Wayne Rooney | 2012-14 Performances

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Stability ? :lol: What kind of stability does Rooney offer right now?

United is going through a lot of changes with Fergie out and a new manager in and I really don't think losing a player as good as Rooney and then spending all summer trying to find a suitable replacement is going to help the club in any sort of way.

Rooney's on a similar downward spiral as Sneijder.

Play him for 3 months up top and if he still doesn't perform to his standards, I'll readily agree with you but I'm definitely not going to believe he's not WC anymore or on a downward spiral on the back of a decent season where he played a large contribution in a lot of our goals despite injuries and position rotation.
Play him for 3 months up top and if he still doesn't perform to his standards, I'll readily agree with you but I'm definitely not going to believe he's not WC anymore or on a downward spiral on the back of a decent season where he played a large contribution in a lot of our goals despite injuries and position rotation.

I'd rather make judgements on players past season performance that the future. Unless it's a young player with potential.
@ wr8. He might be dropping deep but he starts as a striker with the license to do whatever hr wants including dropping deep. That's not far from his natural position and if he didn't like playing that role he would have just stayed up. The way you talk is like he has been forced to play as a winger or cm.
I'd rather make judgements on players past season performance that the future. Unless it's a young player with potential.

So a player who's been here 9 years, is our 4th highest scorer of all time, scored 35 goals just last season and played an important role this season and is just 27 years old doesn't deserve some more months and a run in favorite role before he's judged?
Well this thread needs it to balance out the crazy and unnecessary hate and negative stuff being said.

People who have a different opinion on his career or performances hate Rooney?

Odd thinking, buddy.
So a player who's been here 9 years, is our 4th highest scorer of all time, scored 35 goals just last season and played an important role this season and is just 27 years old doesn't deserve some more months and a run in favorite role before he's judged?

There's a better player in that position. He needs to dislodge him from the team. That doesn't happen by moaning, running away and asking for a transfer.
If he got his appetite, and form back, looked after his body and wants to play for the club I don't think many fans would have an issue if he stayed.
This is the thing. Give me one United supporter who don't want him to stay if he shows commitment and give his best.

For me it's easy. I see, according to reports, the clubs top earner and then I judge him with this information in mind. A fantastic player when fit and on form but the last two seasons I see more mediocre performances then good games. When our manager address the problem and use other players I don't see a healthy reaction. Instead of work harder, show more commitment and wait for his chance he do the opposite. Other players step forward when giving a chance, they all sit on the bench now and then but nobody as far as I know complains and starts to sulk. Our Mexican star act with class and dignity even if he's over looked plenty of times. Young Danny works his socks of whenever Fergie gives him a chance, always smiling and full of positive energy. Another national hero struggles with injuries and to adapt in a new country, on top of that he often plays out of his preferred position. Despite this he shows great attitude and always give 100%, even on his bad days.

Then I ask myself why I should judge one player different from others. And it also quite a normal reaction to expect more from the clubs top earner then from average squad player. So therefore I having huge problems to accept when our so called best player act like spoilt teenager and act disrespectful against his team mates, our manager and the club. If our manager accept this behavior, starts to bend over because of being afraid of avoiding conflicts, the club starts to get afraid to lose their top players because of some of them having crazy demands or asking for top money even when they don't produce regularly then something is fundamentally wrong in this club.

Doesn't matter if we are talking about Messi, Ronaldo or God all mighty, we all have to produce then we get rewarded. Isn't this that we said when we where discussing Pogba, Fryer and wild young Ravel. Rooney is still a super player on his day, but not worth to continue to be our top earner who can demand assurance and future promises. Negotiations is about give and take, three years ago he took the full hand and squesed every penny out of the club in a way not worthy a gentleman. Afterwards it was forgiveness and excuses.

Now he starts all over again and the club should just bend over and let him feck us supporters in our ass. Give him another crazy contract or let him hold the club, the manager and all supporters in prison for another season.

I know what is right, in every logical aspect. I also know that for 250k per week you can get extremely much quality, maybe even hungrier and more committed. I'm not angry. I'm disappointed and I hope the club and the manager see this in the same way as me. Otherwise I'm really worried.
People who have a different opinion on his career or performances hate Rooney?


How do you explain the state of this thread at the moment?

