U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Excuse my British ignorance but which states can already vote and whens the result officially announced?
Excuse my British ignorance but which states can already vote and whens the result officially announced?

no problem. I'm not sure which states are doing early voting, I'd imagine all have some sort of absentee voting abilities.
I'm in Virginia (VA) and I voted in person this morning as VA allows that if you're going to be away from your regular voting precint for even 5 mins.

I went to do it last Saturday morning but the line was an hour long so I walked across the street to the pub instead and watched Sunderland/Newcastle. There's a pile of Geordies here so it's always interesting to see their reactions.

Votes won't be counted until after all the VA polls close which is around 7pm next Tuesday.
no problem. I'm not sure which states are doing early voting, I'd imagine all have some sort of absentee voting abilities.
I'm in Virginia (VA) and I voted in person this morning as VA allows that if you're going to be away from your regular voting precint for even 5 mins.

I went to do it last Saturday morning but the line was an hour long so I walked across the street to the pub instead and watched Sunderland/Newcastle. There's a pile of Geordies here so it's always interesting to see their reactions.

Votes won't be counted until after all the VA polls close which is around 7pm next Tuesday.

Brilliant, cheers.

I eagerly await a better world with Mr Obama as US prez, infact I simply eagerly await a better world without Mr Bush at the helm. :)
Like, Socialism
The anticlimactic answer came as the long Presidential march of 2008 staggered toward its final week: Senator Obama is a socialist.

“This campaign in the next couple of weeks is about one thing,” Todd Akin, a Republican congressman from Missouri, told a McCain rally outside St. Louis. “It’s a referendum on socialism.” “With all due respect,” Senator George Voinovich, Republican of Ohio, said, “the man is a socialist.”

So let's get this right, the Republican party in power essentially part-nationalise the banks, and then call Obama a socialist? Talk about grasping at straws.
Can someone explain to me about this 30 minute advert Obama has going on all local TV channels tonight? (I might be wrong about it being on every channel, that's 2nd hand info). Is this a good move or a dangerous one?
Election Day/Night at the Lincoln Memorial '08


In the past 24 hours since coming up with this idea...

More liberal churches are coming on board with this gathering at the Lincoln Memorial.

At 2:40 pm, this afternoon, I was on Sirius Satellite 'Left' Radio promoting the event, on the Lynne Samuell Show. Usually, Ms. Samuell is somewhat sarcastic, and she's not the biggest Obama fan. Although, she said, 'This is a great idea, and she would encourage the evening affilliate to come, out of DC, to broadcast from the location... '

Ms. Samuell, also, asked if I had a website... I replied that I didn't... Which leads me too.... would any site designers be interested in building a fast site for this event. For legal reasons, I'd prefer that the site designer be from outside the US. For legal reasons, because I haven't obtained permits for this, hoping they come in the next few days, I don't want anyone in the states getting in trouble with the DC City authorities.

Oh... and noone affilliated with a terrorist network apply.


This photo is from my photos... no copywrite issue...



Details on the site will consist of the most simple suggestoin, for people to attend...

Election Night at the Lincoln Memorial:

This Presidential election is a historic milestone, one of which we may not, again, see in our lifetime. If you do not have plans to celebrate this election, an idea may be to take your family to the Lincoln Memorial. Several of the Washington DC churches are planning to meet at the Memorial in the evening.

Martin Luther King, Jr.,
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

*No Donations of any kind will be accepted through this site.


I've been thinking throught the day, today... If McCain continues to play the Race-Card... This event would tip people in the Obama direction... But I'm not going to push that idea.
Can someone explain to me about this 30 minute advert Obama has going on all local TV channels tonight? (I might be wrong about it being on every channel, that's 2nd hand info). Is this a good move or a dangerous one?
It's not all tv stations but it is 3 of the major ones, as for how it could be perceived I don't know, the Obama campaign have done very little wrong in the last 2 years
So lets predict the result and see who is closest on the day.

I think I am going OTT but I am going to predcit a landslide of 396 Obama and 142 McCain.
I just have a feeling that while some of the undecideds may be undecided because they don't want to say they wouldn't vote for Obama for fear of being branded racists I also suspect that many are undecided because they might be more naturally Republican voters but they recognised how bad a McCain/Palin presidency would be and how well Obama has conducted himself. I may well be wrong but i suspect it may be worse for the Republicans than the polls suggest.

