U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Declared total disruption from Bush's politics.
More than enough to serve his country and the whole world.

All while saying he would invade Paksitan one of the biggest countries in the world
Ok, but why is being wounded in Vietnam a service to the nation?
Another point of view could be that refusing the draft or escaping to Canada WAS a better service to America.

How about that?
Obama up by 2 in North Carolina....last two polls had him tied.....
If McCain losses N C....its over.

...and this is a GOP leaning Rasmussen poll..

True but I honestly cannot see any of the 11 southern states going blue. When push comes to shove, they will all default to the Republicans as per usual. Indiana is a far more interesting one though - its proximity to illionois may be helping Obama as a lot of people from illionois are going there to campaign for him. I still don't think it will go blue but you never know...
True but I honestly cannot see any of the 11 southern states going blue. When push comes to shove, they will all default to the Republicans as per usual. Indiana is a far more interesting one though - its proximity to illionois may be helping Obama as a lot of people from illionois are going there to campaign for him. I still don't think it will go blue but you never know...

I thought the same thing but North Carolina has a big student and tech professional population in the research triangle. According to Rasumussen Obama now has a 5 point lead in NC. Same in Virginia. This may be one of those instances where a Dem actually breaks through in traditionally Republican states ala Bill Clinton.
I didn't say without permission. It's called reading comprehension. Learn it.

if you think pakistan would be happy to let america carry out a military operation of that scale in pakistan , you are stupider than i thought

they have already fired warning shots at american choppers crossing over to pakistani airspace in the last 10 days ..

oh and sarah palin :lol:
I'm not sure there's much between them in terms of how their policies will come across. But in terms of personality Obama's miles ahead.

He just has a wonderful presence. He's got a fantastic combination of calmness and gravitas. He's exceptionally eloquent - barely ever even ums or ers - and very likeable.

Without knowing much about him, I've always instinctively quite liked McCain, for his rebelliousness and his views on immigration. But he just doesn't have anything like the charisma. With Obama, I feel like I'd do anything for the guy. The only other person I've really felt like that about is Roy Keane.

Not the most informed analysis I know, but then most voters probably vote on appearance/personality.

Only thing I reckon he could do with stopping is saying, "when I'm President". Surely "If the American people were to elect me" would be better? Or does he think acting like he's already president is the best way of looking presidential?
if you think pakistan would be happy to let america carry out a military operation of that scale in pakistan , you are stupider than i thought

they have already fired warning shots at american choppers crossing over to pakistani airspace in the last 10 days ..

oh and sarah palin :lol:

They were not Pakistani soldiers. You are absolutely clueless
True but I honestly cannot see any of the 11 southern states going blue. When push comes to shove, they will all default to the Republicans as per usual. Indiana is a far more interesting one though - its proximity to illionois may be helping Obama as a lot of people from illionois are going there to campaign for him. I still don't think it will go blue but you never know...

Obama is well ahead in Virginia.....and he is fast closing in on North Carolina.....and Florida!!
It was a joke, if they were the same age would there be any doubt though, and I am not the one who resorted to the saying one Obama would bitch slap some geriatric who has nerve damage all over the body because of war/torture injuries

Brings up the question, What has Obama done to serve his country?????????

i certainly hope your not saying that mccain should be elected because he "served" his country. I also served for 24 years and saw numerous times that senator mccain voted against me as a military person. He said last night that he would cut back on the spending within dod. He has already tried that numerous times including the original base closures that he supported during the first bush administration.

This dipshit continues to wrap himself up in the flag and with the troops and i for one am sick of it. He doesnt speak for me and come Nov 4 he wont speak for any of us again.
No, but it has to count for something, as for Obama, wanting to go into Pakistan I mean wtf I hope he loses the election
i certainly hope your not saying that mccain should be elected because he "served" his country. I also served for 24 years and saw numerous times that senator mccain voted against me as a military person. He said last night that he would cut back on the spending within dod. He has already tried that numerous times including the original base closures that he supported during the first bush administration.

This dipshit continues to wrap himself up in the flag and with the troops and i for one am sick of it. He doesnt speak for me and come Nov 4 he wont speak for any of us again.


a military man who knows the facts...
The General I know is behind McCain, and he earned his money the right way
You mean his actual experience

You see if he was talking just of how his experience would help him as president by using actual incidents where he made a right call, that would be good...Let me give you an example on the Kissinger thing...his response to Obama bringing up the statement that HK made on negotiations with Iran was " I know him for 35 years and there is no way he could have said that so you go take a hike"...He could have scored much more points if he had pointed out to Obama that he was factually incomplete in making that statement and that HK was talking of lower level talks....

Experience is good; Arrogance that experience is the be-all and end-all, IMO, didn't help McCain...
Obama is well ahead in Virginia.....and he is fast closing in on North Carolina.....and Florida!!

