of opinion, because we all - to an extent - perceive things differently. For example, some in this thread think Wayne was the stand-out player in last night's match, and some think his performance was poor; neither view is necessarily indicative of bias. So, when I & others state that we think that sometimes Rooney doesn't give 100%, it doesn't follow that we're biased against him; when yet others claim that he always gives 100%, the rest will take issue with that claim; irrationality has little or nothing to do with it. So far, so obvious...but at least I didn't break out the 'Google & Yahoo CEOs' stuff.
A club of United's stature look to the future not the past, like every post seems to be doing. We all agree Rooney has been great in the past, that's not debatable. We're looking at the future. He needs to prove on the pitch he is worthy of a better contract, and stay at the club.

Surprised that you have thie opinion. In a handful of games arguably last season was the first ever when we could say he has not given 100%, this surely happened due to a relationship breakdown with Fergie. ( not the first player this has happened to).

Usually it would be the end, but to me he looks to have a great chance to redeem himself. And if he does it will hugely benefit us,
Out of 37 games played this season he's played as a striker or Centre Forward 29 times, according to transfermarkt. But, that usually refers to where he started in the game, and doesn't reflect changes in position made in the match. Then it could have been a bit higher than that.

Thankyou, thats what I remember as well. Wr8's insistence that he played the majority of the season out of position was getting annoying.
Sir Alex thought differently, and subbed him on plenty of occasions. His attitude was so bad towards the end of season he refused to play for a club paying his wages. I wonder what we would have said had he played for another club in those circumstances?
I very much doubt that.. Fergie couldn't even bring himself to say it, he said "I don't think he wanted to play". If we took it in a literal sense it suggests Fergie didn't even bother to ask and made his mind up for him - even making harsh assumptions against Rooney it'd be a stretch to say we know he refused to play the match.
I very much doubt that.. Fergie couldn't even bring himself to say it, he said "I don't think he wanted to play". If we took it in a literal sense it suggests Fergie didn't even bother to ask and made his mind up for him - even making harsh assumptions against Rooney it'd be a stretch to say we know he refused to play the match.

I think he said "He(WR) didn't feel up to it."
That more than intimates that the player pulled out.


"I don't think Wayne was keen to play, simply because he has asked for a transfer," Ferguson added.
I very much doubt that.. Fergie couldn't even bring himself to say it, he said "I don't think he wanted to play". If we took it in a literal sense it suggests Fergie didn't even bother to ask and made his mind up for him - even making harsh assumptions against Rooney it'd be a stretch to say we know he refused to play the match.

"I don't think Wayne was keen to play simply because he had asked for a transfer.

"He wants to think it through in his mind, which is a good idea."
Rooney will be wearing a red shirt in August. And no, I'm not suggesting Bayern or Liverpool. He'll remain a United man. Whatever the issues are that have to get resolved that we'll never hear about publicly, he'll remain a United man.
In my opinion, the whole problem with Rooney right now is that he knows he hasn't been playing to his standards and that has caused him to think about his future. When things go wrong, people tend to blame everything else, before they put the blame where it belongs; on themselves. Wayne asking to leave is no different to Anderson asking to leave awhile back or Suarez asking to leave Liverpool now.
It's possible for modern footballers to extend their playing careers well into their 30's these days, but that's only thanks to new fangled training methods and diets. Rooney's weight fluctuations and fondness for a pint suggest to me that he doesn't take those methods as seriously as he ought to. Bearing in mind the fact that he's been playing regularly at the top level since he was 18, I could easily see him take a steep decline in the next couple of years. As odd as it is to say this, I see a fair few parallels between him and some of the great Brazilian players of recent years (Ronaldo, Ronaldhino, Adriano, etc.) so I worry that Rooney could go the same way.

The management need to take a gamble on whether Rooney'll go downhill or really knuckle down in the next few seasons. It'd gonna cost the club tens of millions in terms of wages and lost transfer fee if they got it wrong and I wouldn't be surprised if they're leaning towards showing him the door at this point. I'd agree with that decision on the limited evidence that I've seen from him.

