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"I don't think he was ever 100%. I noticed a couple of times in training that he was limping a little bit. Then he started feeling tightness in his knee."

I don't know what to think about this...

i remember i noticed during Fulham game that he was running awkwardly a bit. in the why he was protecting his right knee. I put that down to some strain picked up during a game.
In all seriousness, I wouldn't be surprised if we brought in a centre half in the Summer.

Yeah, since Rio's contract is expiring, if Vidic can't find some fitness before the summer then it could be a risk to go with what we have. We'd be left with Evans, Smalling and Jones, all of whom have had their share of injuries. I wouldn't be surprised to see us take a player with a bit of experience to bridge the gap.
Man alive, Jake. The exact same post is literally two post above yours.
What's all this I heard about Anzi offering him 12M a year then?

Some paper blocks no doubt...

Wont be susrprised if it s true. Whether he or the club accepts is another story though.
Wasn't there a rumour that they bid £25 million for him on deadline day on August 2011? I seem to remember reading a lot about it at the time.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Fergie lets him go next season to one of the moneybags like PSG or Anzhi if he can't prove his fitness wise
Vidic is so classy and such a great person by the looks of it. He really is one of the greatest men in football right now and deserves to captain us. Hope he retires with us.
Vida will go to Anzhi Makatchkala , on a £250K p.w football contract and an additional £100K p.w as head of security
Please come back.

We look like conceding from every cross and corner. Very worrying.

When's he due back?
Had Vidic been on the pitch today the 2nd goal from Chelsea would have been avoided imo

We miss his leadership more than we think
Out until Christmas at the earliest.
Wait so that's a month later than first expected? Hopefully that's just us being extra cautious this time.
We just need to make sure he doesn't break down again. No more "he was limping in training but we ignored it and hoped it would go away".
We'll cope. After Arsenal we've got a decent run of fixtures coming up.
And Smalling and Jones presumably not too far away, even if the date seems to get set back again constantly.
I do worry about Vidic in the long term. He's missed a lot of football and he's getting to the stage in his career where injuries can really have a negative effect.

Fingers crossed this is last major set back and he can get back to something like his former self.
The silver lining is that if Smalling and Jones get fit, it should make it easier to give them two and Evans enough game their actual positions.
Understand it's important not to rush him back again but it's still annoying. Feels like he's been out for ages, even though he played a few games in August.

From 30 plus games a season in the league to:
2011/12 - 6 PL games.
2012/13 - 4 PL games so far.

And we've missed him. His partnership with Rio used to be the best in Europe.
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