Wayne Rooney | 2012-14 Performances

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I wonder where all of this "better contract" talk is coming from...as if Rooney's going to demand a bigger wage after a dissapointing season, if that was the case he should've done it one year sooner, or wait till he impresses next season and then ask for it.

I honestly think the reason was his "lack of playing time" and not being a "sure fix" in the first XI this season. Not saying he's the smartest person out there but even a retard wouldn't ask for an upgrade on an already very expensive contract after a relatively poor season. I think more often than not is just people using that line to exagerate this shit out of proportion.
I wonder where all of this "better contract" talk is coming from...as if Rooney's going to demand a bigger wage after a dissapointing season, if that was the case he should've done it one year sooner, or wait till he impresses next season and then ask for it.

I honestly think the reason was his "lack of playing time" and not being a "sure fix" in the first XI this season. Not saying he's the smartest person out there but even a retard wouldn't ask for an upgrade on an already very expensive contract after a relatively poor season. I think more often than not is just people using that line to exagerate this shit out of proportion.

Its not even £15m a year. Where the feck did you get £50m from?

The Express claimed PSG is going to pay him 300 grand a week after tax, with a top tax rate of 75%, well, the maths isn't exactly hard.
It's not applied yet, but Hollande's government has repeatedly insisted it will apply to football clubs.
Not sure if posted but ESPN saying this...

Paris Saint-Germain are reported to have told Wayne Rooney to name his price as they prepare a £30 million bid for the Manchester United striker.

The Ligue 1 champions have made an initial offer of £300,000 a week after tax on a four-year deal, according to the Daily Express, as they plan to make their assault on the Champions League with Rooney spearheading the attack with Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

PSG's wealthy Qatari owners made Rooney one of their key transfer targets after the 27-year-old asked to leave Old Trafford towards the end of last season. The Daily Express report claims that if the initial offer is not enough then the player can dictate the terms of a contract.

Rooney still has two years left on his £250,000 a week contract at United but reportedly handed in a transfer request when Sir Alex Ferguson played him out of position for much of the season, and left him out altogether in some key games.

Incoming manager David Moyes, the man who brought Rooney through the youth ranks at Everton before selling him to United in 2004, was due for talks with the striker last week but the meeting is yet to happen after the birth of Rooney's second son before he joined up with the England squad in Brazil.

Arsenal, Manchester City and Chelsea are also rumoured to be monitoring the situation, while the player's representatives have denied any contact with other clubs.

Read more at http://www.espn.co.uk/football/sport/story/210027.html#SC6eCxJ5YmSzxx1H.99
Okay, so they've asked Rooney name to his own price.

Journalism at its finest.
Moyesy will slap the piss out of him and maybe the few brain cells left in the boy's brain will start functioning, again.

On a serious note, Wayne is a type of a bloke who needs a mentally strong manager to keep him disciplined and in one shape. The new boss knows him more than people may think.
He knows him very well and he rarely performed against his Everton side (maybe a couple of good games) but that won't stop him from selling him.
I wonder where all of this "better contract" talk is coming from...as if Rooney's going to demand a bigger wage after a dissapointing season, if that was the case he should've done it one year sooner, or wait till he impresses next season and then ask for it.

I honestly think the reason was his "lack of playing time" and not being a "sure fix" in the first XI this season. Not saying he's the smartest person out there but even a retard wouldn't ask for an upgrade on an already very expensive contract after a relatively poor season. I think more often than not is just people using that line to exagerate this shit out of proportion.

I doubt that's the full reason though. It doesn't help he's asked to leave a second time and overall the unnecessary frenzy it causes. He hasn't come out and said he wants to stay so there's few assurances there. In a time where we're moving into a new era, we now have this transfer saga which I feel is becoming too much. If Wayne is to stay here, he needs to buck up his ideas and not just be upset he's not getting the amount of playing time he wants.

