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No, I'm sorry, but he hasn't "generally had a rickety time there". He's had a few rickety games here and there in that position, but in others he's been brilliant.
Give him that position to play in reguarly, rather than being switched back and forth to LW, and he'll soon settle down and make it his own. He's still "young n' learnin" after all, but he seems to learn pretty quickly.
You're preaching to the coverted. I think Bale is a phenomenal prospect. I've been more impressed by his left wing peformances than his left full back ones though. We'll see how he develops but it strikes me as strange that Redknapp even talks about moving him back, such has been his form in the attacking role.
Calling someone a 'phallus' in about the 15th post of a heated debate is clearly part of the banter on a football forum. How you manage to complain about this when people are incessantly called spastics and cnuts on here every day is beyond me...
In contrast, making yourself believe that anyone who plays for a rival team to United is a 'proper prick', and hating them intensely for it, when you're over the age of 15 is just retarded. It's also something Lailiani seems to want to excel at.
Did I call him a "proper prick"? Or indicate that I hated him? No, I merely stated that I think he's a fairly average player. Don't put words into my mouth to suit your agenda.
Also, I may call people spastics (always deserved, by the way), but I'm not the one who in the very next post derides other posters as being immature for using similar language.
You called me a phallus and then in your next post, you railed against Lailiani calling VdV a prick. You got on your high horse about Lailiani being judgemental of a player's personality, despite not knowing him, yet you did exactly the same thing about me. If I am in a nice mood, which I am, I would call you a hypocrite. If I were in a bad mood, which I am not, I would call you a spastic. Or a cnut.