Anyway I hope Rooney doesn't get fed this kind of shite or read anything like this or the comment sections of the rags. (Im sure he doesnt)

Some of the things that have been said lately are utter utter loon. From Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime who have absolutely no idea at all. It's getting a bit disturbing to be honest.
So a player who's been here 9 years, is our 4th highest scorer of all time, scored 35 goals just last season and played an important role this season and is just 27 years old doesn't deserve some more months and a run in favorite role before he's judged?

A club of United's stature look to the future not the past, like every post seems to be doing. We all agree Rooney has been great in the past, that's not debatable. We're looking at the future. He needs to prove on the pitch he is worthy of a better contract, and stay at the club.
A club of United's stature look to the future not the past, like every post seems to be doing. We all agree Rooney has been great in the past, that's not debatable. We're looking at the future. He needs to prove on the pitch he is worthy of a better contract, and stay at the club.

So how does he do that if he gets sold in this window?... That's not going to stop the hate. He's done plenty in the last two years but Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime will still find a way to twist it negatively and spout their thunderbollocks about it.
A club of United's stature look to the future not the past, like every post seems to be doing. We all agree Rooney has been great in the past, that's not debatable. We're looking at the future. He needs to prove on the pitch he is worthy of a better contract, and stay at the club.

And a lot also want him sold this summer. So how does he go about proving he deserves a new contract?
It's a bit annoying that anyone who has anything negative to say or would prefer him to be sold is always made out to be some "hater" or some irrational moron that isn't talking sense.
United is going through a lot of changes with Fergie out and a new manager in and I really don't think losing a player as good as Rooney and then spending all summer trying to find a suitable replacement is going to help the club in any sort of way.

You're idea of stability, much like your idea of world class, is warped.
So how does he do that if he gets sold in this window?... That's not going to stop the hate. He's done plenty in the last two years but Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime will still find a way to twist it negatively and spout their thunderbollocks about it.

He had plenty opportunities last season.

Stop with your name calling.
So how does he do that if he gets sold in this window?... That's not going to stop the hate. He's done plenty in the last two years but Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime will still find a way to twist it negatively and spout their thunderbollocks about it.

Why do you feel the need to call people with a different opinion to you, Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime?
All it does is demean your point of view.

Personally, I would't care if he was the best player in the world. His attitude is bad for the club, you Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime!
And a lot also want him sold this summer. So how does he go about proving he deserves a new contract?

Surely that's pretty obvious?

You win contracts on potential in case of young players or in case of Rooney on past performances.
It's a bit annoying that anyone who has anything negative to say or would prefer him to be sold is always made out to be some "hater" or some irrational moron that isn't talking sense.

Agreed. People like wr8 need to grow up and take a bit of back-and-forth without resorting to the "hate" card. So childish.
He had plenty opportunities last season.

Stop with your name calling.

He had a great season last year and an above average one this time around and played an important role in winning the title back. I think he deserves a contract.
Surely that's pretty obvious?

You win contracts on potential in case of young players or in case of Rooney on past performances.

Honestly, the last month of performances, where everyone was rubbish, and the transfer request news has really really modified people's opinions on the season Rooney has had. He's been very very productive even in a supposedly rubbish season and that's the sign of a quality player.
He had a great season last year and an above average one this time around and played an important role in winning the title back. I think he deserves a contract.

Sir Alex thought differently, and subbed him on plenty of occasions. His attitude was so bad towards the end of season he refused to play for a club paying his wages. I wonder what we would have said had he played for another club in those circumstances?
You're idea of stability, much like your idea of world class, is warped.

You can't expect total and utter rationality from a fiercely loyal person trying to defend the object of his loyalty, let alone one that is doing so at 4:30 AM.
Post Madrid, the team as a whole and as individuals has been pretty woeful. We've had maybe one convincing performance in that period and yet no one else has faced the criticism that Rooney has so it's safe to say that the whole transfer issue and the past is affecting judgement when it comes to Rooney.
What evidence is there he was unfit tonight? Do you have distance covered stats to back it up? Does the fact that he assisted, scored and made several good contributions in the last half hour dispute the supposed fitness issues? Probably... But let me guess, he "looked" unfit? That couldn't be your perception through the Rooney hating goggles you're clearly wearing...

Antics against Chelsea :lol: he was subbed on for 20 minutes and his performance in that 20 minutes is now one of the many valid reasons he has to be forced out.

No one is too good to be sold. It's a rather obvious sign though then whoever thinks he's turned into a shit footballer this year needs their heads testing.

Poor Rooney :lol:

Get a grip lad.
Honestly, the last month of performances, where everyone was rubbish, and the transfer request news has really really modified people's opinions on the season Rooney has had. He's been very very productive even in a supposedly rubbish season and that's the sign of a quality player.

