US Politics

Even progressives can grow and learn (though a stern watch must be kept on them!)



a partial :)
You have to take Alito AND Thomas fishing?
Not sure that would be enough unless said fishing was in somewhere like Fiji or the Seychelles and transportation by private jet was included

They can try it, but I'll just turn around and stare at them until they move along. I'm already planning on wearing my Gizmo Brewery "It's All Love" t-shirt. Political statement? Of course not, I just really like that brewery. :)

Some basic principles shouldn't be handled by Governor. Things like Abortion, Immigration to a degree, and much more should be Country level managed to prevent shenagigans like De Sanctis using them to gather vote.
Some basic principles shouldn't be handled by Governor. Things like Abortion, Immigration to a degree, and much more should be Country level managed to prevent shenagigans like De Sanctis using them to gather vote.

Those items should be handled by congress by passing laws, but the Dems are feckless and the GOP are… well… the GOP. Abortion could have been settled law decades ago. Same with immigration.
GOPers want their base looking at anything except things that would actually help their base supporters daily lives. It’s all distractions and projection with them.
To aid them spread their manure they have an army of useful (blue check) idiots on Twitter trying to get noticed so they can get paid by musk. It’s crazy.
Speaking of the GOP's witchhunt after Hunter Biden, has anyone seen about how far they actually went at the IRS whistleblower hearing? Not gonna post the originl NSFW clip with Greene showing the NSFW props in that hearing. And I thought that digging deep about what Bill Clinton did with Monica Lewinsky was already the lowest the GOP could get at smearing people until yesterday.

What people do with consent behind closed doors is not anyone's business. Furthermore, I have seen some people suggesting that Greene could be charged with a violation of the D.C. criminal code on § 22–3053 (Unlawful disclosure) in the same fashion that someone can be indicted for "revenge porn."

A) It shall be unlawful in the District of Columbia for a person to knowingly disclose one or more sexual images of another identified or identifiable person when:
  1. The person depicted did not consent to the disclosure of the sexual image;
  2. There was an agreement or understanding between the person depicted and the person disclosing that the sexual image would not be disclosed; and
  3. The person disclosed the sexual image with the intent to harm the person depicted or to receive financial gain.
B) A person who violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01, imprisoned for not more than 180 days, or both.