US Politics

In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain’s hair and said, “You’re getting a little thin up there.” McCain’s face reddened, and he responded, “At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cnut.”
Still doesn't refute how ludicrous it is for a spouse to inherit a political seat.

Its definitely a silly rule, but in this case it would be far better than the other two options. Doucey is currently in a reelection battle and is trying to get as much Republican support, so in the end he may choose a far more right wing alternative who his base feel would be pro-Trump.
McCain was popular across the aisle well before Trump showed up.

I'm finding it to hard to find polls with crosstabs from a while back, this is the one I did find:
By across the aisle, I was referring to politicians not general public polls. He was on very good terms with the likes of Clinton, Lieberman, Biden, Feingold etc.

The poll langster quoted was a general public poll.

The problem here Eboue, is that because the US, and our closest allies ARE the establishment on the world stage, our war crimes are swept under the rug. There isn't a single US president probably going back before FDR, who by the letter of the law, hasn't committed gross crimes against humanity and or war crimes, and if they had been an enemy combatant of ours, would have been hauled to the Hague, convicted, and hung.

It's kind of fecked up.
If it didnt kill me I'd put dying on my resume. No matter who you are and what you do,once you die everyone respects you.
The problem here Eboue, is that because the US, and our closest allies ARE the establishment on the world stage, our war crimes are swept under the rug. There isn't a single US president probably going back before FDR, who by the letter of the law, hasn't committed gross crimes against humanity and or war crimes, and if they had been an enemy combatant of ours, would have been hauled to the Hague, convicted, and hung.

It's kind of fecked up.

The problem here Eboue, is that because the US, and our closest allies ARE the establishment on the world stage, our war crimes are swept under the rug. There isn't a single US president probably going back before FDR, who by the letter of the law, hasn't committed gross crimes against humanity and or war crimes, and if they had been an enemy combatant of ours, would have been hauled to the Hague, convicted, and hung.

It's kind of fecked up.

I would argue Jimmy Carter hasn't.
tbf, that/gerald ford is the least convincing part of the video.

That's classic Chomsky. It's not enough to merely criticize the Camp David peace deal, it must be re-categorized as an absolute "catastrophe".

Feck I forgot how mind-numbingly boring he is to listen to.
My opinion on McCain is probably not worth repeating on this board, but his reply to Tapper was pretty illustrative. No villain think of himself as one.
I don't understand why followers get up in arms over this. It was always going to be a better move to comment on McCain with dignity as opposed to being critical or no comment. Say your bit, offer your condolences, and then move on. It doesn't change their platform.