UK General Election - 12th December 2019 | Con 365, Lab 203, LD 11, SNP 48, Other 23 - Tory Majority of 80

How do you intend to vote in the 2019 General Election if eligible?

  • Brexit Party

    Votes: 30 4.3%
  • Conservatives

    Votes: 73 10.6%
  • DUP

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Green

    Votes: 23 3.3%
  • Labour

    Votes: 355 51.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 58 8.4%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 9 1.3%
  • SNP

    Votes: 19 2.8%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • Independent

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Other (BNP, Change UK, UUP and anyone else that I have forgotten)

    Votes: 10 1.4%
  • Not voting

    Votes: 57 8.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 41 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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It’s attitudes like this which show why Labour won’t get in. Look at the language that you have used.

Attitudes like this just mean that sensible discussion and debate is impossible. I can’t have a sensible conversation with someone who starts off with this attitude, and this is the reason we have extremes of both parties who have come to the fore. The reality is that both the Tory party and Labour are a coalition of ideologies, and the moderates share most of the same ideas across parties, but toxic discussion and calling people Cnuts helps absolutely no one, and just means if there was a sensible/ reasonable argument you had in there somewhere, it gets dismissed because of the way it’s presented.
So you prefer JRM's attitude?
You think the taxing of only the 5% is truthful? The working class would be tonked by the labour manifesto, it would destroy the UK economy far worse than any form of brexit could do in any scenario. It is impossible to pay for without higher taxes for the already struggling. Then you have the effect of brain drain and capital drain as the rich desert the UK in droves. It is an economical horror show from a bygone age. Anyone not understanding that needs to go and read a lot. Then you can get back to calling everyone racist and horrible for not wanting to be part of it.
Not at all. It would bring national spending in line with the OECD. This investment stimulates economies which benefits the working classes. Just look at the OECD countries who spend more than the UK as a percentage of GDP.
Meh... Imagine being the opposition that despite just how bad this government is it can't seem to make a dent... It's almost like they think calling people yellow Tories or red Tories or selfish Tories is actually going to win people over... I mean imagine having polls showing you doing so bad that you think not having a firm position on the biggest issue in the election is a good idea... Imagine having a leader so unpopular he polls worse than Michael foot and on top of that havibg a proportion of the membership so absorbed with their own echo chamber they can't see what the vast majority of the country see...
We live in crazy times
Aren't you going to vote Lib Dem?

Imagine claiming the problem is weak opposition but then voting for even weaker opposition.
I really think anybody who will ever try to shake up the system will have the same issues. We live under the control of Murdoch, Rothermere etc, and anyone who tries to wrestle the power back out of their hands will be smeared to the gutters. Someone like Keir Starmer might appear more likeable to the electorate than Corbyn but we'll see what years of being called a traitor and a communist will do.
Exactly this.
How come Labour is shown to be losing but in here there is a huge support for Labour in here going by the polls? Is there any chance for a Corbyn victory?
Caf polls are usually the polar opposite of reality, remember the brexit poll? You'd have bet your house on remain winning if you used the caf poll for guidance. As far as this one goes i hope its right.
Caf polls are usually the polar opposite of reality, remember the brexit poll? You'd have bet your house on remain winning if you used the caf poll for guidance. As far as this one goes i hope its right.

What’s striking is the amount of votes for Labour after the manifesto was announced. About 60 added to the poll. It was tittering on 180s early last week.
Caf polls are usually the polar opposite of reality, remember the brexit poll? You'd have bet your house on remain winning if you used the caf poll for guidance. As far as this one goes i hope its right.
Tbh it’s the same on all social media - you’ll see similar results on Twitter where Labour poll consistently higher than the Tories. It’s hardly surprising either, the most common demographic of social media consumers are the 16-40 age group who are more heavily inclined towards progressive politics.

It’s perhaps the one positive to take away from an otherwise bleak future - future generation of voters are likely to turn away from traditional conservative politics championed by the generations that preceded them.
Tbh it’s the same on all social media - you’ll see similar results on Twitter where Labour poll consistently higher than the Tories. It’s hardly surprising either, the most common demographic of social media consumers are the 16-40 age group who are more heavily inclined towards progressive politics.

