U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I heard that! Knew it was you, meant to post but didn't. Nuts.

Nice way to start off the show... as first caller, huh?

The screener was totally pumped, he's says, 'Steve is a total political junkie... go ahead and bring it up... see what they say... too bad Nick Webster is such a wet-blanket, then again his Gunners are doin' so well.'

:lol: Making history!!!


3 hours and 45 minutes until the first results begin to trickle in...
I've gotta be at the airport for 8..

It'll take me an hour and a half from where I am I reckon so I'm doing an all nighter

I like a good election.
Is this going to be a formality, and i'd be wasting my time staying up ridiculously late, when i have an important-ish early start tomorrow?
When will the final results be published ?

I hear its near around 2am-3am here, we'll get a good idea who the next President is.
People staying up all night to find out the election results of a different country, hahahaha
People staying up all night to find out the election results of a different country, hahahaha

Why is that funny? This decision will have a profound effect on us all, and in particular has a strong effect on the politics of Britain.

Not that I'm staying up, but I understand people that want to.
People staying up all night to find out the election results of a different country, hahahaha

i was thinking the same....its probably because brits are you're so called 'pet's on a tight leash'!
This election has a lot to do with the world economy and could affect anyone with a job anywhere. If I wasn't American I think I too would be keeping up with it.

Er, that's what i was saying mate!

You don't have sarcasm over there? :smirk:
In other news, members of the radical Black Panther group are apparently intimidating voters at polling stations.

I've heard news of Republicans announcing that Democrats don't vote till tomorrow, and that anyone with an outstanding warrant will be pulled from the queue (because all Democrats are criminals, innit). No side is perfect.
Is this going to be a formality, and i'd be wasting my time staying up ridiculously late, when i have an important-ish early start tomorrow?

Here's a good way to tell, but also a note of caution.

If this is truly close there may be a 'race to call' leading to a mistake in calling a state in either direction. Remember, they're based on a tiny percentage of the vote being in, and then networks using their own mathematical formula to correlate it with their exit polls and basically gamble on getting it right. CBS 'called' Florida in 2000 before a fifth of the state had even finished voting!

Look for two different channels to use their own maths to do it. Believe it or not (try not to froth there) Fox has the best actual numbers analyst now Russert is dead in the form of Michael Barone.

Obama wants an early night. McCain wants the morning light.

If Virginia gets called early or Florida gets called for Obama, you can go to sleep.

If Florida is not yet called (but leaning McCain), and Pennsylvania and Ohio are "too close to call" by 10 or 11 ET, McCain is in with a shot. Ditto Missouri, parly because of the 'blue-ifying' of the state.

Colorado is also going to be a place to watch, but more for those of us who don't have to deal with time zones. Indiana as well, but if 'Lake County' is holding out for ages then expect a big last minute vote surge for Obama there.

Remember, Pennsylvania is so big that if McCain wins it he can 'afford' to lose a couple of the smaller ones that Bush won in 2000.

There's almost a giddiness with some McCain advisors, which tells us something about their internals (he is surging, but possibly too late).

Alternatively they're just exhausted.

There seems to be a sense of concern amongst Obama-folk, but I think that's more due to the inherent Democratic ability to chuck away the Presidency rather than actual numbers they're honestly worried about.

A big key for Obama may be weather conditions - where aside from Virginia it has been very much of an Indian Summer type day. This always helps Democrats, who seem to be allergic to rain and snow.

On the other hand, Obama was spending an awful lot of time in states that were supposed to be 'in the bag' for him in the last two weeks.

It is definitely a more close election than it has been portrayed at times (the idea of McCain only getting 37% of the overall popular vote is ludicrous), which is good because I have nothing else to watch tonight.
Not sure I know quite what you mean, but I think that may be related to the fact that he can't raise his arms above his shoulders. Injuries from the war. Also causes those jerky, awkward hand/arm movements he makes.

I was joking. Obviously.
Here's a good way to tell, but also a note of caution.

If this is truly close there may be a 'race to call' leading to a mistake in calling a state in either direction. Remember, they're based on a tiny percentage of the vote being in, and then networks using their own mathematical formula to correlate it with their exit polls and basically gamble on getting it right. CBS 'called' Florida in 2000 before a fifth of the state had even finished voting!

Look for two different channels to use their own maths to do it. Believe it or not (try not to froth there) Fox has the best actual numbers analyst now Russert is dead in the form of Michael Barone.

Obama wants an early night. McCain wants the morning light.

If Virginia gets called early or Florida gets called for Obama, you can go to sleep.

If Florida is not yet called (but leaning McCain), and Pennsylvania and Ohio are "too close to call" by 10 or 11 ET, McCain is in with a shot. Ditto Missouri, parly because of the 'blue-ifying' of the state.

Colorado is also going to be a place to watch, but more for those of us who don't have to deal with time zones. Indiana as well, but if 'Lake County' is holding out for ages then expect a big last minute vote surge for Obama there.

Remember, Pennsylvania is so big that if McCain wins it he can 'afford' to lose a couple of the smaller ones that Bush won in 2000.

There's almost a giddiness with some McCain advisors, which tells us something about their internals (he is surging, but possibly too late).

Alternatively they're just exhausted.

There seems to be a sense of concern amongst Obama-folk, but I think that's more due to the inherent Democratic ability to chuck away the Presidency rather than actual numbers they're honestly worried about.

A big key for Obama may be weather conditions - where aside from Virginia it has been very much of an Indian Summer type day. This always helps Democrats, who seem to be allergic to rain and snow.

On the other hand, Obama was spending an awful lot of time in states that were supposed to be 'in the bag' for him in the last two weeks.

It is definitely a more close election than it has been portrayed at times (the idea of McCain only getting 37% of the overall popular vote is ludicrous), which is good because I have nothing else to watch tonight.

Thanks for that.
Why is that funny? This decision will have a profound effect on us all, and in particular has a strong effect on the politics of Britain.

Not that I'm staying up, but I understand people that want to.

I reckon the results will be the same rather you watch it or not, and regardless it would be some shock if Obama loses