But what do I know about US politics? I'd voted for Obama because he isn't Bush or one of his cronies. Which is a rubbish way to decided who to vote for. Not that I can because I'm not American.
It would be great if it was landslide, but that's gonna be hard to believe. I would not be surprised if McCain won. Not at all
Obama to win 375 - 163

All key swing states to go to Barack - His 30 min ad plus his campaigning with Bill Clinton in Florida combined with McCain's late negative attacks will ensure a strong finish that will see Barack win Missouri and Indiana.

Wibble: Obama 396 McCain 142
Raoul: Obama 375 McCain 163
Cali Red: Obama 340 McCain 198
Plechazunga: Obama 306 McCain 236
I'm too superstitious to say what I think it will be. Too focused on what I want it to be.
269-269 and amid the ensuing chaos Dubya hangs on for another term.
Nah, it won't come to that. As Vice President Sarah Palin has total control of the Electoral College, so she would simply cast the deciding vote and bring a new Republican administration into office. Only question would be whether she votes herself in as VP or P.
Governor Mrs. Palin recently had this to say about earmarks:

“Where does a lot of that earmark money end up anyway? You’ve heard about some of these pet projects; they really don’t make a whole lot of sense. Sometimes these dollars go to projects that have little or nothing to do with the public good. Things like fruit fly research in Paris, France. I kid you not.”

University of Minnesota Biology professor PZ Meyers was not impressed:

This is too much. Sarah Palin gave a policy speech today in which she claimed that she wanted more support for children with disabilities, more tools to test for disorders, and while also decrying the expense of scientific research.

I am appalled.

This idiot woman, this blind, shortsighted ignoramus, this pretentious clod, mocks basic research and the international research community. You damn well better believe that there is research going on in animal models — what does she expect, that scientists should mutagenize human mothers and chop up baby brains for this work? — and countries like France and Germany and England and Canada and China and India and others are all respected participants in these efforts.

Yes, scientists work on fruit flies. Some of the most powerful tools in genetics and molecular biology are available in fruit flies, and these are animals that are particularly amenable to experimentation. Molecular genetics has revealed that humans share key molecules, the basic developmental toolkit, with all other animals, thanks to our shared evolutionary heritage (something else the wackaloon from Wasilla denies), and that we can use these other organisms to probe the fundamental mechanisms that underlie core processes in the formation of the nervous system — precisely the phenomena Palin claims are so important.

This is where the Republican party has ended up: supporting an ignorant buffoon who believes in the End Times and speaking in tongues while deriding some of the best and most successful strategies for scientific research. In this next election, we've got to choose between the 21st century rationalism and Dark Age inanity. It ought to be an easy choice.


Sums it up pretty well. I think I got a D in Biology 20 years ago, but even I remember how significant fruit flies are to genetic research. Liked the bit about mutagenizing human mothers, that was a nice touch.
Wibble: Obama 396 McCain 142
Raoul: Obama 375 McCain 163
niMic: Obama 353 McCain 185
Cali Red: Obama 340 McCain 198
ooeat0meoo: Obama 325 McCain 213
Plechazunga: Obama 306 McCain 236
WeWonItTwoTimes: Obama 269 McCain 269
Obama 338 McCain 200

or something closer than that. You'd be surprise how many closet racists there are.

you might also be surprised that many people care little about the colour of Obama's skin. they're more interested in things like jobs, housing, etc.
Wibble: Obama 396 McCain 142
Raoul: Obama 375 McCain 163
niMic: Obama 353 McCain 185
Rahul: Obama 350 McCain 188
Cali Red: Obama 340 McCain 198
SiYuan: Obama 338 McCain 200
Spinoza: Obama 333 McCain 205
ooeat0meoo: Obama 325 McCain 213
Sincher: Obama 311 McCain 226
Plechazunga: Obama 306 McCain 232
WeWonItTwoTimes: Obama 269 McCain 269
Wibble: Obama 396 McCain 142
Raoul: Obama 375 McCain 163
Red Dreams: Obama 364 McCain 174
niMic: Obama 353 McCain 185
Rahul: Obama 350 McCain 188
Utdalltheway: Obama 343 McCain 195
Cali Red: Obama 340 McCain 198
SiYuan: Obama 338 McCain 200
Spinoza: Obama 333 McCain 205
ooeat0meoo: Obama 325 McCain 213
Sincher: Obama 311 McCain 226
Plechazunga: Obama 306 McCain 232
WeWonItTwoTimes: Obama 269 McCain 269