Wayne Rooney | 2012-14 Performances

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He's gone all Torres

I think he's gone all Stevie G - "main man syndrome". How many times can one player attempt a fifty yard cross field ball? That's pretty much all Rooney does now. It seems to be something that happens to all England's top players, they start to believe their own hype and fall into the trap of playing nothing but Hollywood passes. Beckham was at it too before SAF shipped him out. I think the whole problem with Rooney is playing him as a number ten, to a bloke like Rooney that means he falls junto the trap of constantly playing the killer ball. He could be a hell of a player again under a manager who told him his main job was to score goals.
Rooney's footballing brain has been highlighted as one of his biggest assests many times; therefore I see no reason why he shouldn't be able to reinvent himself. As a striker, however, I do feel he is just a bit too sluggish these days. A 39 year old Giggs looks quite a bit quicker, tbh.

I've never been his biggest fan, but as you say, he used to be full of enthusiasm and energy which was fun to watch. These days that sparkle seems to be completely lacking.

I don't think Wayne's body type helps. Giggs has never had a ounce of fat on him which will have helped prolong his career. Unfortunately for Wayne his body might be letting him down now. I hope not.
I don't think Wayne's body type helps. Giggs has never had a ounce of fat on him which will have helped prolong his career. Unfortunately for Wayne his body might be letting him down now. I hope not.

Ryan Giggs is blessed with natural fitness. He also combines this with a strong worth ethic and has practised yoga since suffering hamstring injuries...in-short, he takes care of himself.

From pictures of Rooney stumbling out of clubs, smoking and by his own admission, turning up for preseason vastly overweight, it would appear that he doesn't.

To me, it's Roomey's fault he isn't fit - he knows he can add pounds easily but lacks the dedication of a Giggs. Shame.
Ryan Giggs is blessed with natural fitness. He also combines this with a strong worth ethic and has practised yoga since suffering hamstring injuries...in-short, he takes care of himself.

From pictures of Rooney stumbling out of clubs, smoking and by his own admission, turning up for preseason vastly overweight, it would appear that he doesn't.

To me, it's Roomey's fault he isn't fit - he knows he can add pounds easily but lacks the dedication of a Giggs. Shame.

I agree, he is obviously one of these lads who cannot just eat what he likes, some people can and don't put an ounce on, damn them :lol:. So it is up to Wayne to take good care of himself. Maybe he has been thinking his talent is enough to get him by.
I agree, he is obviously one of these lads who cannot just eat what he likes, some people can and don't put an ounce on, damn them :lol:. So it is up to Wayne to take good care of himself. Maybe he has been thinking his talent is enough to get him by.

He's an endomorph.Just wait till he stops playing, he'll resemble Mr Creosote
I agree, he is obviously one of these lads who cannot just eat what he likes, some people can and don't put an ounce on, damn them :lol:. So it is up to Wayne to take good care of himself. Maybe he has been thinking his talent is enough to get him by.

It's a burden... but damn if I don't make the most of it.
I don't think Wayne's body type helps. Giggs has never had a ounce of fat on him which will have helped prolong his career. Unfortunately for Wayne his body might be letting him down now. I hope not.

There is certainly a difference, but then again, Giggs struggled with oh so many hamstring injuries due to his explosive legs. Rooney has been fairly lucky with muscle injuries. The fact that he enjoys alchol (no top athles do that simply because it impairs your performance too much) and doesn't seem to take care of his body as well as he should.

I don't think his body type should be letting him down at 27, but at 32-33 there should probably be visible signs of that, because as you say he doesn't have the body type of Giggs. But Giggs has also lost pace and agility, so you can't just blame body type either.
He's an endomorph.Just wait till he stops playing, he'll resemble Mr Creosote

That's a bit harsh in fairness. Rooney is a Mesomorph with Endomorph tendencies. I don't think it's as simple as defining 3 single categories, but yeah...he'll definitely put on weight if he stops training when he retires

Edit: For the benefit of the ever pedantic Rossa - Rooney will definitely put on more weight than your average Mesomorph on cessation of training due to the Endomorphic tendencies he has
That's a bit harsh in fairness. Rooney is a Mesomorph with Endomorph tendencies. I don't think it's as simple as defining 3 single categories, but yeah...he'll definitely put on weight if he stops training when he retires

You know, I think you should make a living out of your prophesies. Putting on weight after you stop training - that's revolutionizing!
You know, I think you should make a living out of your prophesies. Putting on weight after you stop training - that's revolutionizing!

You know what I mean Rossa, don't be so pedantic. Specifically :rolleyes:

.....Wayne Rooney will put on more weight than your average Mesomorph due to his Endomorphic tendencies, however, to say he is Endomorphic is simply untrue. I also realize it wasn't you saying this, before you pull me up on that one.
You know what I mean Rossa, don't be so pedantic. Specifically :rolleyes:

.....Wayne Rooney will put on more weight than your average Mesomorph due to his Endomorphic tendencies, however, to say he is Endomorphic is simply untrue. I also realize it wasn't you saying this, before you pull me up on that one.