It’s perhaps the one positive to take away from an otherwise bleak future - future generation of voters are likely to turn away from traditional conservative politics championed by the generations that preceded them.
We thought that in the 60s and 70s, and we still got Thatcher. And those that were the young then are the old now, and here we are, Tories back again.
What are the practical implications of The Tories scrapping the fixed term parliament act?
nothing much i think
Basically back to what it was before which is that with a simple majority the Government can call an early election at any time they want
in theory this should slightly help the incumbent but its only a return to what we have had before - and of course it avoids a situation which we had for months where the government couldnt call an election without a 2/3 majority
I believe I read the Tory manifesto has a section on redefining the voting boundary lines which they've been trying to do for a while. Do they see this as their best chance yet? Is there a hope in hell they would divvy the nation up fairly or would they simply carve up marginals in a way that favours them and guarantees Tory majorities for ever more?
I believe I read the Tory manifesto has a section on redefining the voting boundary lines which they've been trying to do for a while. Do they see this as their best chance yet? Is there a hope in hell they would divvy the nation up fairly or would they simply carve up marginals in a way that favours them and guarantees Tory majorities for ever more?
probably the latter - though if that was their main thought letting scotland have independence would logically be the easiest way to build in a large majority
We thought that in the 60s and 70s, and we still got Thatcher. And those that were the young then are the old now, and here we are, Tories back again.
Perhaps, but you have to take into account the novel factors unique to this generation of younger voters. For starters I imagine younger voters will remain very bitter over being dragged out of the EU kicking and screaming considering the vast majority of them are europhiles. And then there’s today’s unprecedented dominance of social media - something the Labour Party simply do better than their Tory counterparts. The last point is particularly key, since you’ll essentially have a key counterbalance to the traditionally pro Tory media which will inevitably see its outreach and influence wane thanks to social media.
I believe I read the Tory manifesto has a section on redefining the voting boundary lines which they've been trying to do for a while. Do they see this as their best chance yet? Is there a hope in hell they would divvy the nation up fairly or would they simply carve up marginals in a way that favours them and guarantees Tory majorities for ever more?

I think you already know the answer to that question.

Tbh my biggest fear is not that the Tories get in with a majority but that they get in and then put as many obstacles as possible in the way of ever removing them from power. We've seen a shift that way in the US and we're seeing it here too with proposals like photo ID as a requirement for voting. It's a deliberate and cynical attempt to strangle democracy and when you couple it with their stranglehold on the media it's genuinely depressing stuff.

I remember Laura Pidcock giving a speech a few months back about subverting the system and upsetting the ruling class and she ended it with the old adage that the darkest hour is just before dawn and that dawn was on it's way. I fear she may be very wrong on that. I think the sun is only just going down still.
This 'anything but Corbyn' policy is disgusting. Up until he became head of the Labour party, all you would ever hear from anyone you spoke to about politics is how disillusioned they were because you can't trust any of them. Corbyn is one of the only prominent politicians in my life time that has his integrity in tact.

Not only has he always campaigned for peace and equality, at every level, he also has an exemplary voting record, which can be seen by all.

Look past the propaganda and look at the facts.
This 'anything but Corbyn' policy is disgusting. Up until he became head of the Labour party, all you would ever hear from anyone you spoke to about politics is how disillusioned they were because you can't trust any of them. Corbyn is one of the only prominent politicians in my life time that has his integrity in tact.

Not only has he always campaigned for peace and equality, at every level, he also has an exemplary voting record, which can be seen by all.

Look past the propaganda and look at the facts.
A big problem with this supposed consistency is his position on the EU. He was against it for years, is now apparently for it, although not believed by many, and has made no effort whatsoever to explain his change of stance. If you're a supporter I can understand you turning a blind eye to this as only one part of a greater whole, but to claim his integrity is intact doesn't wash.
nothing much i think
Basically back to what it was before which is that with a simple majority the Government can call an early election at any time they want
in theory this should slightly help the incumbent but its only a return to what we have had before - and of course it avoids a situation which we had for months where the government couldnt call an election without a 2/3 majority

Cheers. They might need the reform sooner than they'd like!
This 'anything but Corbyn' policy is disgusting. Up until he became head of the Labour party, all you would ever hear from anyone you spoke to about politics is how disillusioned they were because you can't trust any of them. Corbyn is one of the only prominent politicians in my life time that has his integrity in tact.

Not only has he always campaigned for peace and equality, at every level, he also has an exemplary voting record, which can be seen by all.

Look past the propaganda and look at the facts.
The trouble is the media have pretty much dictated or at the very least largely influenced the narrative regarding Corbyn being this supposed unpatriotic, commie anti-Semite. It’s not just been unique to him either - his predecessor also faced excessive and hyperbolic smearing from the media, Corbyn has had it particularly rough because his policies pose a higher risk of detailing the gravy train enjoyed by those who own large swathes of the media.
What do people think about the Waspi women thing? Alright with borrowing £58b to pay for the compensation? I have to admit Mrs 711 would gain substantially if this came about, so I hope you'll all be very happy for us.
What do people think about the Waspi women thing? Alright with borrowing £58b to pay for the compensation? I have to admit Mrs 711 would gain substantially if this came about, so I hope you'll all be very happy for us.

