Wayne Rooney | 2012-14 Performances

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People will prat on about it being deflected, but how good was it to see him actually running at a player and then belting it?
Great strike. I take my wig off to him.
Assuming he stays and recommits (again) that goal. I think that will do him the world of good. He has not looked himself, otherwise.
Good goal yes. Did anyone else feel a lower level of excitement with Wayne scoring? I feel like I've lost love for him this time round.
Good goal yes. Did anyone else feel a lower level of excitement with Wayne scoring? I feel like I've lost love for him this time round.

Yeah. We can debate his situation rationally and personally I would still be ok with him staying, but watching him play for England he doesn't even feel like a United player at the moment, it's like he's currently in limbo. Phil Jones and Carrick I've been watching and hoping they do well moreso than Rooney.
Deflection but I didn't feel like it was that massive. Maybe I need to see the replays again.
Was top class how he slammed that ball against the defender. Frank Lampard-esque.

Could it be any more obvious that you have an intense and irrational loathing of him? Honestly, the shite that's come out of this thread is beyond shameful.
Yeah. We can debate his situation rationally and personally I would still be ok with him staying, but watching him play for England he doesn't even feel like a United player at the moment, it's like he's currently in limbo. Phil Jones and Carrick I've been watching and hoping they do well moreso than Rooney.

Yeah, when he put in the first transfer request I never got on his back and was happy that he chose to stay. But doing it again for the second time in 3 years, I feel indifferent towards him now. I'd be cool with him staying, but I wouldn't be upset if he left now tbh.
Yeah, when he put in the first transfer request I never got on his back and was happy that he chose to stay. But doing it again for the second time in 3 years, I feel indifferent towards him now. I'd be cool with him staying, but I wouldn't be upset if he left now tbh.

I was pretty livid at him after the business in October 2010, and have never gotten back to anything like the affection for him I had back in the day, but this latest thing is absolutely nothing like what he did back then. To borrow the melodramatic language from earlier in the thread, it's the difference between your partner cheating on you and her saying she's not sure if you should be together any more. The fans who are actually angry at him for this, rather than letting out repressed feelings from previous transgressions are, to be blunt, responding like children.
A goal, an assist, some very clever passes. It hurts that he wants to leave but people disputing his class need to pull their heads out of their arses.
I think it's high time some of ours fans realized what a modern footballer is like and learn to be fine with it. I think we as fans are far too spoilt by the large abundance of loyal footballers that we've had at this club over the years. We're hardly going to have any players from now that love the club so much that they'd stay here a decade or more without once putting in a request or wanting to leave.
He was easily England's best performer today. I'm a bit pleased that this performance will increase his price.
He was poor despite his goal and assist. So unfit it's not even funny.

His goal saved him, otherwise he would have been slaughtered.
Why are we responding like children? Not sure if you're including me in that or not but it's the fact that he's handed in a second bloody transfer request. The first one he didn't feel like we were competitive enough, and now he's got what he wanted he's still unhappy. I don't buy this whole being played out of position thing either, it's never been a problem for him in the past so why now?

Wayne's problem is that he's used to being the main man and now with RVP here he's not.

But like I say, I'm not screaming for him to be sold, but if we get £30m+ for him then I wouldn't be saddened.
A goal, an assist, some very clever passes. It hurts that he wants to leave but people disputing his class need to pull their heads out of their arses.

This is something that seems to have been overlooked. All I'm reading on my twitter and hear from United fans is that he had a rubbish game but still managed a goal. He had pretty much no service and yet he had some very good touches and passes. Some of his quick and clever passes to release Walcott down the right were really good but Theo, predictably, messed it up.
I think it's high time some of ours fans realized what a modern footballer is like and learn to be fine with it. I think we as fans are far too spoilt by the large abundance of loyal footballers that we've had at this club over the years. We're hardly going to have any players from now that love the club so much that they'd stay here a decade or more without once putting in a request or wanting to leave.

That's ridiculous really. People here don't have any special expectations of Rooney. The fact is that he's now requested a transfer move twice in the last 3 years. Even if ignore that, there's also the fact that he regularly returns from pre-season looking fat and then takes another month into the season to get ready.
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