Look at the stuff Houghton is reported as saying, is it really anti-Semitic? Is it really homophobic? Especially given that he was 20 at the time, I think it is ok for people to be thinking about this kind of stuff, and to be shown proper sources and set straight. There is a danger to too much censorship.
On Irving -
Houghton said: “A charleton [sic] seems a bit heavy, even his opponent’s recongnised [sic] his skill as a historian.”
He added: “His arguments - in terms of the Holocaust- have been that Hitler was not in the know about Aushwitz, rather as he challenged Deborah Lippstrad to do, show a genuine document linking Adolf Hitler to Auschwitz-Birkenau... No one has yet taken his challenge. (From what I know, im more than willing to be corrected here) “His other main focus was that the gas chamber which you go into as a tourist - if that word can be used in this context- was constructed after WW2.”
He adds that he is “not defending David’s Irving’s views” and that he does not agree with “some of the stuff he says”.
On homosexuality -
“I know im kind of going to the extreme here but I don’t see how homosexuality is ‘good’ for the human race?”
He later clarified that he had “no problem with anyone’s lifestyle choices” but was just trying “to think of an example when it could be considered bad for the human race.”