Wayne Rooney | 2012-14 Performances

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nothing's said or done yet.
I expect a couple of twists in this story yet.
We'll have more to speculate about as time goes on.
Honestly, my money's on him staying (although I can't lie and say that's not partialy because I want him to stay), but I can see where "the others" are coming from, it's a big gamble and not something I'd want to put my money on as you really can't know what'll happen.

My perfect scenario would be to keep hold of Rooney and bring in someone like Thiago, but then again I've yet to experience a "perfect scenario" in the summer so I'm not really expecting too much.
How the hell did Maradona get involved in this thread?

Someone arguing Rooney has had the more successful career at club level. Some parallelism on both of them struggling with fitness and realising their potential in full...

Nonsense, but discussing Maradona quickly became more entertaining than discussing non-news.

We are still in May :annoyed:
He just doesn't excite anymore, even when he's trying hard.
Any potential new clubs watching that first half will have a fee of about twelve quid in mind
Bob Cass ‏@Bob_Cass 13m
Rooney looked hungry. Seemed to want to prove a point - I think he did.
Rooney did ok without looking particularly threatening. Got involved in the build up play, hit some sweeping passes to the flanks but didn't do much else really. Only saw the second half though. Think he could have done a lot more but he wasn't bad either.
World class player that is the least exciting to watch. Used to be the other way around.
I thought he was neat n' tidy enough generally but the will to impose himself on games seems to have dried up.
He passed the ball well, looked like the only one who was going to create anything. I'd look like I wasn't enjoying football as well if I saw our best moves end up with Theo Walcott and his stupidity.
Anybody get the impression that Rooney just doesn't enjoy playing football anymore?

That was the impression I got from tonight. We will see how a summer break helps him but yeah, he just doesnt seem to enjoy it, the game looks like such a chore to him.

Another thing which occured to me watching England being useless again tonight is how frustrated Rooney would become if he went to a club where he isnt surrounded by good players. You can see his anger whenever Walcott or Defoe etc made a mistake or didnt give him the ball - imagine him at PSG with a load of other egos, it would be hell for him.
That was the impression I got from tonight. We will see how a summer break helps him but yeah, he just doesnt seem to enjoy it, the game looks like such a chore to him.

Another thing which occured to me watching England being useless again tonight is how frustrated Rooney would become if he went to a club where he isnt surrounded by good players. You can see his anger whenever Walcott or Defoe etc made a mistake or didnt give him the ball - imagine him at PSG with a load of other egos, it would be hell for him.

I've thought this ever since Ronaldo left, definitely since the 2010 World Cup and his first transfer request.

Even in the season he was winning the awards, he wasn't playing with the freedom he did as a kid. To me, the last 3/4 years he has seemed just a functional effective footballer - remember the days when we praised his dribbling, his ability to take on a man, his technique?

Even when he's been in form, it's seemed mostly about his football intelligence - his positioning, composure and finishing. He hasn't really played with freedom for a long time.
He looks like someone struggling to cope with it all for me. I watched him quite closely tonight, and he just doesn't seem to have that spring in his step - that sharpness that makes him the player the player he was. You look back at the Wayne Rooney we signed; the Wayne Rooney who was capable of beating top International sides pretty much on his own, and you look at where he is at now. He just doesn't seem to be enjoying his football at the minute. I know he's a quality player, and that naturally provides expectation, but I do wonder if we have often relied to heavily at times. Both from a United point of view, and from an International one.

To play at the top level, you need that confidence, and he will have been hurt last season. For a player like Rooney to have been left out of a Champions League game at Old Trafford against Real Madrid will have stung his pride, and as I say, he looks as though he is struggling to deal with it all.
I've thought this ever since Ronaldo left, definitely since the 2010 World Cup and his first transfer request.

Even in the season he was winning the awards, he wasn't playing with the freedom he did as a kid. To me, the last 3/4 years he has seemed just a functional effective footballer - remember the days when we praised his dribbling, his ability to take on a man, his technique?

Even when he's been in form, it's seemed mostly about his football intelligence - his positioning, composure and finishing. He hasn't really played with freedom for a long time.

He looks like someone struggling to cope with it all for me. I watched him quite closely tonight, and he just doesn't seem to have that spring in his step - that sharpness that makes him the player the player he was. You look back at the Wayne Rooney we signed; the Wayne Rooney who was capable of beating top International sides pretty much on his own, and you look at where he is at now. He just doesn't seem to be enjoying his football at the minute. I know he's a quality player, and that naturally provides expectation, but I do wonder if we have often relied to heavily at times. Both from a United point of view, and from an International one.

To play at the top level, you need that confidence, and he will have been hurt last season. For a player like Rooney to have been left out of a Champions League game at Old Trafford against Real Madrid will have stung his pride, and as I say, he looks as though he is struggling to deal with it all.

Agree with both. The caf' has seen the whole "Young Rooney vs Old Rooney" argument innumerable times, but his passion, explosiveness, work rate and simple enthusiasm all seem to have practically disappeared. The fact that his best attribute now is probably his longish range passing - by which I mean switching the ball out to the right flank - says it all. We know he has these abilities in his locker though - the dribbling, the pace, the long shots - because we have seen him do it in the past, when he was a more raw talent.

