U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The RNC is screwing up at every turn, having given VP candidate Palin over $150,000 for clothing expenses and then green-lighting a talking-point that attacks Barack Obama as an 'Elitist' is the highest order of astronomically hypocritical proportions... all at a time when the world markets are crashing, and predicted to be a very long recovery.

The GOP couldn't POSSIBLY be more out of touch.


Obama has spent more money on his campaign than any other presidential candidate in history.
Super. You find me a quote in which Obama says he will invade Pakistan and I'll agree with you.

Good luck on your search.
He's said he'll not invade Pakistan - if Pakistan can clear out the terrorists themselves.

"There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again . . . If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, we will."

Does it seem likely?

Invading? No, not at all. Possibly missile attacks on specific areas in the northeast - yes.

I think we will eventually be at war with Pakistan. It because inevitable the day we invaded Afghanistan. It's a way off, but Pakistan is incredibly unstable and is always teetering on the brink of being taken over by radicals. The ISI funded and continues to fund the Taliban

It all depends on how much power the ISI gets and when.

But, no, Obama has never said he will "invade" Pakistan and it is not likely.
He's said he'll not invade Pakistan - if Pakistan can clear out the terrorists themselves.

"There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again . . . If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, we will."


That quote says nothing about "invading." You guys really need to learn the difference between an invasion and a military strike.

RCP has an average of Obama leading by 7.1 points.

Karl Rove said so on Fox last night. One of the polls that showed Obama with just a three point lead was the most accurate poll for the 2004 election.

He also said other polls showed Obama with nine, ten point leads so that's how you get the 7.1 average.

There has definitely been a small swing to the Republicans since ''Joe the Plumber'' burst onto the scene.
Karl Rove said so on Fox last night. One of the polls that showed Obama with just a three point lead was the most accurate poll for the 2004 election.

He also said other polls showed Obama with nine, ten point leads so that's how you get the 7.1 average.

There has definitely been a small swing to the Republicans since ''Joe the Plumber'' burst onto the scene.

The problem with the polls is tha sample data. Some are taken from likely voters, others registered voters, some use phone polling and some others. Polling is very inaccurate by I think by any measure Obama is clearly leading and leading pretty comfortably.

PS - I'm not a Fox basher I do watch sometimes but a poll from Rove on Fox would be suspect to say the least.

Obama has spent more money on his campaign than any other presidential candidate in history.

What is, rather, laughable...

The Presidential Race is more important than a campaign, it's about the individual and what they represent...

John McCain hasn't an inch to be callin' anyone an 'Elitist' as he's circled by Seven homes and Eleven vehicles to his name. He is the definition of living to enormous excess...

Shall we mention the $350,000 dress Cindy McCain wore to the final day of the Republican National Convention?

*I can do the McCain/Hypocrite game for the remaining week and half... :cool: Oh, and it's all fine and good that he and Cindy have all their stuff... but it's not cool to be screaming 'Elitist' from the Ivory Towers, just more poor form.
What is, rather, laughable...

The Presidential Race is more important than a campaign, it's about the individual and what they represent...

John McCain hasn't an inch to be callin' anyone an 'Elitist' as he's circled by Seven homes and Eleven vehicles to his name. He is the definition of living to enormous excess...

Shall we mention the $350,000 dress Cindy McCain wore to the final day of the Republican National Convention?

*I can do the McCain/Hypocrite game for the remaining week and half... :cool: Oh, and it's all fine and good that he and Cindy have all their stuff... but it's not cool to be screaming 'Elitist' from the Ivory Towers, just more poor form.

The elitist tag should be applied to all national level politicians and probably most state level.
The elitist tag should be applied to all national level politicians and probably most state level.


I'm not saying that Obama doesn't wear that tag, as well.


2 1/2 years back, I went to see Obama stump for the Maryland politicians at a small state college (Bowie State) and he comes across as, out of touch with the middle class and blind to the concerns of poverty.

The only difference... Obama is saying the right things to attract the middle-class. McCain is still sticking to the 'Trickle Down' theory of Ronald Reagan... Most people know that simply means, the same old shit ~ a diffent day.
We'll see what the final total is. It still makes LABOB's point about the GOP being out of touch due to allowing Palin $150,000 in expenses look totally ridiculous.

