US Politics

Imagine thinking the only working class in America is flyover racist factory workers.

The poor under-eulogised black, hispanic, Arab, gay and trans people living in constant tangible fear for their rights (nay lives) under an openly White Nationalist Presidency, should’ve thought about that before they recklessly expected Bernie Bro ideologues to give a shit...

yeah and another thing is that hillary clinton has +60 favorability among blacks and +34 among hispanics

wait, whats that? those numbers are actually for bernie sanders?
Bernie's campaign promises: reversing miscegenation, banning Spanish, and jailing all Muslims, were indeed a huge threat to those groups.

I don’t blame Bernie. But I do blame those who claimed to be on his side, who knew what a Trump Presidency would be (as we all did) and who it would hurt the most, and yet chose to do nothing to oppose it, and then treated that as some kind of righteousness

As that famous, kinda mangled new Marvel version of the old Spider-Man “responsibility” quote, re-jigged to presumably avoid some extremely expensive copywrite infringement goes..

When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.”

Imagine thinking the only working class in America is flyover racist factory workers.

The poor under-eulogised black, hispanic, Arab, gay and trans people living in constant tangible fear for their rights (nay lives) under an openly White Nationalist Presidency, should’ve thought about that before they recklessly expected Bernie Bro ideologues to give a shit...

Imagine thinking the only people at threat from an American presidency are those in america.

The poor under-eulogised people in Iraq, Libya, Iran, Yemen living in constant fear that an american politician will order the invasion of their country or drone strike their wedding party or support a cia coup or the saudis shooting a cruise missile made by motherfecking raytheon, i guess they should have thought about incrementalist and compromise before they recklessly expected centrists to give a shit...
yeah and another thing is that hillary clinton has +60 favorability among blacks and +34 among hispanics

wait, whats that? those numbers are actually for bernie sanders?

I don’t give a shit about Hillary Clinton mate. She was rubbish, of course she was! All I do care about is the fact we have an actual fascist disaster idiot in the most powerful position on earth....and he’s tangibly ruining lives on the daily.

There has to be some point, potentially when the nukes are already on their way, and we’ve all got a mere 6 minutes to say our goodbyes and come up with something really cool to say on the Caf, when “yeah, but Hillary was shit” isnt really gonna cut it as a catch all reposte...
I don’t give a shit about Hillary Clinton mate. She was rubbish, of course she was! All I do care about is the fact we have an actual fascist disaster idiot in the most powerful position on earth....and he’s tangibly ruining lives on the daily.

There has to be some point, potentially when the nukes are already on their way, and we’ve all got a mere 6 minutes to say our goodbyes and come up with something really cool to say on the Caf, when “yeah, but Hillary was shit” isnt really gonna cut it as a catch all reposte...

you say "but hillary was shit" as if its just a glib response. hillary clinton would have caused death for thousands of people whose names you and i will never know in countries we will never visit. you cant frame that as a moral choice unless you value those lives differently.
I don’t give a shit about Hillary Clinton mate. She was rubbish, of course she was! All I do care about is the fact we have an actual fascist disaster idiot in the most powerful position on earth....and he’s tangibly ruining lives on the daily.

There has to be some point, potentially when the nukes are already on their way, and we’ve all got a mere 6 minutes to say our goodbyes and come up with something really cool to say on the Caf, when “yeah, but Hillary was shit” isnt really gonna cut it as a catch all reposte...

in the extreme unlikely scenario, you are right. But Trump is the result not the problem. We have this situation because of decades of lies by both parties.

We have to stop somewhere.
FBI Documents on Roger Stone Reveal Sabotage, Espionage, and the Life of a Serial Bagman
by Emma Best

"The FBI documents include a list “highlights” of acts of political sabotage in which Stone was either directly involved or served as the handler for the relevant operative. In one case, Stone sent 200 Democrats invitations to a non-existent primary campaign breakfast. In another, Stone directed Democratic campaign literature intended for the black community to be sent to union workers, and literature intended for union workers to be sent to the black community. In yet another, Stone saw to it that phone lines used by a Democratic primary campaign were tampered with. This resulted in Democratic failure to contact many potential voters, while others were potential voters were inadvertently contacted “numerous times.” In still another instance, Stone made a phony donation from the Young Socialist Alliance to create and exploit divisions among Democrats."
James Ellroy might hesitate to write this stuff. Bunch of crooks, all of them.
hes one of the most active resistance grifters
He and his brother Ed. The pair are restless. Both banned by Trump at one point until they helped fight it as being unconstitutional and abusing Presidential powers as the account is a public account of the President and people should not be blocked just for having an opinion.

Both spend far too much time in the gym and eating lentils, too.
He and his brother Ed. The pair are restless. Both banned by Trump at one point until they helped fight it as being unconstitutional and abusing Presidential powers as the account is a public account of the President and people should not be blocked just for having an opinion.

Both spend far too much time in the gym and eating lentils, too.

they are also responsible for these gems. we are truly the dumbest country
The new head of civil rights at the Education Department has reopened a seven-year-old case brought by a Zionist group against Rutgers University, saying the Obama administration, in closing the case, ignored evidence that suggested the school allowed a hostile environment for Jewish students.

The move by Kenneth L. Marcus, the assistant secretary of education for civil rights and a longtime opponent of Palestinian rights causes, signaled a significant policy shift on civil rights enforcement — and injected federal authority in the contentious fights over Israel that have divided campuses across the country. It also put the weight of the federal government behind a definition of anti-Semitism that targets opponents of Zionism, and it explicitly defines Judaism as not only a religion but also an ethnic origin.
NY was fecked up in the 2016 primaries as well

It won't make a difference for Cuomo who's winning big, but might matter for the other races.
When fascism comes to America...oh, it's already there.
The Law about felons not being able to vote is just another form of voter suppression.
It's designed to stop black people from voting.
The Law about felons not being able to vote is just another form of voter suppression.
It's designed to stop black people from voting.

Is it really though? I mean it may be to a certain extent but I'm not so sure it's that simple or purposely racist. Many countries have the same laws regarding prisoners voting. The UK does and it's simply because when you go to prison you lose many privileges, voting being one of them.
Is it really though? I mean it may be to a certain extent but I'm not so sure it's that simple or purposely racist. Many countries have the same laws regarding prisoners voting. The UK does and it's simply because when you go to prison you lose many privileges, voting being one of them.
Most US laws regarding convicted felons voting rights persist even after they've served their sentences.

And if you consider the fact that black men are disproportionately more likely to be jailed, that's where the suppression angle comes into play.
Is it really though? I mean it may be to a certain extent but I'm not so sure it's that simple or purposely racist. Many countries have the same laws regarding prisoners voting. The UK does and it's simply because when you go to prison you lose many privileges, voting being one of them.
US felons aren't allowed to vote even after serving their time.