It won't be taken seriously, Warsi has been banging her head against a wall for years now.
How does everybody think the televised debate will go tonight?
How does everybody think the televised debate will go tonight?
I think so too. A draw is no good to Labour. Well it's early enough in the campaign to get away with one now but at some time Labour has change things or they're out.I expect it’ll be garbage, but it has to be viewed by Corbyn as a massive chance to change the tide. He’s got to go for broke if he wants to win this election, I think the general public opinion of him is low enough that he needs the tv debates to change it. Johnson, on the other hand, just has to not feck up too bad. No guarantee of that though
I think it’s because there’s a general feeling of disenfranchisement with the whole thing, and if it stays that way with the public uninterested then things will fall with a Tory majority. Corbyn has to get people engaged with his vision and the tv debates have to be the way (as let’s be honest, he won’t get the support from the rest of the media)I think so too. A draw is no good to Labour. Well it's early enough in the campaign to get away with one now but at some time Labour has change things or they're out.
BJ will come out on top I think. It looks like this is a Brexit election and to enough of the electorate Boris has a credible direction of travel whilst Jez is in absence of one. Boris will keep bringing the debate back to this single point and Jez will be isolated.
Highly likely. Boris is viewed by some as having charisma but Jeremy has no charisma at all.
His only hope is that Boris continues to believe in his own publicity and makes a few mistakes and scores a few own goals.
Jeremy will be his usual self, keeping cool but boring.
We will learn nothing we didn't already know.
It will be an anticlimax.
Boris will act like a total arsehole but the media will make it look like he won for all the people who didn't watch it, which will be the majority of voters.How does everybody think the televised debate will go tonight?
Personally, I think these TV debates are shite and prove nothing.
When they first started this nonsense, the LibDems told a pack of lies, enabling them to win a load of extra seats and giving them a way into Government via the coalition.
It's only got worse since then. Who wants to see a load of Question Time audience refugees ask a load of inane questions whilst 2 party leaders spout various amounts of bullshit.
Corbyn supporters will like everything he says, Johnson supporters will like everything he says and those in the middle will be none the wiser, reinforcing that they still haven't got a clue who to vote for.
What I don't get about Boris is that his academic records suggests he is highly intelligent (Kings Scholarship at Eton and scholarship at Balliol, Oxford and got a 2:1, despite what you lot think, you can't actually buy those). I just don't get why he acts like a complete and utter dunderhead, it's neither big nor clever. You may not like the likes of Rees-Mogg or Gove, but their ability to get over a point in an intelligible an intelligent manner is unquestionable.
Because his buffoon act is all a deliberate ploy. Boris isn’t an innate fool, he just puts on a cunning, ‘lovable’ act that deflects any notion of debate and allows the media and public to fallback on the whole “oh it’s just Boris being Boris” angle. It also helps people momentarily forget about the nasty, excessively privileged aura that hovers over the Tory party. And depressingly it works all too well - it’s the reason he managed to win the London mayoral election as a Tory, twice.What I don't get about Boris is that his academic records suggests he is highly intelligent (Kings Scholarship at Eton and scholarship at Balliol, Oxford and got a 2:1, despite what you lot think, you can't actually buy those). I just don't get why he acts like a complete and utter dunderhead, it's neither big nor clever. You may not like the likes of Rees-Mogg or Gove, but their ability to get over a point in an intelligible an intelligent manner is unquestionable.
Being good at academics doesn't mean you have a sound idea on how a country should be run, or how good you might be at public speaking.
All the people you named are still closed minded bellends, likely because of their rapsheet you just named.
Because his buffoon act is all a deliberate ploy. Boris isn’t an innate fool, he just puts on a cunning, ‘lovable’ act that deflects any notion of debate and allows the media and public to fallback on the whole “oh it’s just Boris being Boris” angle. And depressingly it works all too well - it’s the reason he managed to win the London mayoral election as a Tory.
I'm not joking here, this is the road to facism, and it's a pretty direct route:
Being good at academics doesn't mean you have a sound idea on how a country should be run, or how good you might be at public speaking.
All the people you named are still closed minded bellends, likely because of their rapsheet you just named.
What I don't get about Boris is that his academic records suggests he is highly intelligent (Kings Scholarship at Eton and scholarship at Balliol, Oxford and got a 2:1, despite what you lot think, you can't actually buy those). I just don't get why he acts like a complete and utter dunderhead, it's neither big nor clever. You may not like the likes of Rees-Mogg or Gove, but their ability to get over a point in an intelligible an intelligent manner is unquestionable.
Are you familiar with mental illness and its many forms?
She’s so fecking thick.
Oh piss off with that.You think he's a looney?
didnt he say he voted remain before ... im not sure its a viable option to say he lied about thatPersonally, I don’t understand why Corbyn doesn’t just come out and say I voted leave, but it’s a mess, the public were lied to and we need a second referendum to clear it up.
Everyone knows his personal opinion on the EU and I don’t think he’d be putting off remain voters. The honesty might be a breath of fresh air, instead of him avoiding the question.
Oh piss off with that.
You have actually completely missed the point of my post.
You may not like the likes of Rees-Mogg or Gove, but their ability to get over a point in an intelligible an intelligent manner is unquestionable.
well boris has pretty much laid out his debate strategy which will be to ask these 4 points over and over again
It wasn't me who started it!
I hope so because those would be a poor set of attack lines. Apart from the EU budget question i think the answers are already in the public domain and we already know the budget cost but more importantly the governments own figures on what benefit that brings.
Nice to see he can sign his name!