For those people talking about RVP getting a 4 year deal at the age of 29, I reckon that van Persie's body is in better physiological nick at 29 than Rooney's is at 27. Age is just an indicator of youth, it's not definitive with regards to the life left in a footballer's career.
In my opinion, the whole problem with Rooney right now is that he knows he hasn't been playing to his standards and that has caused him to think about his future. When things go wrong, people tend to blame everything else, before they put the blame where it belongs; on themselves. Wayne asking to leave is no different to Anderson asking to leave awhile back or Suarez asking to leave Liverpool now.
Him asking to leave isn't necessarily indicative of him blaming someone else. Maybe he just feels he needs a change to discover his best state, maybe he feels he'd be happier in himself with a change of scenery?
"I don't think Wayne was keen to play simply because he had asked for a transfer.

"He wants to think it through in his mind, which is a good idea."
Does that contradict what I said originally?

I think again the top line suggests Fergie's based his decision not to play him on the assumption Rooney wants out so wouldn't want to play the game.
Rooney will be wearing a red shirt in August. And no, I'm not suggesting Bayern or Liverpool. He'll remain a United man. Whatever the issues are that have to get resolved that we'll never hear about publicly, he'll remain a United man.

Until when? Will we give him a new deal? Will he want improved wages? Will he get into decent enough shape for us to make it worthwhile keeping him for the long run? All valid questions at this point, I'd say. And that's just scratching the surface.
This is, so far, the most boring transfer saga ever. The only interesting thing so far has been wr8_utd's response to all this, which was pretty funny to be fair.
I thought Rooney's performance summed up what he's capable of. Little service or support, but he made a clever assist and scored a belter. Can't say fairer than that.
Why are you comparing other players with Rooney in your posts?

Funny how RvP and the team hasn't suffered playing with sub-standard midifelders. He's also been average for England for a number of years. I suppose that's also due to their rubbish midfield?

I think you're being overly harsh Sults.

Whether you like Rooney or not, he's proven that he's as productive as RvP when played as a centre forward - that is goals output was down this season just gone is more down to injuries, being played in multiple positions and then finally being dropped.

Also, Rooney's international record is as presentable as RvP's - let's not forget that RvP was goalless during Holland's run to the World Cup final in 2010, and he was average in 2012 - trouble on the international stage is not an affliction exclusive to Rooney.
Yes, it was a deflection right out of the top drawer.

You don't buy a ticket, you can't win the raffle, and all that...

Not sure that it needs such a negative slant, and I think it's down to you being annoyed with Rooney at the moment. Understandable, I guess.
We could play him as centre forward, pay him £300k a week, make him bottom-bitch, he's still not going to care about United or any of us. He's knows he's probably only got one big move left in his career, and he wants it now.
You don't buy a ticket, you can't win the raffle, and all that...

Not sure that it needs such a negative slant, and I think it's down to you being annoyed with Rooney at the moment. Understandable, I guess.

Well, no. You can either acknowledge it was a deflected goal or carry on calling it a 'belter'. But you are clearly in love with Rooney , so it's understandable.
I thought he played quite well yesterday. With little service he held the ball up when needed, hussled the defenders into giving away corners and throw ins, and made no silly sloppy passes that he was doing at the end of the season.

Some of his passes over the defence into walcotts path were exquisite, and of course his goal was a nice little highlight.

That is the sort of form Utd fans are expecting every game from him, which is puzzling why he sometimes does not bring it.
If the type of money being talked about is very very good... like 40 million+. Do we have to go for it?

We don't exactly need it.
I think you're being overly harsh Sults.

Whether you like Rooney or not, he's proven that he's as productive as RvP when played as a centre forward - that is goals output was down this season just gone is more down to injuries, being played in multiple positions and then finally being dropped.

Also, Rooney's international record is as presentable as RvP's - let's not forget that RvP was goalless during Holland's run to the World Cup final in 2010, and he was average in 2012 - trouble on the international stage is not an affliction exclusive to Rooney.