I don't think it's mainly about the "better contract", more so just about his attitude.
Say he decides to stay, but then throws this shit again next summer when he only has a year left on his current deal. Then what? We'll be up shit creek and he'll hold all the cards in where he goes. We have to sell him this summer or tie him down for the long term, but that just doesn't bare thinking about.
"E=Platato;13574726]I doubt that's the full reason though. It doesn't help he's asked to leave a second time and overall the unnecessary frenzy it causes. He hasn't come out and said he wants to stay so there's few assurances there. In a time where we're moving into a new era, we now have this transfer saga which I feel is becoming too much. If Wayne is to stay here, he needs to buck up his ideas and not just be upset he's not getting the amount of playing time he wants.

I don't think it's mainly about the "better contract", more so just about his attitude.

Spot on. After the first request you would have thought he just went OTT for a second and was ill-advised. After his latest request you really don't know if he's not doing again any time soon. He either doesn't really like it here that much or he really is that thick.
Quite absurd. I don't believe Wayne is on that much (£250k per week). That's ridiculous.
I don't follow his twitter however i am under the impression that besides that ridiculous Nike tweet Rooney has been pretty uncommunicative throughout all this?

When you consider all of the inconsequential chatter that is aired to the world and the ease in which he could if he so wished respond to these rumours [removing any doubt whatsoever of which there is a fair bit], it is not unreasonable to conclude that the silence speaks for itself here.

If he felt strongly that he wanted to stay at United and fight for his place or that he was going to acknowledge the validity of Sir Alex's decisions albeit grudgingly, the player would have spoken.
The fact he has not spoken just indicates to me he doesn't know where he stands or what he wants to do. Speaking out would overplay his hand so it is in his best interests to keep quiet.
Forgetting personal reasons (personally I want him out) How do you think Moyes will play van Persie, Kagawa and Rooney together with Rooney still about?

I'm guessing van Persie up front as the main man, Rooney just behind with Kagawa cutting in from the left? As for the right, he could try Welbeck there or give Nani a last chance.
But, yeah, it's not about the money...

The Way It Is
by Wayne Rooney

Reviewed by Mark O’Brien, When Saturday Comes

“Coleen bought me an Aston Martin from her own money. It was a birthday present that she gave me before the big day. On my actually birthday she gave me a Jacob watch, inscribed with my name and date of birth. I love watches.” And so on, and so forth. Who on earth is this actually aimed at? It’s not an autobiography; it is a prospectus for Paul Stretford’s Proactive Sports Management Ltd. It’s also an insult to the intelligence of the reader, although quite frankly anyone who buys it after seeing Rooney posing on the cover wearing a Coca-Cola T-shirt – he has a contract with them – probably hasn’t got that much grey matter to offend.

The book ostensibly traces Rooney’s career to date, from boyhood scamp at Everton through to what he is now: an England player and cash-cow marketing vehicle. Along the way it touches lightly on the many controversial incidents that have befallen the Manchester United striker in his short career, and tries ever so hard to place the Proactive-approved, positive spin on them.

For instance, the tensions between Rooney and David Moyes? The Everton manager was jealous of the attention that the youngster was getting and was put out that he wasn’t invited to his 18th birthday party. And while Rooney has a poor memory concerning certain matters – such as who actually introduced him to the bookmaker with whom he ran up a debt of over 50 grand, or the details of the contract dispute that saw Stretford dragged to court – he can recall every single negative thing about his time at Goodison. It’s really no surprise that Moyes is taking legal action.

The incident with the grannies in the brothel is skimmed over – it’s something that all young lads do, apparently – although he manages to get in another apology to the ubiquitous Coleen. Surely the ghost-writer, Hunter Davies, could have suggested if people want to read about her dress sense or that she was in the school production of Bugsy Malone they can go and buy her book. She has written one, apparently. It must be fascinating.

Who would have thought that, 35 years after he wrote The Glory Game, Hunter Davies would be trying to pass off the following as the words of a 21-year-old footballer: “That is why we have a publicist. We need to monitor dialogue with the papers and we need someone who can speak to them when stories are wrong or misrepresented.” There really is little else. All the moderately juicy bits that Proactive have allowed, like the fact that he likes to sleep with the hoover or the hairdryer on, have all been serialised to death already.