I am pedantic, and I was only trying to be :D

Specifically? :rolleyes: ????

I agree completely with what you say though. I think those who argue that he would be finished at this age due to his body type are mistaken. He won't last as long as Giggs, but very few will. He needs to keep his body lighter or gain more muscle - make up his mind if he wants to be explosive and strong or lean and enduring. Going down the route he is now will only diminish his career further.
You know what I mean Rossa, don't be so pedantic. Specifically :rolleyes:

.....Wayne Rooney will put on more weight than your average Mesomorph due to his Endomorphic tendencies, however, to say he is Endomorphic is simply untrue. I also realize it wasn't you saying this, before you pull me up on that one.

If he doesn't train and look after his diet of course he'll put weight on. And how on earth do you know if he's a mesomorph, endomorph or whatever? None of us are privy to his eating habits.
I think some of this is going a bit ott. Scholes wasn't exactly the fittest but he used his intelligence to know when to time his runs and position himself etc. In the last few years he got more exposed as we didn't really do anything to cover his legs going, but up until he was 34 or so he was still going strong, no reason to think Rooney can't do similar. His fitness is an issue but he'll still be able to play at the top level because of his intelligence and range of passing unless he really looses the plot.

Just reading through some comments from last night. You lot are all mad!

He was decent last night. Neat and tidy in possession, at one point he played a beautiful chipped pass into Walcott. He found space up front and linked up well with Carrick. A couple of times he chased down Ireland players and won possession. At one point he was breaking his neck to get in the box to score. He would have had a goal too if (greedy twat) Walcott had played him in for a tap in rather shooting from an impossible angle.

The whole game had an end of season lethargic friendly feel. I just think that a lot of you are looking to write him off the best that you can.
A hell of alot of players seem to balloon in weight when they retire, unless they choose to keep up a level of fitness. Gary Neville really beefed up in his first few months, though seems to have shed alot of it. Players will be so used to a high calorie diet as a professional footballer. Alot of carbohydrates and proteins. It must be difficult to just reduce that, unless they continue to do a heavy rotation of exercise every day.
Once his career is over, I sincerely hope that Rooney would return to his natural habitat. I've heard that the chauvet caves are available.
I suggest he has a look at a pic of Alan Brazil.

...or his friend Ricky Hatton.
I think some of this is going a bit ott. Scholes wasn't exactly the fittest but he used his intelligence to know when to time his runs and position himself etc. In the last few years he got more exposed as we didn't really do anything to cover his legs going, but up until he was 34 or so he was still going strong, no reason to think Rooney can't do similar. His fitness is an issue but he'll still be able to play at the top level because of his intelligence and range of passing unless he really looses the plot.

Somebody did this earlier in the thread in terms of comparing him with Maradona. Scholes is a cleverer and more technical player than Rooney and he relies less on any physical gifts he may have less than Rooney does/did while having a better feel for the game and what is needed at a particular moment and Maradona was simply a better player in an era where sports science was not as big a part of everyday football life as it is now thus had a larger margin for error. What they are able to do in similar situations does not act as a blueprint for how Rooney will turn out.

Rooney's strength, power and ability to just go through players while being quite quick was a big part of his game the fact that these things seemed to have diminished have shown in his game already.

He doesn't play like Scholes as much as he may want to and is now a striker who played half his season almost in midfield. He really seems lost out there for me anywhere other than no.9 he is a liability at the highest level and even there I doubt you will get the same all round contribution as the likes of Van Persie, Ibrahimovic, Falcao and Cavani maybe even Suarez the very best strikers, he will score as much as them though. We are one of the teams who have a no.9 better than him, we having a promising player who can play behind the striker and the decline of his physical gifts has made it harder for him to play the 10 role now.

I don't know where he fits in here anymore. I would like to him to be at his physical peak and to see what affect that has on his game but he is 27 and has suffered a few injuries, I doubt he will reach his previous level of physicality and thus he won't reach the level he was at before. The fact he has not been fully committed fitness wise the majority of his career makes me doubt his ability to change at 27.
Somebody did this earlier in the thread in terms of comparing him with Maradona. Scholes is a cleverer and more technical player than Rooney and he relies less on any physical gifts he may have less than Rooney does/did while having a better feel for the game and what is needed at a particular moment and Maradona was simply a better player in an era where sports science was not as big a part of everyday football life as it is now thus had a larger margin for error. What they are able to do in similar situations does not act as a blueprint for how Rooney will turn out.

Rooney's strength, power and ability to just go through players while being quite quick was a big part of his game the fact that these things seemed to have diminished have shown in his game already.

He doesn't play like Scholes as much as he may want to and is now a striker who played half his season almost in midfield. He really seems lost out there for me anywhere other than no.9 he is a liability at the highest level and even there I doubt you will get the same all round contribution as the likes of Van Persie, Ibrahimovic, Falcao and Cavani maybe even Suarez the very best strikers, he will score as much as them though. We are one of the teams who have a no.9 better than him, we having a promising player who can play behind the striker and the decline of his physical gifts has made it harder for him to play the 10 role now.

