US Politics

McCain will not do any more treatments against cancer, his end must be very near.

Democrats on Saturday enacted one of the most significant changes to the way "superdelegates" operate at their national convention by considerably limiting their ability to vote on the first ballot for the party's presidential nominee beginning in 2020.

In a surprise vote that ended a vehemently contested debate that pitted a majority of DNC members supporting the change against two former party chairs, members of the Congressional Black Caucus, and others who opposed the new rules, both sides came together to pass the overhauled process ahead of the next presidential campaign.

The move at Saturday's DNC meeting ended an emotional and tumultuous two-year effort to change the Democratic Party, officially barring superdelegates -- about 700 automatic, unpledged party leaders, elected officials and activists -- from voting on the first ballot choosing the party's nominee for president unless a candidate has secured a majority of the convention using only pledged delegates earned during the primary process.

Democrats on Saturday enacted one of the most significant changes to the way "superdelegates" operate at their national convention by considerably limiting their ability to vote on the first ballot for the party's presidential nominee beginning in 2020.

In a surprise vote that ended a vehemently contested debate that pitted a majority of DNC members supporting the change against two former party chairs, members of the Congressional Black Caucus, and others who opposed the new rules, both sides came together to pass the overhauled process ahead of the next presidential campaign.

The move at Saturday's DNC meeting ended an emotional and tumultuous two-year effort to change the Democratic Party, officially barring superdelegates -- about 700 automatic, unpledged party leaders, elected officials and activists -- from voting on the first ballot choosing the party's nominee for president unless a candidate has secured a majority of the convention using only pledged delegates earned during the primary process.

Long overdue.
I‘ll remember him fondly for holding such strong values, that somehow never kept him from voting in line with the party.
Sounds like his wife may takeover his Senate seat. If true, Trump is in for a frustrating next year or two assuming he lasts that long.
Spare a thought for his mother who is still alive at the age of 106. It must be so painful to have outlived your child and to have to attend their funeral.
Hearing that his family is asking for eulogies from W and Obama

There is no special election?

They could’ve had one had he died a few months ago. The deadline has now passed so whoever Ducey decides to coronate will have the job for two years, til the 2020 cycle when McCain would’ve been up for re-election.
Interesting. Didn't know that was possible

The Governor can name anyone he wants . Had McCain lived a few more months and Ducey lost his Gov race in November (entirely plausible since he’s underwater in the polls) then the new Dem Governor could’ve appointed a Dem.
The Governor can name anyone he wants . Had McCain lived a few more months and Ducey lost his Gov race in November (entirely plausible since he’s underwater in the polls) then the new Dem Governor could’ve appointed a Dem.
Interesting, but why would the Governor choose his wife. Is she big in politics?
Interesting, but why would the Governor choose his wife. Is she big in politics?

It’s a weird tradition in US politics for widows to take over a deceased spouse’s seat. Usually happens in the house, but does happen from time to time in the Senate. Last time it happened iirc was in 2000 when in Missouri, Mel Carnahan died two weeks before Election Day, was elected anyway despite being dead, and the Governor then gave the seat to his widow Jean, who wound up representing Missouri in the Senate for a couple of years.
Interesting, but why would the Governor choose his wife. Is she big in politics?

Its a tradition from early 20th Century politics to appoint the widow if a politician died in office.