The only thing that surprises with this sort of wretched tome is that the people handling the players do not use the opportunity to at least try to make them seem somewhat likeable and, well, normal. Rooney used to seem more normal than most but, droning on here about his cars, his holidays and his property portfolio, he looks like just another unashamedly crass gobshite who happens to be lucky that he’s good at kicking a ball around a field.

As has been widely reported, the book is less than complimentary about David Moyes, but this has been overplayed. Moyes is simply the only person Wayne has ever met who he’s prepared to criticise, which makes the complaints look harsher than they really are.
Say he decides to stay, but then throws this shit again next summer when he only has a year left on his current deal. Then what?
He'll be 29 going on 30 and quite possibly another 2-3 years on top level. I don't think the other top clubs will want him that bad.
He has got to a sign new contract if he stays. He'll have only a year left after next season and that will even give us less leverage for a better negotiation on his fee if he throws another strop again
Say he decides to stay, but then throws this shit again next summer when he only has a year left on his current deal. Then what? We'll be up shit creek and he'll hold all the cards in where he goes. We have to sell him this summer or tie him down for the long term, but that just doesn't bare thinking about.

Bit melodramatic. Regardless of what you think of him as a person he's still a bloody good footballer. We don't exactly need the money and it wouldn't exactly be a disaster if he stayed another couple of seasons, helping us win some trophies along the way, then left for nothing at the end of his contract by which time his performance level may have dropped and letting him go to a rival won't be as big of an issue as it is now.

I don't believe for one second that keeping him against his will will lead to decreased performance levels over the next couple of seasons. He'll have to give his all to attract a suitable club and also people forget the World Cup starts after the coming season which he'll definitely want good preparation for. He might play a blinder in Brazil and then we'd most likely have a host of potential buyers regardless of only having a year left on his contract anyway.

It'd be really foolish to sell him now unless we got a ridiculously good offer that enabled us to fund a move for another world class player. I really hope the people in charge at the club aren't as emotional and blinded by hate as some of the fans.
I wonder where all of this "better contract" talk is coming from...as if Rooney's going to demand a bigger wage after a dissapointing season, if that was the case he should've done it one year sooner, or wait till he impresses next season and then ask for it.

I honestly think the reason was his "lack of playing time" and not being a "sure fix" in the first XI this season. Not saying he's the smartest person out there but even a retard wouldn't ask for an upgrade on an already very expensive contract after a relatively poor season. I think more often than not is just people using that line to exagerate this shit out of proportion.

Yes, I would agree. It doesn't look like it's about money this time, yet people still throw in the "greedy cnut" line for good measure.

Rooney handled RVP's presence in the team alright - but not more. He didn't form a sensational partnership with him - and last season he wasn't top dog anymore. Not in Fergie's book. To an outsider it appears as though their relationship may have deteriorated a bit - not to the extent that Fergie wanted to get rid of him (I don't believe that), but still. Rooney was Fergie's most important player in the years following Ronaldo's departure. That changed last season.

If Moyes wants Rooney to stick around it'll be a fresh start - I think that will do him good. We'll just have to wait and see. Maybe Rooney prefers gay Paris. Maybe Moyes doesn't care for his hair plugs. We'll manage no matter what happens, so I'm not too worried. But it makes no sense to get rid of a top player if he doesn't want to leave. The fact that he's changed his mind doesn't provoke me. A man can change his mind - and, again, the "transfer request" was between Rooney and Fergie. Water under the bridge.
Moyesy will slap the piss out of him and maybe the few brain cells left in the boy's brain will start functioning, again.

On a serious note, Wayne is a type of a bloke who needs a mentally strong manager to keep him disciplined and in one shape. The new boss knows him more than people may think.

