U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
so is the fact Obama's campaign filing a lawsuit to prevent this action by the GOP in Michigan fake?
I suppose the GOP mailing absentee voter forms that if used would cause their votes to be ignored is also false? this happening in Florida and Wisconsin...at least....
...and I know this is true because I was told about this by a friend who actually got such a ballot....and surprise surprise...the vast majority of people are Democrats...

Mr Fresno Bob you cannot dispute the fact...that the GOP always wants low voter turnouts...and the Democrats always want higher turnouts....as a whole.....

...and I dont want to get into what actually happened in Ohio in 2004...yes Kerry won.....'Ken I will sell my soul if I still have it Blackwell' worked this for his master Bush!
Red--What I pointed out on the McComb County situation was that the only known source of information was of rather questionable source. I wouldn't rely solely on that to create a witch hunt. As far as the Obama campaign filing suit, anyone familiar with the legal system knows it takes very little to file cases, so the fact one exists is of no evidentiary value.

The mail-in voter situation is different and I expressed my concerns previously that the absentee voter system in place is ripe for abuse. I much prefer having people show up to vote in person so we know they actually vote and can conduct their business at the polls free from outside influences. In elections, my primary contribution is to work at the precinct passing out and collecting the ballots. As we are told in our pep talk every election, we are there to help people vote.

My experience is that neither GOP nor Democrat are pure and innocent of manipulating the vote, and I'd be willing to prosecute anyone who violates the election laws here in California.

You are far too excitable and partisan. Relax before you have a heart attack; the election is still a long ways off and if you keel over in the near future, you'll miss your chance to vote. Writing in complete sentences would also be appreciated.
FB I believe you when you say you have not seen irregularities....this stuff happens too frequently in swing states to be a coincidence....and it is a pity that voters on both sides begin to become 'partisan' as you rightly say I am...I was not always this way...what has brought me to despair is seeing a minority...like both evangelicals and neo cons pull the old Republican party to what it has now become...a full fledged Confederate party....many respectable Republicans....finally are giving up...probably the last straw was seeing the nomination of Palin......I said this in 2004...the South Finally won after all...tragic....I am not going to excuse the Democratic party either....Obama winning the nomination was a final break from the 'old style' business as usual democratic party of people like Carville.....Bill and Hillary...again would have been totally depressing....speaking of Carville....his wife Matlind (sp)...are snakes....these are the types of people living off the blood of ordinary people...playing one side against the other....

I still believe whoever wins....McCain and Obama will probably have each other in their cabinet...that is the only way to heal the nation....

I will agree the Democrats have used their own 'tactics' in the past...the Daley machine is famous for this.....

true I am excited...as much as I bitch.....I am actually enjoying this....and I have rechecked my registration many times...these Republican moles are everywhere.. :D.....

I write the way I speak when I am excited....... :)

...and keep those Republicans from voting twice will you..... :p
It seems McCain doesn't want to debate Obama on Friday anymore.

Have you been living under a rock these past couple of weeks?

There's something of an economic crisis going on so I hear. McCain has taken the sensible step of postponing the debate so that the necessary legislation can be passed.

It should surprise nobody that Obama is far more concerned about himself rather than the countries financial difficulties.
Have you been living under a rock these past couple of weeks?

There's something of an economic crisis going on so I hear. McCain has taken the sensible step of postponing the debate so that the necessary legislation can be passed.

It should surprise nobody that Obama is far more concerned about himself rather than the countries financial difficulties.

How many votes did McCain miss in the senate? Now he's deciding they need his vote. What a coward. He's becoming a joke
Have you been living under a rock these past couple of weeks?

There's something of an economic crisis going on so I hear. McCain has taken the sensible step of postponing the debate so that the necessary legislation can be passed.

It should surprise nobody that Obama is far more concerned about himself rather than the countries financial difficulties.

:lol: are you Davis? poor campaign so far btw....

..neither of them is needed...heck even the best economists are not sure what is going to work...but just doing 'something' is not the solution...and certainly not giving Bush a blank check......

both parties are against a blank check btw...finally we have agreement....we need strong oversight...and I suspect we will come to some number...but nowhere near what has been asked....and this may surprise you....I think both McCain and Obama in private will agree on some form of help.....

...and fyi...the campaign is not a popularity contest like the MSM would paint it to be....with the exception of Palin the bimbo who cannot balance her own checkbook...she can piss off back to the caribous....

..so the campaign Must go on....McCain wants time out cause he is totally confused.....Fact!
Have you been living under a rock these past couple of weeks?

There's something of an economic crisis going on so I hear. McCain has taken the sensible step of postponing the debate so that the necessary legislation can be passed.

It should surprise nobody that Obama is far more concerned about himself rather than the countries financial difficulties.

This is clearly a ploy by McCain to revive his crumbling campaign and Obama made some good points about this.

1. What better time for the US public to hear about how their next President is going to resolve this issue long term than a Presidential debate. McCain being in Washington vs Mississippi will not serve to solve the financial crisis.

2. Presidents need to multitask in order to do their jobs. If he were up for the job, McCain should be able to do more than one thing in a given day.

3. The Presidential campaign is not about a candidate or person, but rather about the future of the country.

All in all, McCain has put himself in a bad spot by doing this after earlier saying the fundementals of the economy are sound, and now FLIP-FLOPPING by completely suspending his campaign because Obama has seized the momentum away from him again.
This is clearly a ploy by McCain to revive his crumbling campaign and Obama made some good points about this.
I don't know if I'd call it a ploy as much as a gamble, a very risky gamble. One I think he'll lose.

1. What better time for the US public to hear about how their next President is going to resolve this issue long term than a Presidential debate. McCain being in Washington vs Mississippi will not serve to solve the financial crisis.
We've already heard enough rhetoric from both candidates and their surrogates. However, I think he should still be able to do both. Both these men are still Senators and supposedly influential ones. Go do your job in DC and then do the debate.