Its hard to have much empathy with them as far as I can see. Especially after later generations will likely have to work for much longer. What exactly is the profound argument around the issue?
Its hard to have much empathy with them as far as I can see. Especially after later generations will likely have to work for much longer. What exactly is the profound argument around the issue?
I don't know about profound but I think the gist of it is that they spent most of their working lives paying national insurance with the expectation of receiving their pension at 60, and then with only a few years notice they were told they would have to wait until they were 65. Some say they were never told and only found out at or close to being 60.
What do people think about the Waspi women thing? Alright with borrowing £58b to pay for the compensation? I have to admit Mrs 711 would gain substantially if this came about, so I hope you'll all be very happy for us.

Hopefully it translates to 3.8 million+ Labour votes. Although these would not be new votes as the vast majority would have voted Labour anyway I should think...
I bet you have pictures of Harold Shipman all round your walls.

edit: I've just realised how old your post was @Solius, damn this new site, I don't know where I am on it anymore. I'm sure you're far more civilised nowadays anyway.

Nah still the same!
I don't know about profound but I think the gist of it is that they spent most of their working lives paying national insurance with the expectation of receiving their pension at 60, and then with only a few years notice they were told they would have to wait until they were 65. Some say they were never told and only found out at or close to being 60.

Mines already gone up from 65 to 67 to 68 now since I've been working. I'm 37! God knows what it will be by the time I get to retirement age.

It's unfortunate for the ones that had no notice for sure but I think it's hard for generations underneath that are going to likely inherit much worse conditions to be all that bothered about it.
A big problem with this supposed consistency is his position on the EU. He was against it for years, is now apparently for it, although not believed by many, and has made no effort whatsoever to explain his change of stance. If you're a supporter I can understand you turning a blind eye to this as only one part of a greater whole, but to claim his integrity is intact doesn't wash.
As far as I can see, he's committed to staying neutral on the issue and carrying out the result of the next referendum. Everyone knows he's a eurosceptic, but his neutrality is only to bring the country together.
Mines already gone up from 65 to 67 to 68 now since I've been working. I'm 37! God knows what it will be by the time I get to retirement age.

It's unfortunate for the ones that had no notice for sure but I think it's hard for generations underneath that are going to likely inherit much worse conditions to be all that bothered about it.
I get that, I've not long turned 65 and am one of the first to have to wait until 66. For Waspis though, many of them are amongst the poorest people in the country, working class women from a generation where a lifetime of low pay and insecure work was the norm for the childbearing sex. Seems like it should be a classic cause for lefties to champion, but not a word of support on here, I just found it strange.
What do people think about the Waspi women thing? Alright with borrowing £58b to pay for the compensation? I have to admit Mrs 711 would gain substantially if this came about, so I hope you'll all be very happy for us.

Hard to understand why this is so important that they can commit £11bn to it (and blow their balanced costings out of the water at the same time) but they can only commit £1bn to homelessness. Kind of an odd one.
Hard to understand why this is so important that they can commit £11bn to it (and blow their balanced costings out of the water at the same time) but they can only commit £1bn to homelessness. Kind of an odd one.

It's not an odd one at all. There is currently a court case going on regarding this. Iit is possible that it will be won by the Waspi women so the money will have to be found by whoever is in government regardless. Its going to be a black hole anyhow and considering the Conservatives have fought against it tooth and nail, its a no brainer for Labour to have an election pledge in order to boost support from as many as 3.8 million and other family members. Even Mrs & Mr 711 might get on board...

Homeless people are small in number and have poor voter turnout.

Labour are the only party that are helping the homeless register to vote. They have teamed up with various business are providing their addresses for homeless people to use. To date Tories & Lib Dems have never put out any information for ANYONE to register to vote.
It's not an odd one at all. There is currently a court case going on regarding this. Iit is possible that it will be won by the Waspi women so the money will have to be found by whoever is in government regardless. Its going to be a black hole anyhow and considering the Conservatives have fought against it tooth and nail, its a no brainer for Labour to have an election pledge in order to boost support from as many as 3.8 million and other family members. Even Mrs & Mr 711 might get on board...
Mrs 711 is silent so far on this impending windfall, almost as if she's hoping I don't know about it. Actually she's pissed off by how bad Swinson is and now wants to vote SNP, an option strangely unavailable in Lancashire.
Anyone think the retirement age for men might come down in the next 35 years? My girlfriends family all live till 95+ but the men in my family croak it before 70 as far back as we can remember. It's quite depressing.
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