If Fergie wasn't strict enough and mentally strong enough, no over manager would be.
Bit melodramatic. Regardless of what you think of him as a person he's still a bloody good footballer. We don't exactly need the money and it wouldn't exactly be a disaster if he stayed another couple of seasons, helping us win some trophies along the way, then left for nothing at the end of his contract by which time his performance level may have dropped and letting him go to a rival won't be as big of an issue as it is now.

I don't believe for one second that keeping him against his will will lead to decreased performance levels over the next couple of seasons. He'll have to give his all to attract a suitable club and also people forget the World Cup starts after the coming season which he'll definitely want good preparation for. He might play a blinder in Brazil and then we'd most likely have a host of potential buyers regardless of only having a year left on his contract anyway.

It'd be really foolish to sell him now unless we got a ridiculously good offer that enabled us to fund a move for another world class player. I really hope the people in charge at the club aren't as emotional and blinded by hate as some of the fans.

That first paragraph is pretty wide of the mark, I reckon. No way we'd want him to walk for free.

His performance levels are already decreased, even before the possibility of keeping him against his will. It's become a bit of a running joke how after every game the pundits/supporters/media say 'oh, he didn't look himself today' or 'Rooney looked a bit rusty'. How many times does he have to look that way for that to be accepted the norm from him? We've been seeing performances such as the one against Ireland for over a season now. I think it's actually the other way round in that some supporters are unwilling to see him for what he is. He's past his best, will probably get worse, doesn't want to be here and he seems to make no effort in getting into good shape.
He has got to a sign new contract if he stays. He'll have only a year left after next season and that will even give us less leverage for a better negotiation on his fee if he throws another strop again

Indeed, and on reduced terms to reflect both this situation and his revised status at the club.
Yes, I would agree. It doesn't look like it's about money this time, yet people still throw in the "greedy cnut" line for good measure.

Rooney handled RVP's presence in the team alright - but not more. He didn't form a sensational partnership with him - and last season he wasn't top dog anymore. Not in Fergie's book. To an outsider it appears as though their relationship may have deteriorated a bit - not to the extent that Fergie wanted to get rid of him (I don't believe that), but still. Rooney was Fergie's most important player in the years following Ronaldo's departure. That changed last season.

If Moyes wants Rooney to stick around it'll be a fresh start - I think that will do him good. We'll just have to wait and see. Maybe Rooney prefers gay Paris. Maybe Moyes doesn't care for his hair plugs. We'll manage no matter what happens, so I'm not too worried. But it makes no sense to get rid of a top player if he doesn't want to leave. The fact that he's changed his mind doesn't provoke me. A man can change his mind - and, again, the "transfer request" was between Rooney and Fergie. Water under the bridge.

How many times can a person screw up before it's time to let go?
How many times can a person screw up before it's time to let go?

At the end of the day based on his overall performances over the last couple of years. I would snap PSG or any one's else hand off for 30 mill.
OK he may well come back to haunts us but that's the risk you take.
I feel we will be making a profit out of a player whom we have had the best of
How many times can a person screw up before it's time to let go?

C - (A x Y)^X

Interestingly, this equation also provides the answer to the questions "how many roads must a man walk down?" and "how many calories are in a sandwich?"
This thread needs a poll so we can see where everyone stands before things are sorted out one way or another.
That first paragraph is pretty wide of the mark, I reckon. No way we'd want him to walk for free.

His performance levels are already decreased, even before the possibility of keeping him against his will. It's become a bit of a running joke how after every game the pundits/supporters/media say 'oh, he didn't look himself today' or 'Rooney looked a bit rusty'. How many times does he have to look that way for that to be accepted the norm from him? We've been seeing performances such as the one against Ireland for over a season now. I think it's actually the other way round in that some supporters are unwilling to see him for what he is. He's past his best, will probably get worse, doesn't want to be here and he seems to make no effort in getting into good shape.

Yeah obviously wouldn't be ideal letting him go for nothing but that doesn't mean we can't afford it, it could also potentially be worth it if he regains his best form over the next couple of seasons. We basically lost £25m on Berbatov so it's not like we don't have previous in this regard.