2. Presidents need to multitask in order to do their jobs. If he were up for the job, McCain should be able to do more than one thing in a given day.
Same as above

3. The Presidential campaign is not about a candidate or person, but rather about the future of the country.
That almost sounds like "Country First"!!!! McCain? Is that you? :p
I think I follow what you're saying here but I think it's a bit of both. Campaigns are about cadidates and the country.
I don't know if I'd call it a ploy as much as a gamble, a very risky gamble. One I think he'll lose.

We've already heard enough rhetoric from both candidates and their surrogates. However, I think he should still be able to do both. Both these men are still Senators and supposedly influential ones. Go do your job in DC and then do the debate.

Same as above

That almost sounds like "Country First"!!!! McCain? Is that you? :p
I think I follow what you're saying here but I think it's a bit of both. Campaigns are about cadidates and the country.

The bottom line is that the candidates need to debate in order to give the people an insight as to who they want to lead the country. Its quite obvious that McCain isn't ready to debate, but that doesn't mean he can flip flop on the rules. Its the people who lose out when they're denied a chance to see the candidates discuss the issues.
Now for this short and very interesting commercial break...

Furthermore, Mr Davis (McChicken-Shit's campaign manager had been recieving $15k per month (in total, nearly $2 million over the past few years) from the failed lender Fanny Mae, up until a month ago... McCain and his staff have been lying about it, saying this is media fiction. As Keith Oberman of the MSNBC states, 'He team of reporters have confirmed this with 6 different sources and a representitive of the GOP.

I am beginning to see the sense in McChicken-Shit's strategy of 'Suspending the Campaign'. I only wonder if this would work whilst President of the USA? George Bush might have been in a constant state of 'Suspension'... hey wait, that might explain the reaction to Hurricane Katrina.
Not that I'm doubting you but do you have a source other than Keith "From Way Down Town, BANG" Olberman? I haven't seen a report yet and Keith is just the lefts version of Hannity or Limbaugh.
Not that I'm doubting you but do you have a source other than Keith "From Way Down Town, BANG" Olberman? I haven't seen a report yet and Keith is just the lefts version of Hannity or Limbaugh.

I'd bet the Washington Post is on top of it.

Here's on from the NY Times 2 hrs ago:



Washington Post: (although, they have yesterday's news which is incomplete... it's come out that he was payed up until a month ago, which is the breaking story, as of late yesterday)


I'd say this should finish off McChicken-Shit.

In all truth, nothing could possibly be worse news for McCain... not even if he had fathered Palin's 17 yr old daughter's baby.
Rather than create 500 threads on the different twists and turns of this race... I'm coming back here for the debate, tonight.

The only that might rescue Sen. John McCain from the onslaught of negative media that has deservingly gone his way, is if he express' great anger for the position of the Republican Party on the $700 billion bill proposal negotiations.

The stubborn position of asking for MORE deregulation and cutting more taxes, when more banks are looming upon failure is beyond irresponsible. It is the very definition of evil.

Millions of people are going to listen to Obama explain the ludacrous antics of the GOP, and McCain hasn't a feckin' chance if he begins to defend it or step aside to avoid the importance of the urgency of Regulation Reform.
I know, it's so funny that people are talking all this crap about McCain being the same as Bush when Obama clearly is the one wants more conflict
Obama wants to go into tribal areas to take out bin Laden, it won't be a conflict with Pakistan :rolleyes:
The Christian Right have always put me off the Republicans, if it wasn't for all the social conservatism I would probably root for them.

Obama sounds longwinded, McCain sounds patronising.
Obama wants to go into tribal areas to take out bin Laden, it won't be a conflict with Pakistan :rolleyes:


There are 80,000 Pakistan troops in the tribal areas. The government of Pakistan has stated that it won't allow US troops across the border.

Can you imagine the instability that a US invasion of the tribal areas would cause in Pakistan? There would be utter chaos. Chaos in a country with nuclear weapons.

There are 80,000 Pakistan troops in the tribal areas. The government of Pakistan has stated that it won't allow US troops across the border.

Can you imagine the instability that a US invasion of the tribal areas would cause in Pakistan? There would be utter chaos. Chaos in a country with nuclear weapons.

Errr, I'm sure the government of Pakistan can be persuaded using diplomacy and incentives. They don't control those areas, they will let US go in. And there wouldn't be utter chaos at all, a joint operation will contribute to far more stability than Pakistan is in now

It's ok though, lets leave al qaida alone, lets kill innocent Iraqis instead :rolleyes:
Errr, I'm sure the government of Pakistan can be persuaded using diplomacy and incentives. They don't control those areas, they will let US go in. And there wouldn't be utter chaos at all, a joint operation will contribute to far more stability than Pakistan is in now

It's ok though, lets leave al qaida alone, lets kill innocent Iraqis instead :rolleyes:

You don't understand the situation I'm afraid. The overwhelming majority of people in Pakistan would be outraged if US troops were fighting on their soil.

Therefore the government of Pakistan won't have the backing needed to sanction a joint operation in the tribal areas. There is already uproar in Pakistan over a few US cross border attacks in the past month or so. The risk of the fundamentalists getting their hands on Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is far greater than any threat currently posed from the tribal areas. If the US was to invade the tribal areas, the chaos in the aftermath would give the fundis their best chance of taking power.

We shouldn't forget that as we watched the reaction to 9/11 around the world one country in particular stood out in its sheer delight at America's loss.

Do you not remember the scenes?
McCain did little to make up the necessary ground on Obama's lead. Sarah Palin's calamatous interview with Katie Couric should set team maverick back a few more points in the polls.