I don't know where he fits in here anymore. I would like to him to be at his physical peak and to see what affect that has on his game but he is 27 and has suffered a few injuries, I doubt he will reach his previous level of physicality and thus he won't reach the level he was at before. The fact he has not been fully committed fitness wise the majority of his career makes me doubt his ability to change at 27.

The decline in Rooney's physical qualities from a younger player have been apparent for a few seasons now imo but he's still producing. He's not had a great season but he's not had a bad season either.

Also I'm not really debating on whether he's hitting the heights he can, personally I agree that he's not, but whilst he's not as smart as say Scholes, he is still an intelligent player who can definitely make the step back to playing in a deeper role as time passes on. As such he should still be able to play at the top level for the next 6 or more years providing he stays clear of any serious injuries/doesn't go mental.

I'm not sure I agree he's spent that many games in midfield this season either. Like I said I agree he's sort of in a weird place atm. He's still producing but as a number 10 he definitely can bring more than he is to the team. I'd like him to stay, pull his finger out and use the competition to inspire him to find his best, but if he left as long as we re-invested wisely I think we'd cope fine.
Jeez, judging by some of the comments on here one would assume Rooney should be thinking of retirement.
I can't wait till he shuts you up next year, whether that'll be in a United shirt or another one (I just hope it's not against United).
Jeez, judging by some of the comments on here one would assume Rooney should be thinking of retirement.
I can't wait till he shuts you up next year, whether that'll be in a United shirt or another one (I just hope it's not against United).

I really hope so, but it does seem that Gillespie's prediction is closer than that.
Jeez, judging by some of the comments on here one would assume Rooney should be thinking of retirement.
I can't wait till he shuts you up next year, whether that'll be in a United shirt or another one (I just hope it's not against United).

And I cannt wait until he proves us right and shuts YOU up, hopefully in someone elses marquee......sorry.......shirt.
I don't think many of us would mind if he 'shut us up'. In fact, that'd be great.
There are none so blind as those who wont see.

and there are but a few people on this planet whose hatred for Rooney for some reason goes as far as yours, so you'll excuse me if I take anything you say in regards to Rooney with a pinch of salt.
and there are but a few people on this planet whose hatred for Rooney for some reason goes as far as yours, so you'll excuse me if I take anything you say in regards to Rooney with a pinch of salt.

Feel free my friend, it will just make the end result even more hilarious.
The decline in Rooney's physical qualities from a younger player have been apparent for a few seasons now imo but he's still producing. He's not had a great season but he's not had a bad season either.

Also I'm not really debating on whether he's hitting the heights he can, personally I agree that he's not, but whilst he's not as smart as say Scholes, he is still an intelligent player who can definitely make the step back to playing in a deeper role as time passes on. As such he should still be able to play at the top level for the next 6 or more years providing he stays clear of any serious injuries/doesn't go mental.

I'm not sure I agree he's spent that many games in midfield this season either. Like I said I agree he's sort of in a weird place atm. He's still producing but as a number 10 he definitely can bring more than he is to the team. I'd like him to stay, pull his finger out and use the competition to inspire him to find his best, but if he left as long as we re-invested wisely I think we'd cope fine.

I agree with that whole last paragraph he is odd to watch he seems to float around he drops to deep at times to help link the midfield and the front two and leaves Van Persie isolated. With a midfielder who is better at bringing the ball up the pitch he won't have to do it as much. But still physically he is lacking and it is affecting his game. He has doesn't have the feel for the game from a tactical stand point that Scholes does. He can of course go through the rest of his career being better than most but is this really what you thought Rooney would be at 27 when we look back at him as a 20 year old?

He seems to be going through the motions when I watch him his natural talent is enough to see him through but the drop-off is evident. He is sloppy with the ball and an inconsistent passer he also struggles to get past players these are all skills you need to be a great no.10 and he doesn't have them.

He was decent this year considering the fact he was injured twice also and played out of position more than a few times he still put in match winning performances. But if this is what we get from a not fully fit Rooney who is out of sorts imagine what we would get from a fully fit and motivated Rooney. I don't think he will reach that again here. Him staying for me is dependent of how he is going to act/perform if he wants to mail it in we can get money for him and improve the team in other positions and as you said we will be fine.

We have four players who can consistently matches at the highest level; Rooney, Nani, Kagwa and Van Persie we only got consistent performances out of Van Persie this year and managed to win the league and look to be a threat in Europe in the near future. So if Nani and Kagawa can reach previous levels which is no stretch as they are both the right side if 27 and we can get this midfielder we need we will improve as a team with or without Rooney. We have to look at the club and we cannot sacrifice the good of the team for Rooney. Either he buys in and shows that he wants to be here or he doesn't.
I don't why some posters are surprised by the reaction to Rooney's performance last night. If he does stay with United, we're going to have to listen to the same people continue to be amazingly critical even when he puts in a 7/10 performance. I'd get used to it.
We're also going to have to put up with childish & no doubt abusive Matchday Thread comments from 'believers' each time Rooney scores, so it balances out.
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