I seriously doubt that and even if some polls say it, you should remember that the polls were saying that Kerry was way ahead of Bush in 04 and turned out to be completely wrong. Obama must win Florida but if he wins either of the other two, it will be a shock. As I said, I think that there is more chance of a shock in Indiana due to its proximity to illinois but we will have to wait and see...
They were not Pakistani soldiers. You are absolutely clueless
Pakistani soldiers fired at American reconnaissance helicopters that were escorting Afghan and U.S. ground troops along the volatile border Thursday, sparking a five-minute ground battle between the countries which have been allies in the war on terrorism, officials said.

Attempting to play down the incident — the first serious exchange with Pakistani forces acknowledged by the U.S.


what an idiot :rolleyes:

and obama with a 4 point lead .. hope he opens that up soon .. 4 points can turn around very easily
No, but it has to count for something, as for Obama, wanting to go into Pakistan I mean wtf I hope he loses the election
He said he would go into Pakistan if the Pakistanis totally failed to deal with those tribes themselves. Which is very sensible and not close to what you are claiming. You seem to have forgotten Bin Laden is America's priority. Not Pakistan's.

As for him losing the election over that. You can't be serious. McCain will just feck up the economy further, the global financial system along with it, weaken the American army even more and worst of all continue wasting precious time in Iraq as Bin Laden and Al Quaeda revive themselves.
Ok, but why is being wounded in Vietnam a service to the nation?
Another point of view could be that refusing the draft or escaping to Canada WAS a better service to America.

How about that?

That's fecking rediculous. Unless we're talking about Biden and his 5 deferals or whatever. Then of course it's ok......

Lame answer from Palin, asshole reporter.

I'v got no problem, with people taking shots at Palin when she gives answers like that but again, where is all the hooplah when Biden fecks up. I didn't see a thing when he made his huge depression feck up. Not a peep. Had it been Palin it would have been the lead story for at least a week. How about some equal opportunity bashing for a change.

As fo the debate, I'd probably call it a draw with maybe a slight edge to McCain. But this was the one he should have done the best on so TTFWIW. The only real problem was that Obama said he agreed with McCain too much. Look for that phrase to be conspicuously missing in their next debate. The next debates will be tough for McCain given the current situation with bailouts by the government. Obama will drive home the continuation of the Bush policies and McCain will try and convince people Obama will have to raise taxes. Should be interesting.
Lame answer from Palin, asshole reporter.

I'v got no problem, with people taking shots at Palin when she gives answers like that but again, where is all the hooplah when Biden fecks up. I didn't see a thing when he made his huge depression feck up. Not a peep. Had it been Palin it would have been the lead story for at least a week. How about some equal opportunity bashing for a change.

As fo the debate, I'd probably call it a draw with maybe a slight edge to McCain. But this was the one he should have done the best on so TTFWIW. The only real problem was that Obama said he agreed with McCain too much. Look for that phrase to be conspicuously missing in their next debate. The next debates will be tough for McCain given the current situation with bailouts by the government. Obama will drive home the continuation of the Bush policies and McCain will try and convince people Obama will have to raise taxes. Should be interesting.

The difference being that Biden can speak intelligently about issues and cite specifics. The Palin Couric interview is just the tip of the iceberg about how viscerally unready she is to do anything in the political realm. This type of comedy may even reduce her popularity in Alaska.
The John McCain Reality Filter...

McCain was on 'This Week with George S...' saying it was critical for him to be in Washington DC to oversee the process of the $700 billion economic bailout. Yet, when the host asked him if he knew the details, McFooly said, 'No... I'm going to find out like the rest of the country, at around noon today...'

He nothing more and nothing less than the clueless turd in the White House, now.
The difference being that Biden can speak intelligently about issues and cite specifics. The Palin Couric interview is just the tip of the iceberg about how viscerally unready she is to do anything in the political realm. This type of comedy may even reduce her popularity in Alaska.

Biden should be able to. He's a career politician in Washington. She's a new comer. I'm expecting Palin to have a pretty poor deabte and more than likely hurt McCains campaign. But to be fair it was an up hill for any repub to win this election. I'm fairly moderate so I like things about both candidates but there are things about both I really dislike. I still think the treatment of Palin extremely harsh compared to the other 3. You can disagree with her views but much of what we've seen has been pretty vile.
Biden should be able to. He's a career politician in Washington. She's a new comer. I'm expecting Palin to have a pretty poor deabte and more than likely hurt McCains campaign. But to be fair it was an up hill for any repub to win this election. I'm fairly moderate so I like things about both candidates but there are things about both I really dislike. I still think the treatment of Palin extremely harsh compared to the other 3. You can disagree with her views but much of what we've seen has been pretty vile.

