She'd be better than Kelli Ward or Arpaio
Still doesn't refute how ludicrous it is for a spouse to inherit a political seat.
A sign of how far the GOP has drifted right.
A sign of how Trump has disoriented the Democrats into loving an inveterate warmonger.
McCain was popular across the aisle well before Trump showed up.
I'm finding it to hard to find polls with crosstabs from a while back, this is the one I did find:
By across the aisle, I was referring to politicians not general public polls. He was on very good terms with the likes of Clinton, Lieberman, Biden, Feingold etc.
The problem here Eboue, is that because the US, and our closest allies ARE the establishment on the world stage, our war crimes are swept under the rug. There isn't a single US president probably going back before FDR, who by the letter of the law, hasn't committed gross crimes against humanity and or war crimes, and if they had been an enemy combatant of ours, would have been hauled to the Hague, convicted, and hung.
It's kind of fecked up.
The problem here Eboue, is that because the US, and our closest allies ARE the establishment on the world stage, our war crimes are swept under the rug. There isn't a single US president probably going back before FDR, who by the letter of the law, hasn't committed gross crimes against humanity and or war crimes, and if they had been an enemy combatant of ours, would have been hauled to the Hague, convicted, and hung.
It's kind of fecked up.
take it away, chomskyI would argue Jimmy Carter hasn't.
tbf, that/gerald ford is the least convincing part of the video.
I can’t believe Bob Dole has outlived John McCain.
Just... wow. Imagine outliving your 80 year old kid.McCain's mom is 106. She must be one of the oldest people in the country.
Just... wow. Imagine outliving your 80 year old kid.
Feck I forgot how mind-numbingly boring he is to listen to.
Sounds about right.