How many times have I got to say I don't give a damn about his transfer request. It's his prerogative. I thought he was on a downer as a football player prior to finding out he had a tiff with Sir Alex.
Why do you feel the need to call people with a different opinion to you, Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime?
All it does is demean your point of view.

Personally, I would't care if he was the best player in the world. His attitude is bad for the club, you Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime!

If it was a genuine alternative point of view and one I found valid i'd be discussing it. But some of the stuff in here being said is genuinely ridiculous. From missing the point entirely about a news article, believing completely made up news stories, to even misconstruing genuine fact and STILL coming up with the incorrect facts in their opinion and then trying to justify it..

Like I said I'll discuss until the cows come home alternate points of view and such but it's nearly impossible with this thread.

I still don't understand the notion of people calling him fat. Utterly utterly bizarre and genuinely untrue. But of course 'I just differ from their opinion..'


Anyways - I tried to stay away from this thread because it was ridiculous so I am going to do so now as it only just serves as a faux source of knowledge to wind people up.

It's a bit annoying that anyone who has anything negative to say or would prefer him to be sold is always made out to be some "hater" or some irrational moron that isn't talking sense.

My annoyance and name calling goes beyond that of course.

There is definitely a contingent of haters in this thread, rational people who believe it better for the club if he were to go, some who want him to stay and don't really care otherwise. I am not calling anyone but the 'haters' in this thread Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime.
Sir Alex thought differently, and subbed him on plenty of occasions. His attitude was so bad towards the end of season he refused to play for a club paying his wages. I wonder what we would have said had he played for another club in those circumstances?

I know Fergie said that but I really don't believe Wayne Rooney refused to play a football match. It's just not consistent with the kind of player he is. He's someone who just loves playing every single game. Imo there's a game going on between Rooney, Fergie and the club. Seems more like contract negotiation rubbish to me.
How many times have I got to say I don't give a damn about his transfer request. It's his prerogative. I thought he was on a downer as a football player prior to finding out he had a tiff with Sir Alex.

Since when do you believe he's on a downer?
You can't expect total and utter rationality from a fiercely loyal person trying to defend the object of his loyalty, let alone one that is doing so at 4:30 AM.


I'm sure he'll think differently once he goes past a certain age. I remember losing sleep and appetite when United lost games.

I'm sure he'll think differently once he goes past a certain age. I remember losing sleep and appetite when United lost games.

To be honest, it's not just hero worship that makes me defend Rooney. I was pretty furious and disappointed when he pulled off his stunt back in 2010 but that's when I realized that the modern footballer really cares about himself only and not the club. Once you can accept that and know that every player isn't going to be a Giggs or Scholes, it's easier to accept the rubbish that players do nowadays. Maybe some of my Rooney defense seems fanboyism but this season I've been defending him because the criticism of him really has been a bit overboard, unnecessary and very unfair. There is no way he would be criticized the way he is if 2010 hadn't happened. He's judged more on that than on his performances imo because there is no way he's had as terrible a season as many believe.
Thought he played well today. We will be better off with him playing for us than if he left. I hope he stays, all the gnashing and wailing over the perceived slights against Utd are just an over wrought over hyped sideshow to the real issue.
To be honest, it's not just hero worship that makes me defend Rooney. I was pretty furious and disappointed when he pulled off his stunt back in 2010 but that's when I realized that the modern footballer really cares about himself only and not the club. Once you can accept that and know that every player isn't going to be a Giggs or Scholes, it's easier to accept the rubbish that players do nowadays. Maybe some of my Rooney defense seems fanboyism but this season I've been defending him because the criticism of him really has been a bit overboard, unnecessary and very unfair. There is no way he would be criticized the way he is if 2010 hadn't happened. He's judged more on that than on his performances imo because there is no way he's had as terrible a season as many believe.

It's nothing to do with his transfer issues.

I'd say Nani, Young, Anderson, Valencia, and Rooney have all been well below average, and I'd not be disappointed if any of those were sold. You have to earn your keeps. Sentimentality has no place.
wr8 have you got the stats for the number of games he started in these various positions? I am pretty sure he played as a striker for the majority of season.

Out of 37 games played this season he's played as a striker or Centre Forward 29 times, according to transfermarkt. But, that usually refers to where he started in the game, and doesn't reflect changes in position made in the match. Then it could have been a bit higher than that.
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