US Politics

The hypocrisy on Twitter and Facebook surrounding McCain's death is disgusting. Yes I have sympathy for his family and yes I respect him for enduring his ordeals as a prisoner of war. Yes I appreciate and respect his vote as a feck you to Trump, but that doesn't excuse a career of fecking people over and voting against rights that should be afforded to every single person on earth; especially those dwelling the richest country on Earth.

Some of the Tweets and messages to McCain are sickening. Anyone would think Jesus just died. Ffs this man picked Sarah fecking Palin to be Vice President of the USA and now it's like Ghandi just died. Fml.
Opinion will be divided on McCain’s legacy but iirc, he didn’t sink to the levels that some others have, when seeking office.
Oh, and he was a war hero, not for getting captured, but for (from what I’ve read) not trying to weasel his way out of Hanoi.

Unforgivable really. He's sincerely responsible for that feckstick's position on Earth. If he hadn't picked her for VP then she would still be an irrelevant deer hunting, moron wife beating raising, twat marrying, soccer mum governor of an overgrown ice cube. (Actually the greatest wilderness left of the planet)

The fact he's responsible for that cnut negates anything good he might ever have done. He might as well have spawned Trump.
Was he responsible though, or was it on the advice of others? She was a terrible choice, no doubt.
Supposedly he later regretted not choosing Lieberman.
So this racist POS has kicked the bucket?

Thoughts with his family but he won’t be getting any sympathy from me.
Senator John McCain used the word during the 2000 presidential campaign to refer to his former captors: "I hate the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live… I was referring to my prison guards and I will continue to refer to them in language that might offend." He later apologized to the Vietnamese community at large.[21]

from the linked apology

“I will continue to condemn those who unfairly mistreated us,” McCain said in a statement released Feb. 21. “But out of respect to a great number of people for whom I hold in very high regard, I will no longer use the term that has caused such discomfort… I apologize and renounce all language that is bigoted and offensive, which is contrary to all that I represent and believe.”

typical politician bs. i hardly think he had a change of heart
I had no love for Mccain, but I had respect for him. While I disagreed with almost every policy he had, at the same time I think that unlike modern republicans, he genuinely thought that he was doing the right thing and that conservatism is the right way of running the country.

He also saved Obamacare knowing well that there was a high possibility that he wasn't going to survive the flight. So I say, RIP McCain.
Wasn't he also involved in some shady shit with Charles Keating and other senators?
I like the fact that he fecked Trump off but apart from that I can’t say I liked his politics. That being said I wouldn’t wish him ill in death. May he Rest In Peace
The McCain worship is a little disconcerting, but I guess as he's dead he's now immediately a symbol instead of an actual person. And at least he's a symbol which is put into opposition to Trump.
He's a war criminal etc. but you can hardly slight him for being racist to his captors. Justified anger in my opinion. Not to say he wasn't a fecked up guy though.
The McCain worship is a little disconcerting, but I guess as he's dead he's now immediately a symbol instead of an actual person. And at least he's a symbol which is put into opposition to Trump.
he Voted with trump 83 percent of the time. not much of a symbol
The hypocrisy on Twitter and Facebook surrounding McCain's death is disgusting. Yes I have sympathy for his family and yes I respect him for enduring his ordeals as a prisoner of war. Yes I appreciate and respect his vote as a feck you to Trump, but that doesn't excuse a career of fecking people over and voting against rights that should be afforded to every single person on earth; especially those dwelling the richest country on Earth.

Some of the Tweets and messages to McCain are sickening. Anyone would think Jesus just died. Ffs this man picked Sarah fecking Palin to be Vice President of the USA and now it's like Ghandi just died. Fml.
There's a bit of the 'tallest midget' with respect to GOP members these days. Just because he hasn't been an overtly horrible human being driven by pure greed means he's better than 90% of the party.

But if nothing else he was a man that dedicated himself to serving his country and should be remembered as such.
wall to wall coverage. expected I suppose.

Joe Scarborogh pushing it comparing his death to Bobby Kennedy.


McCain enriched himself and did nothing for ordinary people.
The only person further from RFK than McCain is Trump. Jesus what a stonner of a comparison.
I remember Eboue making some offensive posts in the thread about dogs dying in the fire at a dogs' home in Manchester. Also, when Krauthammer died.

I went to medical school and it was hard enough for us. But Krauthammer went to Harvard Medical School and had to do it with a disability as well. Fair play to him for that.