I think Palin's treatment has been appropriate given her lack of ability to speak intelligently about the issues. She is after all running for a position that may lead to her becoming President of the United States, therefore press should continue to ask the tough questions. If she's up to the task, her answers will eventually appease everyone's interest and the narrative will move on - but as we've seen in the Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric interviews, she's no more ready to be VP than any random state legislator in the US.
Ok, but why is being wounded in Vietnam a service to the nation?
Another point of view could be that refusing the draft or escaping to Canada WAS a better service to America.

How about that?

This is one of the most pathetic posts I have ever seen
I think Palin's treatment has been appropriate given her lack of ability to speak intelligently about the issues. She is after all running for a position that may lead to her becoming President of the United States, therefore press should continue to ask the tough questions. If she's up to the task, her answers will eventually appease everyone's interest and the narrative will move on - but as we've seen in the Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric interviews, she's no more ready to be VP than any random state legislator in the US.

Gibson and Couric both talked down to her especially Gibson. One example was the whole "Bush Doctrine". What exactly is that? For one, there is no official doctrine so it's essentially down to the interpritation of the individual. There would different opinions depending on what timeframe of his presdency you are looking at. Her answers are very generic and often over simplified (the ones I've seen anyway). If you ask me shes a skilled politician in the way she sidesteps directly answering an question. All of the four primary individuals answer are generic. Palins are just much more under the microscope right now. Whih is fine considering people need to get to know her but treat her with the same respect you'd give the Obama or McCain.
Gibson and Couric both talked down to her especially Gibson. One example was the whole "Bush Doctrine". What exactly is that? For one, there is no official doctrine so it's essentially down to the interpritation of the individual. There would different opinions depending on what timeframe of his presdency you are looking at. Her answers are very generic and often over simplified (the ones I've seen anyway). If you ask me shes a skilled politician in the way she sidesteps directly answering an question. All of the four primary individuals answer are generic. Palins are just much more under the microscope right now. Whih is fine considering people need to get to know her but treat her with the same respect you'd give the Obama or McCain.

She didn't know what the Bush doctrine is. It speaks to her level of foreign policy knowledge. She is running for Vice President so it was a very fair question. Had she provided an intelligent answer we wouldn't be discussing this now. The media should continue to intensely scrutinize her given her aspirations to be the VP.
She didn't know what the Bush doctrine is. It speaks to her level of foreign policy knowledge. She is running for Vice President so it was a very fair question. Had she provided an intelligent answer we wouldn't be discussing this now.

There is no formal Bush Doctrine so how could someone know it? Some would define a "Bush Doctrie" as focusing on homeland security and attacking terrorists off US soil. Others might say it's a 'go it alone' attitude in world policy that has ignored world opinion. But to say she diidn't know is flat out wrong as there isn't one. Her answer to that specific question was reasonable but there have been others that are puzzling. Again I say if your going to ask her to provide intellegent answers then ask her counter part Biden to do the same. Why don't we ask Biden to explain the FDR on television comment considering Hoover was pres and tv was still a technology not used by everyday people? Simple mispoken comment or blathering uneducated idiot?
There is no formal Bush Doctrine so how could someone know it? Some would define a "Bush Doctrie" as focusing on homeland security and attacking terrorists off US soil. Others might say it's a 'go it alone' attitude in world policy that has ignored world opinion. But to say she diidn't know is flat out wrong as there isn't one. Her answer to that specific question was reasonable but there have been others that are puzzling. Again I say if your going to ask her to provide intellegent answers then ask her counter part Biden to do the same. Why don't we ask Biden to explain the FDR on television comment considering Hoover was pres and tv was still a technology not used by everyday people? Simple mispoken comment or blathering uneducated idiot?

Anyone seeking national office should be able to talk extensively about George Bush's post 9/11 policies, including Sarah Palin. Charlie Gibson asked a perfectly normal question and she gave him the Moose in the headlights look. McCain, Obama, and Biden would've answered without flinching and the interview would've moved on without notice. I say it again, no one would notice these issues if she had the ability to speak intelligently about the the topics presented. Candidates who seek higher elected office should be able to answer questions like this without hesitation. If she can't last 5 minutes with Gibson or Couric, then she's going to struggle for 90 minutes with Joe Biden.
The John McCain Reality Filter...

McCain was on 'This Week with George S...' saying it was critical for him to be in Washington DC to oversee the process of the $700 billion economic bailout. Yet, when the host asked him if he knew the details, McFooly said, 'No... I'm going to find out like the rest of the country, at around noon today...'

He nothing more and nothing less than the clueless turd in the White House, now.

Palin and McCain must be reading from the same script......think they already made it into a film........

...it was called Clueless..