U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The polls are national Brad, that said I would shocked if Obama lost or if it is close
What a pathetic bullshit answer from Obama and what he learned about playing HS basketball, I learned it was about the team
I have no idea what you are referring to here. Has someone deleted a post, or...???
No they were both interviewed for Monday Night Football, haha how American
Queues at polling stations at five or six hours or more...Also America's embraced these electronic voting machines, which i wonder at after a recent Dutch commission found them to be unsafe.
Voted early today. There were a lot of other folks there, but it only took ten minutes. Paper ballots, read by an electronic machine, but if there's any dispute at least there are actual physical ballots to recount. If there's another major controversy this election with electronic machines, in any race, I wonder if there won't be more pressure to go back to paper. Much harder to rig a result, or to have serious miscounting, with paper ballots.
Obama would be the first Muslim President

If elected, Obama would likely become the first Muslim President, and could use the Koran to be sworn into office.

Obama uses the Muslim Pakistani pronunciation for "Pakistan" rather than the common American one.[28] :wenger:


how stupid can one get
Obama would be the first Muslim President

If elected, Obama would likely become the first Muslim President, and could use the Koran to be sworn into office.

Obama uses the Muslim Pakistani pronunciation for "Pakistan" rather than the common American one.[28] :wenger:


how stupid can one get

Where did you get that jewel from?
I don't like the look of that Gallop poll, this could be a bloodbath. Can someone explain to me why Indiana is actually as close as it is? How have we managed to piss away a 20 point lead from 2004 in a normally rock solid red state when similar states have seen much less movement towards Obama?

17 hours until the first polls close.
I fear for Obama.

I hope I'm wrong, but I see him getting assasinated in Office.

:lol: Give me a break, it's not like more people don't want Bush dead. Taking out and American President wouldnt bode well for whoever did it though. I don't see it happening at all.
How do you know?

Many reasons entail to that.

If his tax reforms actually go through, as much as it sounds really good it's not going to make him many friends.

He'll probably yank the plug on the military too, adding on to his list.

Alrready attemps are made on his life(though they're kinda newbish), it's a sign that many more are to come.

Also he's well, black(not so much), wouldnt see well with many closet KKKs(nutters the lot of them).

Here's hoping nothing will come out of it and I'm termed a wum. Never have I seen such a great politician in my life.
Pathetic stereotyping SiYuan, you clearly no quite little about America. Have you ever lived in the US when did you become an expert on politics. Greatest politicians you have ever seen he has been a senator for how long?????? What has he done to impress you? I think he could do a good job, but I am not gonna jump the gun, he has to earn my respect as President.
Pathetic stereotyping SiYuan, you clearly no quite little about America. Have you ever lived in the US when did you become an expert on politics. Greatest politicians you have ever seen he has been a senator for how long?????? What has he done to impress you? I think he could do a good job, but I am not gonna jump the gun, he has to earn my respect as President.

Look, spammer. I said in my life. Learn to read before you post, spamming isnt very good.
What has he done politically that is so revolutionary?
If Obama does become President, SiYuan, I'm placing my trust in the Secret Service. And the recent arrest of two glue-sniffing halfwits with delusions of grandeur and a plan that sounded like something from a white-supremacist version of Beavis and Butthead doesn't strike me as a particularly bad omen.
What has he done politically that is so revolutionary?

He actually made me believe him.

No other politicians have ever done that. Saying that, he has not done anything else as he's not a president yet, but I'm putting my faith in him. That, on my personal level, is revolutionary.
You are fool, there is no reason to believe a politician or lawyer, and Obama is both. He is an extremely charismatic speaker which is probably part of the reason you believe him so much, but that does mean that I dont see through his charade. Yeah I expect him to do some good things, but I dont forsee him doing as well with the economy as Clinton and also he has a very difficult international situation, one that isnt gonna be an easy fix. He has a task, and I dont think he will be able to 'change' the US like he says
I dont forsee him doing as well with the economy as Clinton
Clinton's genius with the economy was to be elected at a time when the economy was about to take off, then leave office before it fell back to earth. He had relatively little to do with either event however.
So who are going to give the credit, Bush Sr. He was in office for 8 years of course he had to be a part of the success, just as Bush has been part of the problem over the past 8 years
You are fool, there is no reason to believe a politician or lawyer, and Obama is both. He is an extremely charismatic speaker which is probably part of the reason you believe him so much, but that does mean that I dont see through his charade. Yeah I expect him to do some good things, but I dont forsee him doing as well with the economy as Clinton and also he has a very difficult international situation, one that isnt gonna be an easy fix. He has a task, and I dont think he will be able to 'change' the US like he says

Well to each their own, but your words tell me that you're extremely pessimistic about things.