I personally think he was played in midfield to try and get his rhythm and confidence back. I've never been bothered about statistics - I realise Rooney on form offers a lot more to the team than just goals.
Literally nothing has happened with this since Fergie confirmed he asked to leave, yet this thread has grown over 60 pages. Some of you lot...
If the type of money being talked about is very very good... like 40 million+. Do we have to go for it?

We don't exactly need it.

The club and Moyes has to make a judgement call if he will get back to his best. If so, he has to sign a new contract. If he refuses to sign a contract then this is the time to cash in.

Here's a question.

Would United want to sign Rooney for 40 Million based on last seasons performances? Please don't go back to previous years statistics when he was busting a gut and loved playing football. He seems to be going through the motions for some reason recently.
Literally nothing has happened with this since Fergie confirmed he asked to leave, yet this thread has grown over 60 pages. Some of you lot...

It's the off season, man. It's this or the transfer forum.

Hardly a choice.
Rooney can produce magic, obviously, but by keeping Rooney I think we are holding back the likes of Kagawa and Chicharito.
I guess we all want the matter resolved one way or the other.
I remain unconvinced of Moyes' suitability as the manager of United, and I also think he wants Rooney to stay.
It's not just Rooney, still desperate to see who we sign (which may or may not be contingent on Rooney's future).
Fwiw I think if Rooney was to leave then he would rediscover top form. By the same token, if he stays then hopefully a change of manager will spur him on to lead again.
I would be gutted if he left.

Apart from anything else, how would we replace him? Lewandowski and Falcao looked to be the best strikers on the market and neither appear to be an option now.

We are not short of goalscorers, anyway, but we would be desperately short of quality if we lost Rooney - it's really not clear how we could fill the quality gap.

Nani would need to be replaced too (and if Monaco get him for loads less than James Rodriguez then they will have got a very good deal).
Could it be any more obvious that you have an intense and irrational loathing of him? Honestly, the shite that's come out of this thread is beyond shameful.

To be fair that's balls, the only irrational "anti rooney" poster is me, because short of retiring and leaving all of his cash to me there is nothing he can do that will get me to like the spud faced dimwit.

Irrational suggests there are no rational reasons to dislike him and/or want him sold. Lack of effort last season, below par performances, (yes I know his stats were good, but he is capable of much more, so yes below par performances) attitude, immaturity, diva like behaviour, thinking himself bigger than the club, thinking himself better than he actually is, being a mercenary cashwhore, second (informal if it makes you happy) transfer request in 3 years and generally being a scummy sort of gimp are all perfectly valid reasons to dislike him. So not irrational at all really............

How do you explain the state of this thread at the moment?

Anyway I hope Rooney doesn't get fed this kind of shite or read anything like this or the comment sections of the rags. (Im sure he doesnt)


Im sure he CANT
We could play him as centre forward, pay him £300k a week, make him bottom-bitch, he's still not going to care about United or any of us. He's knows he's probably only got one big move left in his career, and he wants it now.

He wouldn't be the first player, manager or even fellow fan for that matter, to feel a bit let down by some sections of our support.

As someone has already mentioned, people want loyalty from him but aren't willing to give it in return. He's given us 9 years already, how many top players stay that loyal to one club for that long, especially if they're not a product of the youth system.

People seem to think because he's English he should be more loyal to us than a foreign player and conveniently forget that was bought up in Liverpool. I'll say it again, I don't really like him as a man(he was a fan of Busted and Stereophonics ffs) but as a footballer I'm 100% behind him and want him to stay.

To all those saying he's finished it would be wise to remember people were saying the same thing about Ryan Giggs a decade ago. In fact when he got booed that was probably the moment when it struck me how ungrateful and fickle some of our support are.
To all those saying he's finished it would be wise to remember people were saying the same thing about Ryan Giggs a decade ago. In fact when he got booed that was probably the moment when it struck me how ungrateful and fickle some of our support are.

Ryan Giggs is both naturally athletic and the consummate professional, who has consistently put his health and fitness above whatever else he'd rather be doing. Rooney spends each summer gorging on unhealthy food, drinking, smoking etc and can in no way be described as a natural athlete......there is no way in hell rooney will be playing at the top level, for us or anyone else much into his thirties.
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