I for one miss the old (young) Rooney that we signed.
I still (for about the 4th time in this thread I think) would love to know how much pain he is in playing on that ankle and whether it psychologically effects him 'not wanting to get injured'.

Playing at 80% and giving everything is one thing but you have this much to lose when you blow your ankle and it could be your career......

I think it would be interesting to psychologically sit down and get a run down of exactly how he's feeling. Maybe we can get SteveJ to translate the grunts.

I've said for a while that he avoids 50/50 stuff if he can. People often put that down to his reformed temperament but I wonder...
Yeah mate, I am no superstar but I have a pretty bad right ankle that is more strapping tape than ankle when I take the field and it gives me grief. Never did anything close to breaking or tendon damage that I bet Wayne has done.

Sometimes I can't even wear a shoe after a game. So I'd love to know how bad it got or is..
Yeah mate, I am no superstar but I have a pretty bad right ankle that is more strapping tape than ankle when I take the field and it gives me grief. Never did anything close to breaking or tendon damage that I bet Wayne has done.

Sometimes I can't even wear a shoe after a game. So I'd love to know how bad it got or is..

If his case was that bad he would have gotten something done about generally playing 3-4 days between games for the majority of the season he couldn't go on like that.

I didn't watch the match so i'm definitely going to check it out on Sunday.
The old vs young thing the main thing that I have seen is he seems to be in physical decline too early he is still 27 he does not seem the physical beast he was that usually does not happen until a player early 30's but as I read a few years ago he was always going to struggle with his body type. The spotlight is on him always now even more than usual he must know that and it will be hard to play with. I wonder what we are going to do with him now i'm unsure if he will reach his best again.
He broke through early and may have peaked early. As a result, he may be over the top early. We saw the same signs with Owen, though to a much larger extent, and we saw the same signs with Giggs - I recall many United fans wanted rid, then he reinvented himself after accepting the fact that his blistering pace was gone. I'm not sure if Rooney's pace is gone (he was never a Giggs for pace anyhow), but he used to be able to accelerate past players with ease. These days, he is properly outpaced by players like Distin and would struggle to get past Vermalen, none of which are slow, but you catch my drift.

He used to be a fairly good dribbler, but I can't recall the last time I saw him dribble past anyone really. Maybe he needs to take a Giggs and reinvent himself. He is still young and is still a top player, but he seems incapable of playing the way he once did.
He broke through early and may have peaked early. As a result, he may be over the top early. We saw the same signs with Owen, though to a much larger extent, and we saw the same signs with Giggs - I recall many United fans wanted rid, then he reinvented himself after accepting the fact that his blistering pace was gone. I'm not sure if Rooney's pace is gone (he was never a Giggs for pace anyhow), but he used to be able to accelerate past players with ease. These days, he is properly outpaced by players like Distin and would struggle to get past Vermalen, none of which are slow, but you catch my drift.

He used to be a fairly good dribbler, but I can't recall the last time I saw him dribble past anyone really. Maybe he needs to take a Giggs and reinvent himself. He is still young and is still a top player, but he seems incapable of playing the way he once did.

Giggs started doing his yoga and maybe he has more of a footballing brain to be able to compensate for his failings. Not sure Wayne has that. He seemed to play on enthusiasm and energy. Unfortunately both seem to have gone. He looked a bit lost last night. I actually felt a bit sad watching it.:(
Although I hope he stays but I think the best thing for everyone might be if he leaves. Maybe joining a new club will reinvigorate him and as long as it's not at Chelsea or City I hope he gets back to his best. Very easy to slate him for wanting to leave United but maybe it's just a case of him losing that appetite and desire with us. After all not everyone is a Giggs and continue on at the same club winning trophy after trophy and still manage to retain the hunger.
Giggs started doing his yoga and maybe he has more of a footballing brain to be able to compensate for his failings. Not sure Wayne has that. He seemed to play on enthusiasm and energy. Unfortunately both seem to have gone. He looked a bit lost last night. I actually felt a bit sad watching it.:(

Rooney's footballing brain has been highlighted as one of his biggest assests many times; therefore I see no reason why he shouldn't be able to reinvent himself. As a striker, however, I do feel he is just a bit too sluggish these days. A 39 year old Giggs looks quite a bit quicker, tbh.

I've never been his biggest fan, but as you say, he used to be full of enthusiasm and energy which was fun to watch. These days that sparkle seems to be completely lacking.
People are saying he may be better after a rest, but with Wayne that seems to exacerbate the situation as you can guarantee he will put weight on. Then he will be back to square one again. Will the players in the England squad get extra time off? I hope not as I actually think Wayne need football and to get back into training as soon as possible.
Although I hope he stays but I think the best thing for everyone might be if he leaves. Maybe joining a new club will reinvigorate him and as long as it's not at Chelsea or City I hope he gets back to his best. Very easy to slate him for wanting to leave United but maybe it's just a case of him losing that appetite and desire with us. After all not everyone is a Giggs and continue on at the same club winning trophy after trophy and still manage to retain the hunger.

True, and I have no problem with him leaving. It's his petulance that bothers me. "I want better players, or I'm leaving!" - "I want to play even though there are better players, or I'm leaving!"

There is nothing wrong with seeking new challenges, but you can go about your business in a dignified manner.
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