What I believe in, doesnt matter you anyway. As I've said early, I trust him, did I expect you to do that as well? besides, your comments are supernumerary.

The stereotype that politicians and lawyers cannot be trusted are just as wrinkled as Hugh Hefner. I genuinely believe that Obama, as much as a politician as you said he is, is an nice man, who deserves my and everyone else(probably not yours) support.
I don't like the look of that Gallop poll, this could be a bloodbath. Can someone explain to me why Indiana is actually as close as it is? How have we managed to piss away a 20 point lead from 2004 in a normally rock solid red state when similar states have seen much less movement towards Obama?

I think that the not being George Bush or associated with George Bush factor must be huge. He has been such an abysmal president that Obama doesn't actually need to do or say anything apart from "Hello, I'm not George Bush".
So who are going to give the credit, Bush Sr. He was in office for 8 years of course he had to be a part of the success, just as Bush has been part of the problem over the past 8 years
Oddly enough, the executive branch of government sometimes has very little to do with the success or failure of the myriad of companies and industries that comprise a $13.8 trillion/year economy.
Can someone explain to me why Indiana is actually as close as it is?

I think it has something to do with Bush and the Republicans starting a bullshit war and driving the economy into the shitter.

How have we managed to piss away a 20 point lead from 2004 in a normally rock solid red state when similar states have seen much less movement towards Obama?

Have you noticed your proximity to Illinois? Obama has made massive inroads in southern Indiana, mostly because McCain wants to help out the rich and Obama is promising to help the poor. Not that hard to figure out.
Sorry, chuck. I did edit accordingly in order to try and josh. But I forgot the wink.
Record turnouts thus far. And it's it's not even Election Day yet.

Turnout records fall even in GOP-friendly states

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Even in reliably red states where Barack Obama has little chance of winning on Tuesday, unprecedented numbers of registrations and early votes have been tallied, and elections officials are predicting a record turnout in places where neither candidate even bothered to campaign. An aggressive and well-financed get-out-the-vote campaign helped Obama's campaign mobilize unprecedented numbers of African-American and new voters who could help decide the presidential election by swinging states like North Carolina and Virginia to the Democrat.

But even in states like Alabama, Utah, Nebraska and Oklahoma, Republican strongholds where John McCain could post double-digit wins, Obama's candidacy helped boost registration numbers, particularly in urban areas. Republicans countered by mobilizing their own base, a process aided by McCain's vice presidential pick, Sarah Palin, who's popular among conservatives. "It may not shift Alabama from red to blue, or shift Tennessee from red to blue," Ferrel Guillory, an expert in Southern politics at the University of North Carolina, said of the turnout projections. "But it could have an effect over the long term."

And while these states have been comfortably in McCain's column for months, a record turnout could benefit candidates further down the ballot. As in swing states, the consensus among experts is that the trend favors Democrats. In Alabama, a state that has gone consistently Republican in presidential elections since picking Ronald Reagan in 1980, Obama's army of volunteers conducted voter registration drives that helped push the state's voter rolls past 3 million for the first time, and they registered blacks at a faster rate than whites.

"Obama realized there was no way to wrestle Alabama away from McCain," but a higher African-American turnout is likely to benefit Democrats running for the state Supreme Court and other offices, said D'Linell Finley, a political scientist at Auburn University... (article continues here)
Other then running a brilliant campaign? Yes his experience is limited but based on what i have seen he is qualified to be president.

We will all know soon enough.

I think the brilliant campaign point is really important. It shows that he (and his team) think outside the box and have great organisational skills. It shows they can harness the potential of new technologies and exploit them to their full potential. Those skills could end up being incredibly important in how an Obama presidency pans out, and the legacy it could leave for future presidents - applied to a broad range of areas, be it (contributing to) reforming financial market regulation, social security reform or whatever.

Already, I think the way candidates campaign - for both parties - will never be the same again. He has led the way in showing how social networking sites etc can be used to engage young people in politics. I hope he will cause similar revolutions in more important areas if and when he gets into the hot seat.
I think Obama is going to present a huge Blair style disapointment for anyone who thinks he's some Ghandi figure. He'll be much better than the current regime or the Mccain/Palin ticket but d-d-don't believe the hype.

Where's old Ralfie Nader this time? he'd still get my vote.