No, it does not. Getting donations from 600,000 people, averaging under 100 each, is pretty much democracy at work. All that is happening is Republicans are crying like bitches for not picking up more money that Democrats for the first time in years. It is a result of their inept policies and president.

Using those funds to buy clothes in violation of ethics rules proposed by a guy named John McCain is not at all comparable. Not in any way shape or form.
Some of the latest polls show the race as even or Obama with just a small single digit lead.


Hmmm. You're talking about the AP poll. They used 44% evangelicals. During the last election, the total evangelical poll was 23%.

Good luck with that one. Most polls show the lead increasing.
Karl Rove said so on Fox last night. One of the polls that showed Obama with just a three point lead was the most accurate poll for the 2004 election.

He also said other polls showed Obama with nine, ten point leads so that's how you get the 7.1 average.

There has definitely been a small swing to the Republicans since ''Joe the Plumber'' burst onto the scene.

Jesus Christ. What fecking world do you live in? Put down Fox News and find out what is really happening in the world.
I prefer an elitist. We'd had eight years of fecking morons. Elitist, please.

I was referring to CR's definition of 'elitist' meaning they had nothing in common with ordinary people......if Obama becomes President, Obama will be the only President who had most in common with ordinary people in modern times......until he wrote his biographies he had student loans he was still trying to pay off...

but I would agree with you...the man is brilliant...and that quality combined with a sincere compassion for what ordinary Americans are going through sets the man apart.
The RNC is screwing up at every turn, having given VP candidate Palin over $150,000 for clothing expenses...the GOP couldn't POSSIBLY be more out of touch.
Laughable. Obama has spent more money on his campaign than any other presidential candidate in history.
Obama has spent more than anyone because people won't stop giving him money. He raised $150m last month alone, a startling figure. And where is this money coming from? one might ask. Good question. Take a look here. Of the half a billion dollars Obama has raised, 90% come from individual donors, 0% (yes, zero percent) from Political Action Committees, and 10% from other sources. His campaign is almost entirely funded by contributions from individual citizens, none of whom by law are allowed to donate more than $2300. Which means that Obama's spending, far from a sign of being out of touch with the voters, shows that the voters are quite fond of him. So much so that in the middle of a very difficult economy, they are opening their wallets in support of his run for the presidency.

You have to start making this more difficult for me. People are going to think I have two accounts.
Q: So if Obama wins, is he going to invade Pakistan?

A: No. He has never said he would.
Yet another blatant lie. He has said that if Pakistan doesn't sort out the tribal areas the Americans will do it for them.
There you go again. Here's what he said in August 2007: "If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will". More recently, during the debates, he addressed the McCain camp's claim that he would invade: "Look, I want to be very clear about what I said. Nobody called for the invasion of Pakistan. Sen. McCain continues to repeat this. What I said was the same thing that the audience here today heard me say, which is, if Pakistan is unable or unwilling to hunt down Bin Laden and take him out, then we should."

Hope this helps.
Karl Rove said so on Fox last night. One of the polls that showed Obama with just a three point lead was the most accurate poll for the 2004 election.

He also said other polls showed Obama with nine, ten point leads so that's how you get the 7.1 average.

There has definitely been a small swing to the Republicans since ''Joe the Plumber'' burst onto the scene.

The national polls are not as telling as the polls in the key swing states. Not only has Obama widened his lead nationally, he's also pulling comfortably ahead in the swing states. Florida, Ohio, Missouri, Colorado, Virginia, NC, and Nevada. There is a significant chance he'll catch McCain in Indiana between now and election day. At this rate Obama could win the election by over 200 electoral votes which will likely be viewed as a landslide. I'm glad you haven't lost faith in John McCain though.
The latest polls show Joe the plumber and his alter ego disappearing down the toilet.

The idea that Joe the Plumber has in any way helped McCain is more wishful thinking than reality. It turns out Joe makes less than the required amount to qualify for an Obama tax increase. I, on the other hand will see my taxes go up.