He may not be at his best but he's still been pretty damn productive considering he's been played in various positions and has had injury problems. Even a rusty Rooney is still a better all round player than most strikers, it's incredibly unfair for people to say he's finished without looking at the reasons he's underperformed over the past year.

He scored some really vital goals for us and helped us when RVP was going through a dry spell, he was still a really important part of our league win last season and I think people forget that. He was dropped for one big European game(which we lost by the way) and suddenly he's surplus to requirements according to some.

I'm not saying he's been brilliant, he's had a decent season but I understand the frustration because he's capable of so much more. It's just utter stupidity to write him off completely though as some seem to be doing. I can only assume that it's a defence mechanism to help cope with the fact that he might leave.

Have people completely forgotten the way he almost single-handedly fired us to the title just a season earlier scoring more goals in less games than Van Persie did for us this season just gone. Short memories.
Yeah obviously wouldn't be ideal letting him go for nothing but that doesn't mean we can't afford it, it could also potentially be worth it if he regains his best form over the next couple of seasons. We basically lost £25m on Berbatov so it's not like we don't have previous in this regard.

He may not be at his best but he's still been pretty damn productive considering he's been played in various positions and has had injury problems. Even a rusty Rooney is still a better all round player than most strikers, it's incredibly unfair for people to say he's finished without looking at the reasons he's underperformed over the past year.

He scored some really vital goals for us and helped us when RVP was going through a dry spell, he was still a really important part of our league win last season and I think people forget that. He was dropped for one big European game(which we lost by the way) and suddenly he's surplus to requirements according to some.

I'm not saying he's been brilliant, he's had a decent season but I understand the frustration because he's capable of so much more. It's just utter stupidity to write him off completely though as some seem to be doing. I can only assume that it's a defence mechanism to help cope with the fact that he might leave.

Have people completely forgotten the way he almost single-handedly fired us to the title just a season earlier scoring more goals in less games than Van Persie did for us this season just gone. Short memories.

Think there's some decent points in there, and I was saying pretty much the same yesterday. Like I said, if Robin Van Persie wasn't at this football club, Wayne Rooney would be considered in a different light. Don't get me wrong, Van Persie has been absolutely sensational for us this season and you could argue that he has been the main difference between the Manchester United this season, and the Manchester United of last season, but that doesn't mean we should just forget about him. Like you say, I understand why certain people are frustrated. Of course I do. He hasn't had a great season, but he has still showed signs of what he is capable of, and we have missed him at times when he hasn't been in the side.

Look at the start of the season. We got off to a poor start and he came in and helped turn it around for us. He's had a couple of injury problems this year, but when he has played for a consistent period he has played quite well for me. Not fantastically, but he has played well enough, and has shown signs of what he is capable of. My message to Wayne Rooney would be to surround yourself with the right people, and speak to those people about this. The likes of Giggs and Scholes etc... . You don't play for Manchester United or any big club for that matter without going through tough periods mentally, but those top, top players are capable of pushing on from that, and using them to take themselves to the next level.

You don't play for a club like United without an 'ego'. You won't succeed at this level if you don't. Being left out of Champions League games at Old Trafford against Madrid will have hurt him, and mentally he doesn't seem to be strong enough to deal with that. That's his problem. Mentally. Looking away seems to be the only way he can deal with that.

For me though, he is a quality player who I want at this club. Mentally he struggles which is why the senior players at the club and David Moyes need to go over to him and have a word with him. That confidence, the sort that can only be installed by the manager is what makes Wayne Rooney tick, and when he does, their aren't to many better for me.
Just saw this tweet from the journalist Alan Nixon, he's not too bad when it comes to transfers. Someone asked him what's going on with Rooney.

Alan Nixon ‏@reluctantnicko Protected account 9m
Can be sorted. No actual bid. Or major interest.

We're going to end up stuck with the motherfecker.:(
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